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Adam Lambert Fan Art From @CreativeSharka: New illustrated @adamlambert "Emoji" Version

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, May 19, 2017

Posted at : Friday, May 19, 2017

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS



Dee R Gee said...

Y'know, I like this. And Adam is one of the very few who can actually make his hair do that. :)

Nanbert said...

To even suggest that that gorgeous man should present himself like this staggers the imagination.....sacrilege, IMO!

Shave off most of his hair and make the rest into a mohawk, chicken-combed, strange-colored thing... and then paint a design over that handsome face? WHY?

If you're going that far, why not take it to it's final conclusion.....shave his entire head and face and cover it in multi-colored tattoos?

Besides his unequalled voice, Adam has other advantages over most of his peers...his extraordinary looks, his gorgeous hair, and his marvelous personality. Don't mess with them!

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Guess I'm just not into "Emoji's" ... no comment!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Nanbert said...

Adam is NOT a cartoon character, not a "paper-doll" toy...... but a serious world-class artist...a "grown-ass" man...

Dee R Gee said...

Well, I guess I was just looking at it as artist exaggeration, colorful and kind of funky.

glitzylady said...

It's simply a fun variation of the emoji that was one of the emoji's that showed up when Adam tweeted the emoji the other day.. I have no problem with @CreativeSharka's drawing of how Adam might look as the emoji.

When Adam tweeted the emoji (which spurred on all kinds of speculation as to it's meaning, hidden or otherwise), there were several different representations of it, depending upon what "device" you were viewing it on.. It looked different on my Mac laptop, my iPad and my phone.. All 3 different.. No clue why. The Bowie emoji was one of them.. Apparently Adam liked it too.

I use emoji's all the time in text messages, in tweets, on Instagram, and in emails.. No biggie.

glitzylady said...

And it's a David Bowie emoji, and we know how much Adam loves Bowie...

Nanbert said...

Does this mean we can now expect to start seeing dozens of Adam "Profile Emojis"?

Nanbert said...

FYI .... I need to clarify some of my above statements. First, I believe CreativeSharka is very talented, especially in design and craftsmanship.

Where she really shines is in her extraordinary posters... where she incorporates ACTUAL PHOTOS of Adam, or QAL, in dynamic, fanciful and artistic backgrounds and designs. There are far too few of those creations, IMO. They are quite unique, one-of-a-kind... and very collectible. I always copy them from my computer to keep with my Adam memorabilia.

I know that the majority of you love Creative Sharka's "cartoon" drawings and characters of Adam and, while not my cup of tea, I have to admit many are "cute", fairly original in design, and well executed. I just don't see Adam in that way... a question of individual preference, IMO.

I also know that many, if not most, of you also love CreativeSharka's "Profile Series", depicting Adam's different "looks"... and undoubtedly copy and collect them for yourselves.
However, that is really where I part company, finding it "cookie cutter" art, where the "icing and sprinkles" are changed on each mostly identical cookie...WELL beneath CreativeSharka's talent and creative abilities, IMO. Also, the "cookie" only barely resembles Adam! I despair of seeing them ad infinitum!

Finally, I did not intend to offend anyone, least of all CreativeSharka and her admirers, but need to explain where I'm coming from. We all are entitled to differ in taste and preferences, IMO.

Perhaps a bit more variety in artists/artwork would be helpful?

blu said...

I'm with you Nanbert . . . different strokes for different folks . . . and I don't like the shaved look . . . on anybody . . .

blu said...

Love the posters . . can't wait to see them . .

Nanbert said...

Blu... me, too. The posters are probably harder to make, and more time consuming....but they display much more artistry and flare.....and they are more adult presentations... which should appeal to a wider fan base for CreativeSharka.

Anonymous said...

This is different & Adam likes different.

For those who don't like CreativeSharka's "Profile Series" or some of her other art, scroll on by, & thus not spoil it for those who enjoy them. Nanbert, you've made your point - loudly & clearly - so let's move on.

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Maybe not 'emojis' but ..... I Still LOVE all of ......... @CreativeSharks's "chibis" ... there isn't one I don't like ... they are all so cute & clever & I can see ADAM in a sweeter different light when I look at them ... different art taste ... I suppose!! However .. that does not take away her unique gift in all the different phases that she portrays ADAM!! True Artistry!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Nanbert said...

Lambert Outlaw -- visit --- there's hundreds of them there for your pleasure....including many that you haven't seen here. Enjoy!

Adamfan53 said...

I think what I find most concerning is how much time some talented artists spend on Adam. I hope they are not so obsessed their obvious talents are not able to flourish into a future career. I don't mean to criticise but it does worry me. Very talented artist though.

Nanbert said...

Adamfan53....Obviously for love of Adam...also attracts a lot of attention and accolades, with so many admirers/captive audience/Adam fans... and certainly great advertising for commission work... among a few rewards.