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Photo of Adam Lambert at After Party 6-28-17

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Thursday, June 29, 2017

Posted at : Thursday, June 29, 2017

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Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Nanbert said...

I recognize Greg Louganis (the multi-medaled Olympic diver) in the third from the top photo... with white hair... with name of "Lambrits" underneath. He's still handsome!

Top photo -- Adam's Dad looks so proud... can you imagine what he's feeling?

I'm sure Adam is euphoric performing in his home town with all his friends and family in attendance.....and celebrating with them afterwards. So happy for him!

Nanbert said...

Wow, that see-through shirt of Adam's (above)... not my favorite.

But I sure won't complain about Adam's costumes for the tour...they are all perfect. I've been watching all the videos I can find, and I think I've finally seen all of them....and I think I've decided which is my favorite.

When Adam sings "It's Late" and "Who Wants To Live Forever", he wears a glitzy all-black suit.The jacket, shiny black and silver pin-striped...and shiny black shirt buttoned to the top, and untucked, were what he wore when he sang with Saara Aalto during the finals of XFactor UK.

But it didn't work as well then, because his pants were dull black leather-looking.

However, THIS time he added sparkly black pants which really made the whole outfit "POP"! That, coupled with tucking in the shirt, wearing a belt and wearing the shirt part-way unbuttoned really made the whole outfit just perfect ...flashy, sparkly, sexy, sophisticated, gorgeous...and classy, IMO. He looked SO FINE!

In a different concert, he wore the same outfit, but with the shirt untucked and no apparent belt..maybe he didn't have enough time during the change. But the tucked-in shirt and belted pants are BY FAR more attractive, IMO.

Which costume was your favorite? It would be interesting to know how everyone feels.

glitzylady said...

About Adam's see thru shirt.. I'd personally LOVEEEEE to have an up close and personal moment with Adam in that shirt.. Just a quick minute would do. Meet & greet, photo op, whatever, I'd take it!!!

And my favorite costume on this current tour?? I'm loving the silver outfit he wears at the finale. It's spectacular!!!

Nanbert said...

glitzylady....what did you have in mind....that only takes a minute? hehe

But did you see that photo above, with that fellow "copping a feel" as he put it, of Adam?
How good a friend do you have to be to do that? Adam doesn't seem to mind. Could females do it, too? Wonder if any of them's tried. LOL

That would only take a minute!!!!

Yeah, and I love that silver outfit, too. It runs a close second. But, truth be told, they are all great. I am really impressed with every one!