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Brian May Instagrm: This is specially for some git at the New York Times - ha ha ! Yes it's real !!! 😃with love - Bri! #adamlambert

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, July 21, 2017

Posted at : Friday, July 21, 2017

A post shared by Brian Harold May (@brianmayforreal) on

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS 



LTA said...

TAKE THAT NEW YORK TIMES!!! They always sing live!!!:)

Dee R Gee said...

So glad that the guys set the record straight with NO DOUBT! I remember that review and how ticked off Brian was by it. QAL can sing LIVE perfectly! No doubt.

blu said...

I remember that article too!!!

Lam-My said...

Why would they need to sing their recorded music/songs...these are very experienced well-honed singers, the whole group sings like a full choir; their harmonisation is so interwoven and now Adam adds on to it...a breathtaking Queen choir. Actually, we can hear subtle differences if it's recorded, details in the voices/notes less pronounced/sharp. Actually, I was rather impressed by their Happy Birthday harmonisation to Brian.

Lam-My said...

I think Adam has benefitted much as a member of Queen; they are indeed a well-oiled band, a show-stopper; their harmonisation has been perfected to the last note. Adam, just like them, hammers the pitch right on the head, faultless and when he changes key, you actually don't know; also his power to deliver those surreal notes to drive home the message of the song with passion.

Anonymous said...

Beautifully sung. <3

Unknown said...

'The harmonies sounded suspiciously good' is what the git wrote apparently. Sounds like the biggest compliment you could get.