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Trey Campbell Instagram: Missing You Two @iamjojo @adamlambert

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, October 27, 2017

Posted at : Friday, October 27, 2017

A post shared by Trey Campbell (@treycampbellmusic) on

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Nanbert said...

O-o-oh....those pants of Adam's are even uglier than usual!

What's even weirder is that they are "patched" from the inside, so all the "raggety" still shows, even when the skin doesn't.

Who is the "inspired" designer who thought up "deconstructed" clothing? More importantly, HOW did he/she convince everyone that it was attractive....?

It's kind of "the Emperor's clothing" syndrome!

Anonymous said...

The "raggety" the better, apparently.

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

I guess "beauty" has to be left to the beholder because what I see ... I don't GET!! The girl's "attire" doesn't thrill me either!! Ah youth!! So wasted on the young!! Back to my musicals of the 50's & 60's!! Thank goodness his pants don't have an effect on his Beautiful Face & Hair!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Unknown said...

I'd rather have holes in clothes than in body parts. Piercings are horrible.

Nanbert said...

Marielle....Good Point! Adam seems to have a penchant for piercing his ears in different places, and I constantly worry that he will decide to "mess" with his face...i.e. nose, lips, tongue, eyebrows, etc.....that you see a lot of weirdos doing. E-e-e-ew! So ugly!

Unknown said...

Not to mention other body parts that we never get to see 😱.

Nanbert said...

Haha, Marielle.... you took the words right out of my mouth! However, now that you brought it up, I remember Adam DID pierce his nipples a good while ago...don't know if they still are. There was a video of Allison (sometime after AI) hugging him... and it hurt him because of his recent piercing.