OT, Just heard that "Roseanne" suddenly got cancelled due to Roseanne's racist and Islamophobic tweet about Valerie Jarrett, an aide to Barack Obama. ABC took immediate action. Media firestorm to follow.
Oh my! Too bad Roseanne has such a big mouth...like Trump...no filters...too bad Trump can't be "cancelled"so easily... yet!
I feel sorry for all the people involved with "Rosanne".... they had a hit, with the promise of a great season/s and a lucretive job....and now they're all out of work! I wouldn't be surprised if another network didn't pick them up....unfortunately, probably FOX. Then, it will definitely lean more towards Trumpism.
The cast of Roseanne include some pretty big names. I don't know what their contracts say, but they'll be all right. At least one spoken out already against Roseanne's tweet. Maybe others will, too.
Singapore is a lot older than 149 years of history. She dates all the way back to the Third century; recorded in the Annals of China that Junks blown by Monsoon winds reached an Island to the South of a Peninsula/Malaya. Much later, traders from China and India flocked to this Island; they barter-traded Chinese silk for Indian spices, gems. It was a half-way house and these Junks and ships needed repair. The plus point is the Singapore Harbour is very deep and sheltered. Now, President Trump and N Korean Leader Kim Jong Un are stepping into a piece of ancient History while making modern History of their own !
Patria...As you know, the first choice by Trump and Kim, was the DMZ that divides North/ South Korea. I thought that would be meaningful and historic; but the American side said it is too conciliatory/one-sided. Now, on hindsight they are right because with all these back-and-forth, on-off negotiations, it's better to be on neutral ground. Moreover, it may need more followups, like Kim wants it done in stages, by installments, depending largely on Trump's consent; so that may need verification from time to time if necessary by a neutral third party. I would like this Trump-Kim Summit to have 100% success because it literally affects millions of lives. Imagine if a nuclear war breaks out! with plausible countries taking sides! God be with all of us!
Rosanne has made racist/ conspiracy comments fro ages, everyone working on that show knew what they were signing up for. Those with integrity wouldn’t work for her, so I don’t feel sorry to those losing their jobs. Sometimes you just have to take a stand for doing what is right. It’s called integrity
Allysa, you are so right! Thank goodness we can still depend on Disney to have integrity. I'd like to believe the other networks would do the same.
As far as the Summit is concerned.... imagine the two most pompous, self-centered asses in the world making decisions about all OUR lives! That keeps me up at night!
If the meeting happens at all, I think Trump will fold at some point like he did when he went and met with Mexico's president. He's already folded to Kim Jong Un once.
I agree, Allysa. No pity for the rest of the cast. It sounds like they all made a good chunk of money on this one season they just did anyway.
Adam in London. Looks incredible. London Dandy https://www.facebook.com/AdamLambert/photos/a.453778728650.242723.82805678650/10155738128773651/?type=3&theater
Love that outfit! Most guys couldn't pull it off. But Adam can, of course. Even that neck tie thing works on him. And bell-bottoms? They are very sexy on him, too! Can't wait for these shows he will be on and the PR he will be doing!
This Summit is not about who is folding to whom...that is much too narrow a view; it's about Saving the Globe! Even if President Trump folds, or not, if he can save millions of lives God will bless him.
Lam-My ... My Glam Sister .. it is quite obvious that you don't see what is really going on in our country!! The man who sits in the oval office .. #NotMyPresident .. isn't interested in saving anyone but himself & scoring a Nobel Peace Prize in the process!! He is cutting funds for people who saved all their lives so we won't have to starve when we get old!! He has thrown out practically every good thing our former President Obama accomplished in his 8 yr. tenure in office!! Every bad thing that happens here he has "no knowledge" about & he blames on the opposite party .. he won't give an inch to anything bipartisan that is put before him & here's the kicker ... he thinks that Hitler .. Putin & other megalomaniacs like himself are Great Men!!
Sorry hon, I'm not holding my breath for a positive outcome from any summit meeting with N. Korea ... not while this person holds the office of the President of the USA!! Heaven HELP America!! That is who GOD should Bless!! WE are the ones who need HIS Blessings!!
Hi Tess... You are right! I don't know the inside running of your country regarding details like cutting of funds that you pointed out and other issues. To be fair, I never once claim I know much about how your country is run! And so it's not right for you to insinuate that I do.
However, that does not mean I can't give credit to Mr Trump who has the gumption to undertake such a huge task of trying to denuclearise N Korea, potentially thwarting a nuclear war! The little steps I see that both sides are taking to meet each other halfway, like Kim Jong Un wants it done in phases but Trump states complete denuclearisation perhaps with a workable time-frame. Singapore is honoured to hose such a historic Summit which essentially could save millions of lives not only in this region but those long range nuclear missiles may be able to reach the US, a matter of time. And that's why President has to act fast. Yes, no doubt the US will annihilate N Korea but the US will suffer great irreparable devastation in the process...it's nuclear!
Mirela, LOL about Adam's boots. I hope he wore a pair he already owns. He says he has WAY too many boots. And I'm sure they're all pretty pricey. Damn, he looks good in that outfit. Hope to see the vids of his TV appearances soon!
From the dictionary: "only" means without others or anything further; alone; solely; exclusively
To whom it may concern: You just broke your own rule! by bringing in other info other than Adam only! Do unto yourself what you do unto others! No double standard, please!
Lam-My, Adam's grandparents were born in my country. Let's talk on this blog about what's happening in my country. What are the leaders of the country doing.
Mirela... I could if I know more about the subject matter. Basically, I'm not that attuned to politics but in the case of the upcoming historic Summit, it landed squarely in my country and so I just want to prepare/share a little of what to expect in Singapore, that's about it. But simmering beneath the surface, this Summit is crucial as it involves millions of lives whichever way it falls. Thank you for your response.
I'm not so keen on this outfit on Adam....it seems a bit too "prissy" IMO. Maybe it's because I never cared about that very unnatural type of shoulders...pointy and upturned. Also, the bell-bottoms are a little too "belled" at the bottom for my tastes, although I do like a less exaggerated version on him.
The color is great, both suit and shirt...and soft tie... but would love to see it in less exaggerated lines.... which makes it look old-fashioned.
As regards the Summit....I suspect it's going to be on and off ad infinitum....with both Trump and Kim practising one-upsmanship. Even if anything is accomplished, they will neither be dependable enough to lessen the tension or be believable and trustworthy.
In any case, Mirela has a good point....we should probably stick to discussing Adam...just because he was "born and bred" in America is completely unrelated to the politics of that Summit... or where it's located.
This Summit is related to the whole world and if there is no peace in the world, how would Adam be able to travel safely to perform; don't forget as I always say, the world is Adam's stage. In that regard the Summit is highly related to Adam's well-being and the fruition of his multi talents.
You talked about Roseanne...which is given as OT (off-topic above). So it's okay for you to go off-topic and at the same time tell someone she can't say something which is relevant!
How come Mirela didn't pick on Roseanne stated as off-topic? I want to take back my thanks to her for the response.
Helloo my CNN Fan! I just heard on New Day Live - 1 June 2018 two words that I just used several hours ago, same day (above)... *hypocrisy and *relevant. Oooh-la-la! When I heard *hypocrisy, I thought well that's a rather common word but followed up later by *relevant...two exact words I used above.
Ah, that reminds me of your contributions to two of my poems; you said 'a beautiful blue bridge', regarding the N/S Korea DMZ First meeting and I wrote a poem on it. Another one...'Urge to purge' (urge/yours, purge/mine). This is a slightly updated version lol!
An urge to purge surged Who will emerge the worst In this scathing smirch dirt Which has evolved and converged Into an even more convoluted murk Meanwhile Pharaoh dog Has no sofa to perch Cuz his Daddy is on a wild London lurk lol!
Lam-My......Wow! Amazing! A CNN Fan...who periodically uses YOUR words on a program! That's certainly worth bragging about!
I've noticed that you have mentioned several U.S. news reporter fans, and even the White House, who also quote words of yours from time to time. You must be very proud.
Strangely, "proud" is not what I feel nor what I was seeking in the first place. That's not who I am and I've always maintained you don't know me but you always think you do and try to analyse. Okay then, so how do I feel. Well, perhaps more of intrigue and a sense of achievement that I could reach people so far away and high up, where I will never be able to go, almost like outer-space. Perhaps that's why I have Alien friends too lol! Okay, the most awe-struck to me was *carnage, used by President Trump in his Inauguration Speech!
And mine: The attacker saw a fault-line, a crowded gay club, lax security, for him to execute maximum *carnage. (archaic for massacre) (June 13, 2016 at 7:24 PM)
Subsequently, it was used many times on news media like CNN and Newspapers.
Oh my! Absolutely unbelievable! Just imagine, President Trump used YOUR word, "carnage" in his Inauguration speech....along with CNN and other news media!
Now that you've become so well-known, maybe you should establish your own website....obviously your fans aren't coming to Adam Lambert 24/7 for news of Adam....but for your writing.
Don't know what to think of your "Alien friends"....are you serious, or "pulling our legs"?
I did not say I am well-known but if that was what I want, I would have gone onto bigger platforms. As for my writings, they are mostly Adam and Pharaoh centred, and on Queen when they perform with Adam. I also bring in things that are connected to the world in general, like the Summit which happens to be laid on my country's doorstep and we have to help as much as we can because we are all connected. And as someone who has written on 24/7 for 7 years and 2 years at other sites, a total of 9 years, following Adam...surely I can write something about my own Country which is about to host a crucial Summit that affects the world at large. In any case Adam and Queen have put up a tremendous show here in Singapore. You seem averse to the fact that I talk about my country and said above, that I should not delve into "the politics of that Summit...or *where it's located". Would you rather wait for a nuclear shrapnel to fall into your backyard...some things got to be nipped in the bud.
If you wish to quote me, do it accurately. What I actually said in the general comment above was was..."In any case, Mirela has a good point...we should probably stick to discussing Adam....just because he was "born and bred" in America is completely unrelated to the politics of that Summit... or where it's located".
If you and I....any or all of us....discussing it would make the slightest bit of difference, no one could shut me up.
But alas, it's out of our hands..... we are NOBODY in the scheme of such happenings.....so we might as well occupy ourselves with happier topics.....i.e. ADAM!
Adam is MUCH less anxiety-provoking.
However, good luck with your "nipping it in the bud".
"...we are NOBODY in the scheme of such happenings"
That does not mean I can't talk about it! Almost all people will never be able to go to the moon but everybody can talk about.
"...just because he was "born and bred" in America is completely unrelated to the politics of that Summit... or where it's located."
Your above statement is still faulty. America, where Adam is born and bred, is at highest risk if a nuclear war breaks out between America and N Korea...there was rhetoric regarding whose nuclear button is bigger and where their rockets are aimed at. This Summit is directly connected to where Adam is born and bred and not "incompletely unrelated"!
I do not think this is the blog where talks about humanity's issues and two political leaders who fight between them that have the bigger button. If the World were led by people as Adam did not think there were any problems.
Mirela...Yes, you're quite right. This site is where we can ALL escape from the world for a bit... to recharge our batteries...as Glamberts...NOT to expound on unrelated personal pet subjects. Mea Culpa!
My apologies!
Perhaps Lam-My could write DIRECTLY to all her CNN, NBC, FOX, etc. news reporter "fans" and White House "fans"... who, she claims, all quote her on a regular basis...and where her influential contacts can be put to good use. If her direct discourse to them can "nip it in the bud"...more power to her.
Two intimidated brains!! Can't fathom what's going on Rather remain in their mouldy drain Trying to direct others but in vain Widen your sphere of existence And feel the rain Not only in your own backyard There's a lot more out there to gain It's mind over matter...your stagnated brain Needs an uplift and not much time remains In any case, do not tell me What I should or could do Hypocrisy is not my cup of tea There are so many other empty threads How about just skip this one And continue your wayward ways Of spewing negativity, trying to subjugate Both of you will never be able to reach my designate My next destination...the Moon! for a tete-a-tete! lwl!
Ha ha...Mirela...are you quaking in your shoes? It appears we've been insulted...possibly cursed! "Double, double, toil and trouble"...the "Summit Tour Guide" has gone "to the Moon"..LOL.
NOW.... about Adam! Can't wait for the next tour of QAL, starting June 9th, in Madrid....15 performances...so far. Wonder if they'll make any changes in the staging or the song-list? I'd love to hear Adam sing "The Show Must Go On" again on the tour....or, at least in Las Vegas, when I'll be there...so excited about that!
Some logistics and tidbits: Kim Jong Un and delegation will be staying at the neo-classic Fullerton Hotel overlooking the Singapore River, as requested, $6,000 per suite per night. Mr Trump and delegation most likely staying at the Capella Hotel overlooking the Sentosa golf course or at Shangri-La.
Singapore has offered to pay part of the overall expenses as they want a successful Summit. Last year's Nobel Prize Winner for their Anti-Nuclear Program is using some of their prize money to foot part of the Summit bill. The actual Summit meeting place is not confirmed, narrowed down to 3 hotels: Shangri-La, Marina Bay Sands, Capella Sentosa.
By the way, both Trump and Kim will have a pot of orchid each, named after them, after the Summit; a tradition for foreign dignitaries. They will personally place a label in their pot of orchid of their choice, at the 158-year-old Botanic Gardens alongside those of Queen Elizabeth, Mandela, others; and it brings to mind the tragic, delicate white sprigs that Princess Diana never made it, to label personally; prepared for her 3 weeks in advance of her visit to Singapore. When Prince William and Kate came to Singapore 2012, they were shown the Princess Diana orchid flourishing beautifully in a pot, the only orchid named posthumously after her death. Prince William was very moved and said: It's beautiful!
Purged!!!! Feel better now? Good Tour Guide spiel!
However, surely you MUST realize that all the rich history, lovely "tidbits", etc. about your fine city will NOT matter one iota in the decisions reached...or not reached...there.....or why it was chosen in the first place. It is neutral territory,convenient, and they both agreed to it...that's ALL that matters to the principal parties.
Trump and Kim are NOT coming for a vacation to your delightful city.... but we may all end up wishing they had!
Keep in mind that we ALL dream of world peace...release from the constant fear of nuclear holocaust....and we all have a sense of helplessness about our fate....and the vagaries of the leaders in control of it.
Small wonder that we wish to step out from under that "cloud" for a while... away from the constant barrage of NEWS from all media.... and escape to Adam Lambert 24/7 for peace, fun, love and camaraderie....a quiet "eddy" where we can escape the "rapids" for a while.
Oh sure, we're all human, and sometimes news of the world creeps into our discourse. But it's usually only briefly, because we all came here to avoid it....as well as to just be Glamberts.
So...PEACE, Lam-MY....I'm sure that Tour Guide job is yours if you want it.
Live and let live! Adam said it loud and clear! So many other threads available...just skip those you see me writing in them; I usually concentrate on one or two like this one. That's what I do when I see your helluva boring rigmarole, I have to escape from you too!
One excuse after another to prevent me from writing what I feel strongly about. First it was Pharaoh that you tried to stop me from writing about, Adam's beloved dog. Then there was my occasional use of Chinese. Now it's about the Singapore Summit which is so mammoth and affects not just Adam, everybody worldwide! One excuse after another just to curb me from writing what I feel strongly. If you need to streamline topics according to your own appeal, you need to have your own site cuz this 24/7 site does not belong to you! Learn tolerance and share this 24/7 space that I have been writing at for 7 years, a lot longer time than you. Another practical solution:...Go fly a kite!
Finally I shone a teeny weeny light through two impervious brains!! who say they need another person's brain to light their way. We each have our own brain. Send out your own light to help diffuse the darkness!
Yes! Avoid the threads/posts where I write about things that I feel strongly regardless which Side! I have been like this from the beginning, writing on 24/7 since 2011.
Not bad...combine cooking with singing! I think he also wants to exorcise er exercise his voice for the upcoming QAL tour starting Thursday June 7 2018. Aha! Might this be a teeny weeny bit of his new solo song on QAL.
Helloo Will Ripley! Welcome to Singapore! I just saw you posing nearby our ole Merlion saying it's half lion half fish. Well, you are all set to report on the Meeting of the Century as described by you; smiling confidently as opposed to your serious demeanour when you report in N Korea. I understand 2,000 foreign journalists will converge here so you must be one of the early birds. Will be following your reports on CNN. See you 12 June, rain or shine.
Wah! The Summit drill in the sky, very loud just above my block...flying low beneath the cloud cover...two fighter jets flanking a much larger jet/ perhaps simulating Air Force 1 or the N Korean plane (its first long-distance flight) flying into Singapore. Second time...they have just repeated the same format, 3 quaint planes I've not seen before not the usual F16; also with more jets flying above the cloud cover, can't see those, loud. Oki dok time for Checkmate! By the way, on the actual chessboard, the black king piece and the white king piece can never meet face to face; both will be killed, so that is not Checkmate! it's called Stalemate! or No mate! lol! What will the real chessboard/Singapore reveal lwl!
Therefore we need the Knight The only piece that can jump above the fight Steal the limelight Yep, you got it right...it's none other than Handsome Knight of the Night Hello Hello Three Maestros! Brian Roger Adam with beautiful Pharaoh on tow No nuclear bows and arrows Just Love to take us somewhere over the rainbow...
Okay, I just saw 3 helicopters + 1 Chinook, formation...these most likely will carry the equipment. I read somewhere...maybe bringing his own limo and even toilet. By the way, the hotel flush systems here have senses, no handle or knob required, they know when the business is done and flush on their own. lol!
3 commemorative medallions for 12 June 2018 Trump-Kim Singapore Summit (Images: Singapore Mint)
The front of the medallion features a handshake between the two leaders - which is minted with high-relief minting technique - and the national flags of both countries. The North Korean flag is depicted on the left, while the US flag is placed on the right. This represents both countries' positions on the political spectrum, explained the Singapore Mint. The summit date and text "Summit in Singapore" are also minted at the top of the medallion. The back of the medallion features a peace dove "which embodies the significance of the summit to bring about world peace", said the Singapore Mint. The national flowers of US and North Korea - the rose and magnolia sieboldii - are also featured on the back.
All three commemorative medallions are available for pre-order from Tuesday onwards at Singapore Mint's retail outlets and website.
The White House last month unveiled their own commemorative coin for the Summit. It is available for purchase online at the White House gift shop website.
Oki dok, Summit of the Century will be held on Sentosa Island 12 June 2018 9am - Capella Sentosa Hotel. I have a feeling President Trump picked this place from the three shortlisted. Good choice because it will be a fresh venue, the other two, Shangri-La and Marina May Sands may have attachments; many previous dignitaries have already stayed at Shangri-La; like former Presidents Obama and George W Bush. Just a note, Bill Clinton and Henry Kissinger attended Lee Kuan Yew's funeral 2015. Henry Kissinger worked closely with late Lee Kuan Yew on poignant matters of their era, like Vietnam War. They were jointly voted Strategists of the century by Time magazine.
There are two golf courses on Sentosa so PM Lee Hsien Loong, President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong Un can have their tete-a-tete while ambling slowly after teeing off.
By the way, I have cycled round the whole Island in 2+ hours non-stop; it used to be an off-shore island but now connected by road. The ride on the slow monorail around the whole island, which I enjoyed a lot cuz it allows people to look at the tree-tops at close range as it meanders. We can get down at various historic sites such as the Wax Works of the Surrender Chamber, depicting the signing of the Surrender of Singapore to the Japanese by the British. The actual cannons used in WWII at Fort Siloso testify to this horrible Singapore tragedy where 50,000 civilians were systematically lured to secret places and shot.
Sentosa Wax Works, so realistic; from that point onward, Singaporeans knew we have to stand on our own two feet, led by our beloved founding Father Lee Kuan Yew.
Capella Sentosa Hotel: Place for Trump-Kim Summit, starts 9am 12 June 2018.
Trump's presidential suite: Shangri-La (10-14 June) (Very high security; gazetted as special event zone which allows for detailed checking on vehicles and people if required by police)
Kim Jong Un's presidential suite: St Regis Hotel (10-14 June) (Within walking distance of Shangri-La, also gazetted special event zone, same security protocal as above)
Flight delays expected, as Singapore restricts Airspace during Trump-Kim summit.
Air Force One with President Trump on board will most likely land at Paya Lebar Military Airbase; accompanied by an elaborate entourage of planes like decoys etc. Kim Jong Un's Russian-made planes may or may not land at the same airbase, which means Seletar Airbase may also be used.
Alas, we will not know exactly which airport/airbase as it will only be announced 45 minutes before their landing. Some enthusiastic bird-watchers, plane-watchers may be in for an exciting airshow...say some kaypoh Singaporeans.
For all you know, they might just touch down at Changi Airport for some chili-crab or nasi-lemak before their face-off to tear down the nuclear wall! All the best to you both! This indeed is Nobel material. And Singapore will go down in history for hosting it.
Trump may arrive earlier in Singapore on Sunday ahead of June 12 summit with Kim Jong Un The Straits Times · 3 hours ago
WASHINGTON - United States President Donald Trump is leaving the Group of Seven (G-7) meeting in Canada earlier than scheduled – which means he may arrive in Singapore for his much-anticipated summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un a few hours earlier than initially planned on Sunday (June 10). His route from Canada, and his new arrival time in Singapore, were not announced.
Ooooff!....that photo of Adam....beautiful!
Wah! Twisting and swinging tassels...
Hello Everyone! This is most likely the place that will host the Trump-Kim Summit, 12 June 2018.
The Istana...A grand ole Palace built in 1869 - The upcoming Summit will soon augment its 149 years of Singapore history.
I love to watch TV show and used to watch https://nexter.org/category/movies/ where I found TV shows program.
OT, Just heard that "Roseanne" suddenly got cancelled due to Roseanne's racist and Islamophobic tweet about Valerie Jarrett, an aide to Barack Obama. ABC took immediate action. Media firestorm to follow.
Oh my! Too bad Roseanne has such a big mouth...like Trump...no filters...too bad Trump can't be "cancelled"so easily... yet!
I feel sorry for all the people involved with "Rosanne".... they had a hit, with the promise of a great season/s and a lucretive job....and now they're all out of work! I wouldn't be surprised if another network didn't pick them up....unfortunately, probably FOX. Then, it will definitely lean more towards Trumpism.
The cast of Roseanne include some pretty big names. I don't know what their contracts say, but they'll be all right. At least one spoken out already against Roseanne's tweet. Maybe others will, too.
Singapore is a lot older than 149 years of history. She dates all the way back to the Third century; recorded in the Annals of China that Junks blown by Monsoon winds reached an Island to the South of a Peninsula/Malaya. Much later, traders from China and India flocked to this Island; they barter-traded Chinese silk for Indian spices, gems. It was a half-way house and these Junks and ships needed repair.
The plus point is the Singapore Harbour is very deep and sheltered.
Now, President Trump and N Korean Leader Kim Jong Un are stepping into a piece of ancient History while making modern History of their own !
Adam is a prolific dancer; I watched the Attitude fashion clip (above) so many times already. lol!
I can't think of a better place for Trump and Kim Jong Un to have their summit than Singapore.
Patria...As you know, the first choice by Trump and Kim, was the DMZ that divides North/ South Korea. I thought that would be meaningful and historic; but the American side said it is too conciliatory/one-sided. Now, on hindsight they are right because with all these back-and-forth, on-off negotiations, it's better to be on neutral ground. Moreover, it may need more followups, like Kim wants it done in stages, by installments, depending largely on Trump's consent; so that may need verification from time to time if necessary by a neutral third party.
I would like this Trump-Kim Summit to have 100% success because it literally affects millions of lives. Imagine if a nuclear war breaks out! with plausible countries taking sides! God be with all of us!
Rosanne has made racist/ conspiracy comments fro ages, everyone working on that show knew what they were signing up for. Those with integrity wouldn’t work for her, so I don’t feel sorry to those losing their jobs. Sometimes you just have to take a stand for doing what is right. It’s called integrity
Allysa, you are so right! Thank goodness we can still depend on Disney to have integrity. I'd like to believe the other networks would do the same.
As far as the Summit is concerned.... imagine the two most pompous, self-centered asses in the world making decisions about all OUR lives! That keeps me up at night!
If the meeting happens at all, I think Trump will fold at some point like he did when he went and met with Mexico's president. He's already folded to Kim Jong Un once.
I agree, Allysa. No pity for the rest of the cast. It sounds like they all made a good chunk of money on this one season they just did anyway.
Adam in London. Looks incredible. London Dandy
Indeed he does, Mirela. When I first saw that pic my first thought was Adam is NEVER boring. Ever!
Love that outfit! Most guys couldn't pull it off. But Adam can, of course. Even that neck tie thing works on him. And bell-bottoms? They are very sexy on him, too! Can't wait for these shows he will be on and the PR he will be doing!
Really?? That's 3 stories?? I only got one clip .. don't know how long it was ... not 3 stories though!! lol
tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)
This Summit is not about who is folding to whom...that is much too narrow a view; it's about Saving the Globe! Even if President Trump folds, or not, if he can save millions of lives God will bless him.
Lam-My ... My Glam Sister .. it is quite obvious that you don't see what is really going on in our country!! The man who sits in the oval office .. #NotMyPresident .. isn't interested in saving anyone but himself & scoring a Nobel Peace Prize in the process!! He is cutting funds for people who saved all their lives so we won't have to starve when we get old!! He has thrown out practically every good thing our former President Obama accomplished in his 8 yr. tenure in office!! Every bad thing that happens here he has "no knowledge" about & he blames on the opposite party .. he won't give an inch to anything bipartisan that is put before him & here's the kicker ... he thinks that Hitler .. Putin & other megalomaniacs like himself are Great Men!!
Sorry hon, I'm not holding my breath for a positive outcome from any summit meeting with N. Korea ... not while this person holds the office of the President of the USA!! Heaven HELP America!! That is who GOD should Bless!! WE are the ones who need HIS Blessings!!
tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)
Hi Tess... You are right! I don't know the inside running of your country regarding details like cutting of funds that you pointed out and other issues. To be fair, I never once claim I know much about how your country is run! And so it's not right for you to insinuate that I do.
However, that does not mean I can't give credit to Mr Trump who has the gumption to undertake such a huge task of trying to denuclearise N Korea, potentially thwarting a nuclear war! The little steps I see that both sides are taking to meet each other halfway, like Kim Jong Un wants it done in phases but Trump states complete denuclearisation perhaps with a workable time-frame. Singapore is honoured to hose such a historic Summit which essentially could save millions of lives not only in this region but those long range nuclear missiles may be able to reach the US, a matter of time. And that's why President has to act fast. Yes, no doubt the US will annihilate N Korea but the US will suffer great irreparable devastation in the process...it's nuclear!
Spellcheck : host.
Sorry Glam sisters but this blog is for Adam only.
elisse_montgomery (Adam's sister-in-law) posting on Adam's instagram at the London photo (London Dandy) - "Yesss can we get a mini version for Remy?"
Very important question: What boots are paired with this London Dandy outfit? (in the photo can not be seen)
Mirela, LOL about Adam's boots. I hope he wore a pair he already owns. He says he has WAY too many boots. And I'm sure they're all pretty pricey. Damn, he looks good in that outfit. Hope to see the vids of his TV appearances soon!
Referencing: "this blog is for Adam only"...above
From the dictionary: "only" means without others or anything further; alone; solely; exclusively
To whom it may concern:
You just broke your own rule! by bringing in other info other than Adam only!
Do unto yourself what you do unto others! No double standard, please!
America is where Adam is born and bred...how can that be not about Adam ?
Lam-My, Adam's grandparents were born in my country. Let's talk on this blog about what's happening in my country. What are the leaders of the country doing.
Mirela... I could if I know more about the subject matter. Basically, I'm not that attuned to politics but in the case of the upcoming historic Summit, it landed squarely in my country and so I just want to prepare/share a little of what to expect in Singapore, that's about it.
But simmering beneath the surface, this Summit is crucial as it involves millions of lives whichever way it falls.
Thank you for your response.
Adam looks so good in this shade of Blue! Like he's dressed from the 70s.
I'm not so keen on this outfit on Adam....it seems a bit too "prissy" IMO. Maybe it's because I never cared about that very unnatural type of shoulders...pointy and upturned. Also, the bell-bottoms are a little too "belled" at the bottom for my tastes, although I do like a less exaggerated version on him.
The color is great, both suit and shirt...and soft tie... but would love to see it in less exaggerated lines.... which makes it look old-fashioned.
As regards the Summit....I suspect it's going to be on and off ad infinitum....with both Trump and Kim practising one-upsmanship. Even if anything is accomplished, they will neither be dependable enough to lessen the tension or be believable and trustworthy.
In any case, Mirela has a good point....we should probably stick to discussing Adam...just because he was "born and bred" in America is completely unrelated to the politics of that Summit... or where it's located.
This style is probably trendy and I'm liking it. He looks fine and dandy as the saying goes.
Found this pic on Instagram per @ringodj on Adam Lambert Daily's Twitter page:-
This Summit is related to the whole world and if there is no peace in the world, how would Adam be able to travel safely to perform; don't forget as I always say, the world is Adam's stage. In that regard the Summit is highly related to Adam's well-being and the fruition of his multi talents.
You talked about Roseanne...which is given as OT (off-topic above). So it's okay for you to go off-topic and at the same time tell someone she can't say something which is relevant!
How come Mirela didn't pick on Roseanne stated as off-topic? I want to take back my thanks to her for the response.
This hypocrisy double-standard is repugnant!
The BUILD interview:-
Helloo my CNN Fan!
I just heard on New Day Live - 1 June 2018 two words that I just used several hours ago, same day (above)... *hypocrisy and *relevant.
Oooh-la-la! When I heard *hypocrisy, I thought well that's a rather common word but followed up later by *relevant...two exact words I used above.
Ah, that reminds me of your contributions to two of my poems; you said 'a beautiful blue bridge', regarding the N/S Korea DMZ First meeting and I wrote a poem on it. Another one...'Urge to purge' (urge/yours, purge/mine). This is a slightly updated version lol!
An urge to purge surged
Who will emerge the worst
In this scathing smirch dirt
Which has evolved and converged
Into an even more convoluted murk
Meanwhile Pharaoh dog
Has no sofa to perch
Cuz his Daddy is on a wild London lurk lol!
Lam-My......Wow! Amazing! A CNN Fan...who periodically uses YOUR words on a program! That's certainly worth bragging about!
I've noticed that you have mentioned several U.S. news reporter fans, and even the White House, who also quote words of yours from time to time. You must be very proud.
It's a small world!
Strangely, "proud" is not what I feel nor what I was seeking in the first place. That's not who I am and I've always maintained you don't know me but you always think you do and try to analyse.
Okay then, so how do I feel. Well, perhaps more of intrigue and a sense of achievement that I could reach people so far away and high up, where I will never be able to go, almost like outer-space. Perhaps that's why I have Alien friends too lol!
Okay, the most awe-struck to me was *carnage, used by President Trump in his Inauguration Speech!
And mine:
The attacker saw a fault-line, a crowded gay club, lax security, for him to execute maximum *carnage. (archaic for massacre)
(June 13, 2016 at 7:24 PM)
Subsequently, it was used many times on news media like CNN and Newspapers.
Oh my! Absolutely unbelievable! Just imagine, President Trump used YOUR word, "carnage" in his Inauguration speech....along with CNN and other news media!
Now that you've become so well-known, maybe you should establish your own website....obviously your fans aren't coming to Adam Lambert 24/7 for news of Adam....but for your writing.
Don't know what to think of your "Alien friends"....are you serious, or "pulling our legs"?
I did not say I am well-known but if that was what I want, I would have gone onto bigger platforms. As for my writings, they are mostly Adam and Pharaoh centred, and on Queen when they perform with Adam. I also bring in things that are connected to the world in general, like the Summit which happens to be laid on my country's doorstep and we have to help as much as we can because we are all connected.
And as someone who has written on 24/7 for 7 years and 2 years at other sites, a total of 9 years, following Adam...surely I can write something about my own Country which is about to host a crucial Summit that affects the world at large.
In any case Adam and Queen have put up a tremendous show here in Singapore. You seem averse to the fact that I talk about my country and said above, that I should not delve into "the politics of that Summit...or *where it's located".
Would you rather wait for a nuclear shrapnel to fall into your backyard...some things got to be nipped in the bud.
If you wish to quote me, do it accurately. What I actually said in the general comment above was was..."In any case, Mirela has a good point...we should probably stick to discussing Adam....just because he was "born and bred" in America is completely unrelated to the politics of that Summit... or where it's located".
If you and I....any or all of us....discussing it would make the slightest bit of difference, no one could shut me up.
But alas, it's out of our hands..... we are NOBODY in the scheme of such happenings.....so we might as well occupy ourselves with happier topics.....i.e. ADAM!
Adam is MUCH less anxiety-provoking.
However, good luck with your "nipping it in the bud".
"...we are NOBODY in the scheme of such happenings"
That does not mean I can't talk about it! Almost all people will never be able to go to the moon but everybody can talk about.
"...just because he was "born and bred" in America is completely unrelated to the politics of that Summit... or where it's located."
Your above statement is still faulty. America, where Adam is born and bred, is at highest risk if a nuclear war breaks out between America and N Korea...there was rhetoric regarding whose nuclear button is bigger and where their rockets are aimed at. This Summit is directly connected to where Adam is born and bred and not "incompletely unrelated"!
I do not think this is the blog where talks about humanity's issues and two political leaders who fight between them that have the bigger button. If the World were led by people as Adam did not think there were any problems.
Mirela...Yes, you're quite right. This site is where we can ALL escape from the world for a bit... to recharge our batteries...as Glamberts...NOT to expound on unrelated personal pet subjects. Mea Culpa!
My apologies!
Perhaps Lam-My could write DIRECTLY to all her CNN, NBC, FOX, etc. news reporter "fans" and White House "fans"... who, she claims, all quote her on a regular basis...and where her influential contacts can be put to good use. If her direct discourse to them can "nip it in the bud"...more power to her.
Two intimidated brains!!
Can't fathom what's going on
Rather remain in their mouldy drain
Trying to direct others but in vain
Widen your sphere of existence
And feel the rain
Not only in your own backyard
There's a lot more out there to gain
It's mind over matter...your stagnated brain
Needs an uplift and not much time remains
In any case, do not tell me
What I should or could do
Hypocrisy is not my cup of tea
There are so many other empty threads
How about just skip this one
And continue your wayward ways
Of spewing negativity, trying to subjugate
Both of you will never be able to reach my designate
My next destination...the Moon! for a tete-a-tete! lwl!
Ha ha...Mirela...are you quaking in your shoes? It appears we've been insulted...possibly cursed! "Double, double, toil and trouble"...the "Summit Tour Guide" has gone "to the Moon"..LOL.
NOW.... about Adam! Can't wait for the next tour of QAL, starting June 9th, in Madrid....15 performances...so far. Wonder if they'll make any changes in the staging or the song-list? I'd love to hear Adam sing "The Show Must Go On" again on the tour....or, at least in Las Vegas, when I'll be there...so excited about that!
Like I always said of the above person...never fails to be 3 steps behind!
I wasn't referring to the moon in the sky...Moon Jae-In, S Korea President, peacemaker of the tete-a-tete Summit!
(tete-a-tete - a private face to face conversation between two persons)
She who laughs last, laughs best...haw haw haw!
Whatever you say....Summit Tour Guide. Don't forget your caldron.
Some logistics and tidbits:
Kim Jong Un and delegation will be staying at the neo-classic Fullerton Hotel overlooking the Singapore River, as requested, $6,000 per suite per night.
Mr Trump and delegation most likely staying at the Capella Hotel overlooking the Sentosa golf course or at Shangri-La.
Singapore has offered to pay part of the overall expenses as they want a successful Summit. Last year's Nobel Prize Winner for their Anti-Nuclear Program is using some of their prize money to foot part of the Summit bill.
The actual Summit meeting place is not confirmed, narrowed down to 3 hotels: Shangri-La, Marina Bay Sands, Capella Sentosa.
By the way, both Trump and Kim will have a pot of orchid each, named after them, after the Summit; a tradition for foreign dignitaries. They will personally place a label in their pot of orchid of their choice, at the 158-year-old Botanic Gardens alongside those of Queen Elizabeth, Mandela, others; and it brings to mind the tragic, delicate white sprigs that Princess Diana never made it, to label personally; prepared for her 3 weeks in advance of her visit to Singapore. When Prince William and Kate came to Singapore 2012, they were shown the Princess Diana orchid flourishing beautifully in a pot, the only orchid named posthumously after her death. Prince William was very moved and said: It's beautiful!
Purged!!!! Feel better now? Good Tour Guide spiel!
However, surely you MUST realize that all the rich history, lovely "tidbits", etc. about your fine city will NOT matter one iota in the decisions reached...or not reached...there.....or why it was chosen in the first place. It is neutral territory,convenient, and they both agreed to it...that's ALL that matters to the principal parties.
Trump and Kim are NOT coming for a vacation to your delightful city.... but we may all end up wishing they had!
Keep in mind that we ALL dream of world peace...release from the constant fear of nuclear holocaust....and we all have a sense of helplessness about our fate....and the vagaries of the leaders in control of it.
Small wonder that we wish to step out from under that "cloud" for a while... away from the constant barrage of NEWS from all media.... and escape to Adam Lambert 24/7 for peace, fun, love and camaraderie....a quiet "eddy" where we can escape the "rapids" for a while.
Oh sure, we're all human, and sometimes news of the world creeps into our discourse. But it's usually only briefly, because we all came here to avoid it....as well as to just be Glamberts.
So...PEACE, Lam-MY....I'm sure that Tour Guide job is yours if you want it.
Live and let live! Adam said it loud and clear!
So many other threads available...just skip those you see me writing in them; I usually concentrate on one or two like this one. That's what I do when I see your helluva boring rigmarole, I have to escape from you too!
One excuse after another to prevent me from writing what I feel strongly about. First it was Pharaoh that you tried to stop me from writing about, Adam's beloved dog. Then there was my occasional use of Chinese. Now it's about the Singapore Summit which is so mammoth and affects not just Adam, everybody worldwide!
One excuse after another just to curb me from writing what I feel strongly. If you need to streamline topics according to your own appeal, you need to have your own site cuz this 24/7 site does not belong to you! Learn tolerance and share this 24/7 space that I have been writing at for 7 years, a lot longer time than you. Another practical solution:...Go fly a kite!
Nanbert, our luck that we have a brain among us that lightens our way.
I hope Adam will not see that on a blog dedicated to him making posts about Trump, especially as Adam did not vote for him.
I will stop here with comments on this subject and in the future I will ignore certain posts.I have something better to do than read them.
Good advice, Mirela....as usual.
Finally I shone a teeny weeny light through two impervious brains!! who say they need another person's brain to light their way. We each have our own brain. Send out your own light to help diffuse the darkness!
Yes! Avoid the threads/posts where I write about things that I feel strongly regardless which Side! I have been like this from the beginning, writing on 24/7 since 2011.
@AdamLambert on @SundayBrunchC4! London
-New solo song in the set list for this tour 🙌 and said that they did WWFM and GT in the past
-Hopes to finish his album before the Las Vegas tour with Queen this September. (📷 @HanaFris)
Not bad...combine cooking with singing! I think he also wants to exorcise er exercise his voice for the upcoming QAL tour starting Thursday June 7 2018.
Aha! Might this be a teeny weeny bit of his new solo song on QAL.
'A whole new world...' (click on video)
It's just a Disney song.
Helloo Will Ripley! Welcome to Singapore!
I just saw you posing nearby our ole Merlion saying it's half lion half fish. Well, you are all set to report on the Meeting of the Century as described by you; smiling confidently as opposed to your serious demeanour when you report in N Korea. I understand 2,000 foreign journalists will converge here so you must be one of the early birds. Will be following your reports on CNN. See you 12 June, rain or shine.
Wah! The Summit drill in the sky, very loud just above my block...flying low beneath the cloud cover...two fighter jets flanking a much larger jet/ perhaps simulating Air Force 1 or the N Korean plane (its first long-distance flight) flying into Singapore.
Second time...they have just repeated the same format, 3 quaint planes I've not seen before not the usual F16; also with more jets flying above the cloud cover, can't see those, loud.
Oki dok time for Checkmate!
By the way, on the actual chessboard, the black king piece and the white king piece can never meet face to face; both will be killed, so that is not Checkmate! it's called Stalemate! or No mate! lol! What will the real chessboard/Singapore reveal lwl!
Therefore we need the Knight
The only piece that can jump above the fight
Steal the limelight
Yep, you got it right...it's none other than
Handsome Knight of the Night
Hello Hello Three Maestros!
Brian Roger Adam with beautiful Pharaoh on tow
No nuclear bows and arrows
Just Love to take us somewhere over the rainbow...
Okay, I just saw 3 helicopters + 1 Chinook, formation...these most likely will carry the equipment. I read somewhere...maybe bringing his own limo and even toilet. By the way, the hotel flush systems here have senses, no handle or knob required, they know when the business is done and flush on their own. lol!
Whoa! It's been a long time since there's been a thread as long as this one!
3 commemorative medallions for 12 June 2018 Trump-Kim Singapore Summit (Images: Singapore Mint)
The front of the medallion features a handshake between the two leaders - which is minted with high-relief minting technique - and the national flags of both countries.
The North Korean flag is depicted on the left, while the US flag is placed on the right. This represents both countries' positions on the political spectrum, explained the Singapore Mint.
The summit date and text "Summit in Singapore" are also minted at the top of the medallion.
The back of the medallion features a peace dove "which embodies the significance of the summit to bring about world peace", said the Singapore Mint.
The national flowers of US and North Korea - the rose and magnolia sieboldii - are also featured on the back.
The gold medallion, which is priced at S$1,380, has 1,000 pieces worldwide with fewer than 200 pieces allocated to Singapore.
Silver medallion S$118
The nickel-plated medallion will retail at S$36. The number of pieces to be minted will depend on the demand, Singapore Mint said.
All three commemorative medallions are available for pre-order from Tuesday onwards at Singapore Mint's retail outlets and website.
The White House last month unveiled their own commemorative coin for the Summit. It is available for purchase online at the White House gift shop website.
.in tow
Oki dok, Summit of the Century will be held on Sentosa Island 12 June 2018 9am - Capella Sentosa Hotel.
I have a feeling President Trump picked this place from the three shortlisted. Good choice because it will be a fresh venue, the other two, Shangri-La and Marina May Sands may have attachments; many previous dignitaries have already stayed at Shangri-La; like former Presidents Obama and George W Bush. Just a note, Bill Clinton and Henry Kissinger attended Lee Kuan Yew's funeral 2015. Henry Kissinger worked closely with late Lee Kuan Yew on poignant matters of their era, like Vietnam War. They were jointly voted Strategists of the century by Time magazine.
There are two golf courses on Sentosa so PM Lee Hsien Loong, President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong Un can have their tete-a-tete while ambling slowly after teeing off.
By the way, I have cycled round the whole Island in 2+ hours non-stop; it used to be an off-shore island but now connected by road. The ride on the slow monorail around the whole island, which I enjoyed a lot cuz it allows people to look at the tree-tops at close range as it meanders. We can get down at various historic sites such as the Wax Works of the Surrender Chamber, depicting the signing of the Surrender of Singapore to the Japanese by the British. The actual cannons used in WWII at Fort Siloso testify to this horrible Singapore tragedy where 50,000 civilians were systematically lured to secret places and shot.
Sentosa Wax Works, so realistic; from that point onward, Singaporeans knew we have to stand on our own two feet, led by our beloved founding Father Lee Kuan Yew.
By the way, Adam and his band/dancers stayed on Sentosa when they were here; Adam has been to Singapore 5 times, we like him a lot.
Older monorail train...that I travelled on.
New monorail
Can also take the cable-car or literally zip onto Sentosa...
Capella Sentosa Hotel
Ooooh-la-la! Donald Trump, Lee Hsien Loong and Kim Jong Un ... how about trying this Mega Zip onto Sentosa? Come on! Mind over matter!
Latest and most likely:
Capella Sentosa Hotel: Place for Trump-Kim Summit, starts 9am 12 June 2018.
Trump's presidential suite: Shangri-La (10-14 June)
(Very high security; gazetted as special event zone which allows for detailed checking on vehicles and people if required by police)
Kim Jong Un's presidential suite: St Regis Hotel (10-14 June)
(Within walking distance of Shangri-La, also gazetted special event zone, same security protocal as above)
Flight delays expected, as Singapore restricts Airspace during Trump-Kim summit.
Air Force One with President Trump on board will most likely land at Paya Lebar Military Airbase; accompanied by an elaborate entourage of planes like decoys etc.
Kim Jong Un's Russian-made planes may or may not land at the same airbase, which means Seletar Airbase may also be used.
Alas, we will not know exactly which airport/airbase as it will only be announced 45 minutes before their landing.
Some enthusiastic bird-watchers, plane-watchers may be in for an exciting airshow...say some kaypoh Singaporeans.
For all you know, they might just touch down at Changi Airport for some chili-crab or nasi-lemak before their face-off to tear down the nuclear wall! All the best to you both! This indeed is Nobel material. And Singapore will go down in history for hosting it.
Latest latest News:
Trump may arrive earlier in Singapore on Sunday ahead of June 12 summit with Kim Jong Un
The Straits Times · 3 hours ago
WASHINGTON - United States President Donald Trump is leaving the Group of Seven (G-7) meeting in Canada earlier than scheduled – which means he may arrive in Singapore for his much-anticipated summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un a few hours earlier than initially planned on Sunday (June 10).
His route from Canada, and his new arrival time in Singapore, were not announced.
Ach ja.
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