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Adam Lambert Tweeted: So amazing speaking to a group of LGBTQ young people at @mosaictrust. The future is BRIGHT #lgbtq #pride

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, June 1, 2018

Posted at : Friday, June 01, 2018

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Dee R Gee said...

This looks like it was a very good event. Hope a video becomes available at some point. Adam is so good at talking to a group. It would be interesting to hear the Q&A portion of this. Would be interesting to hear what the kids said about their own experiences. BTW, The Lorraine interview was very good, too.

Patria said...

Adam is an admirable human being. I totally adore him. I'm proud to be his fan and a Glambert.

Sunflower said...

I love seeing Adam speak with the youth! It makes me feel warm inside. I also liked the Lorraine interview, if 24/7 would post it here I'll watch it again. Lol

Lam-My said...

Not bad...combine cooking with singing! I think he also wants to exorcise er exercise his voice for the upcoming QAL tour starting Thursday June 7 2018.
Aha! Might this be a teeny weeny bit of his new solo song on QAL.

'A whole new world...' (click on video)

Nanbert said...

It's a take-off on a Disney song....funny! Adam's voice would be perfect for a Disney day I feel sure it'll happen.

Lam-My said...

Queen is magnanimous to let Adam showcase his new solo music, backed by the Queen band; maybe this new single will be a fusion of pop/rock/operetta, as Adam described Queen as. It's good for Adam to infuse his solo music into Queen; maybe a new Queen composite is inadvertently forming, at cocoon stage. Brain and Roger are quite adamant not to let Queen fade away; perhaps Adam may take it to Queen 3.0 fused with his solo music, but keeping the Queen essence intact. Well, well, my cup of tea runneth over.