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Adam Lambert Tweeted: I found this site helpful to begin my research for the California Midterms

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Sunday, November 4, 2018

Posted at : Sunday, November 04, 2018

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Nanbert said...

Worth exploring this website. Among other things, it discusses the current cruel Trump-Pence plan to disinfranchise transgenders....and presents some honest, touching stories from a few transgenders....just one part of the LGBTQ story, and problems they face in our society.

Lam-My said...

Good morning Adam! and Pharaohdoggo!

Adam, I will do the little that I can to back you up on your relentless uphill LGBTQ battle, by writing about it whenever you bring it up.
Frankly, people are so closed-up in what they view as normal, to them only, stagnated cesspool vision.
I try as far as possible to step into the shoes of LGBTQ; but almost impossible; it's very complex, complicating and I will never to able to fully understand what's like to always have to think twice about what one says, does, for fear of being ridiculed, worse scenario killed. I think it's really scary to live like that...but you have come a long long way from that awkward, frightening position; you found a platform, a way to reach millions...analogically like standing on Mars and declare...Hey, join me, it's okay up here. Alas, it's not okay to stand on Mars lwl!

It is highly attainable for LGBTQ to have equal rights with everybody else. In Singapore we practise equality for all citizens, permanent residents, regardless, so-called straight or LGBTQ. In fact, we don't use terms like straight / / out...closet / unclosetted etc. Not in our Sing vocabulary but because of the constant barrage on media regarding LGBTQ, that I finally took a closer look, especially when I had to come to your defence online.
Actually, you are fortunate compared to some countries where they do all sorts of unthinkable cruelties to 'exorcise' gays / lesbians / transgenders. By the way transgender marriage is treated as legal marriage in Singapore...but not same-sex marriage; I visualise the latter to follow suit but not in the near future.

Adam, in a short span of time, you have raised awareness, given a face, a Voice to LGBTQ. The best part is you do it so effervescently rather than aggressively. Force can never work, love, equality do. In a nutshell, you got the bull by its horns in a persuasive way...just make sure you don't get too horny. lwl! 🦌🦒🌈

Lam-My said...

Good morning my long-time CNN Fan! I thought you had given up tracking me. lol!
I just heard / saw on screen the word: *ridicule on Don Lemon show; still on.

Mine above: *ridiculed

Same day, your 4th, my 5th Nov 2018, within the hour...haw haw Happy Halloween to you! 🌺🍷

Lam-My said...

@adamlambert 2h

Woah. Was just fully emotionally gutted by @BoyErased. Incredible cast, screenplay, direction.... and the TRUTH of it all. Such a brave, important film. Blown away. Can’t say enough....

HQ Photos Nov 4, 2018 - @AdamLambert presented the Hollywood Documentary Award to @DanReynolds at the 22nd Annual Hollywood Film Awards in Beverly Hills...
@AdamL_Daily 2h

@JustJared 6h