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Adam Lambert Retweeted The Academy : Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy? We welcome @QueenWillRock and @adamlambert to this year's #Oscars!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Monday, February 18, 2019

Posted at : Monday, February 18, 2019

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Dee R Gee said...

This week just keeps getting better and better!

blu said...

Will QAL preform?

Sue Smith said...

Yes they will perform. So excited.

Sue Smith said...

Cant wait to watch the red carpet show now. Of course cant wait to see what he wearing. Above all can not wait for this performance.

Patria said...

Time for a new hair color and style.

Sunflower said...

About time the Academy got it right, they have the sense of inviting Queen/Adam to the awards! Those idiots of the Super Bowl better tune in and take notes!

Lam-My said...

3 Maestros a favourite of mine
Strike one more time
This time Bohemian Rhapsody climbs
That great big hill to shine
Their daylight, moonlight...The Oscars
Congratulations Rami Malek! for your Nomination
If you win, it's Super league
Meanwhile, I'm still waiting for Adam's Grammy...
Well, he sings like the morning lark, epitome of crazy! 🥁🎤🎸🕴🏻🕺🏻🕴🏻


@QueenWillRock and @AdamLambert to perform at 2019 #Oscars ~ @billboard 5h

Gif @AdamL_Daily 5h

@PopCrave 2h

Sunflower said...

Omg, just saw on television a commercial from the Academy announcing Queen and Adam Lambert to perform! Woohoo!!!'

Sunflower said...

Me again, just found out QUEEN and ADAM LAMBERT will OPEN the SHOW!!!!!!

Glamitup said...

Yes Sunflower!! Those dumb Super Bowl people need to figure it out!! I cannot begin to express how excited I am for this!! ( Well you guys know because you are just as excited). This is such a grand opportunity for the band but mostly for our Adam! I am just so proud of him for preserving and staying humble and kind. He really is my daily dose of Sunshine! I know they will be spectacular and I can’t wait to see what he wears!!! I’m sure maybe a quick change from the red carpet to the stage but he will have to move quickly because they get to open the show!!! Omg what an opportunity and accomplishment. Adam, we are all so very proud of you and know you will just kill it!!

Lam-My said...

Queen and Adam Lambert Bohemian Rhapsody 02 Arena London (day 2) 13-12-2017

Adam sang the complete solo with the exception of the chorus; I prefer this arrangement rather than Adam singing drips and draps of BR...more wholesome; well, Freddie says: Let me go...I'm just a poor boy; well well, he's some poor boy isn't he...
Adam felt touched that he could finally sing the whole solo of BR; touched his heart at the end of the song.

Dec 15, 2017

Sunflower said...

Glamitup it is a wonderful opportunity and accomplishment! Our Adam appearing on the Academy Awards, wow! Of course Queen also, how I wish I can see Freddies reaction to this. He must be extatic! I don't think I'll be Able to sleep! Lol

Lam-My said...
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Lam-My said...

We will Rock you ... We are the Champions ...

Queen + Adam Lambert - 2016 Singapore GP, 09/17/16, Singapore, 90,000 audience FULL HOUSE, first stop of the Asian Tour. Recorded with iphone 6 camera, front row.

Sep 18, 2016

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

To me, it was a historic closure or not...City Hall Dome in the backdrop would have wept if it were human cuz it was in this Building, Singapore was signed, sealed, thrown into the Lions' den. Those ferocious Lions took their toll, 50,000 civilians WW2...led like lambs to the slaughterhouse...Now, on this very Padang/Field, their descendants sing along with Queen and Adam...We will Rock you! after years of hardship and toil to get back on our own two feet. So this performance strikes a poignant note in my heart, wasn't born yet. That super zenith note Adam wailed in front of the Dome would have woken those Singapore spirits hovering to take a peek at the panorama. Did you notice Spike Edney salute the 80,000 during God Save The Queen.
The whole fiasco could have been avoided as the British+Coalition army was double the size of the more strategic Japanese; moreover, the War soon ended after The Surrender... that's a 2-prong Tragedy.
But Singapore is magnanimous, we don't harp nor grudge anymore but I feel this Tragedy is worth taking note of and Queen and Adam brought it back in an effervescent celebration.

Lam-My - born bred Singaporean.

Lam-My said...

The fact Queen and Adam are opening the Oscars indicates very likely they will win something, maybe for Best Sound etc; I've always liked their distinct Sound system; the Band and Adam's Vocals come together; not smothering Adam's tremolo/vibrato.

By John Deacon / Queen

Levente Kovács
Published Nov 4, 2017