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Adam Lambert Tweeted: My new album #Velvet will be released in two parts- SIDE A drops this September!

Filed Under () by Adam Lambert on Friday, June 14, 2019

Posted at : Friday, June 14, 2019

Posted by @Admin Fan for ADAM LAMBERT 24/7 NEWS


Nanbert said...

Oh my! I didn't think it would be that long a wait....and still only the first part! I sort of thought the album would be released before the Rhapsody tour. Whoa, such suspense!

Hey, Adam....I'm not getting any younger!

Oh well, ce sera, ce sera....

Sunflower said...

Oh man, what ever happened when the whole album use to be released? Can I survive this? Lol

Patria said...

Isn't he going to put out another song from the album on June 26th or did I dream that?

Rachel said...

Yes, he said another song will be released on June 26th. Drip, drip...drip.

Lam-My said...

@adamlambert 12h ago

ADAM LAMBERT Retweeted 𝔞𝔩𝔢𝔵 🥀
At LEAST 12 songs on the album.

Jay Zel @j8zel 23h ago
So after 10 years I met @adamlambert today!!!! Eeeeek ❤️

@AdamL_Daily 15m ago

Happy gif: 6h

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

SEPTEMBER??? I hope my pace maker is in GREAT condition!! My heart isn't as strong as it used to be ... I may make it to Sept. but not making any plans beyond that ... hope GOD is on the same page & I get to hear the entire album wheneverrrrrr!! Sorry Glam Sisters .. too old to think of too far into the future!! Oh!! ADAM!! you little stinker ... I'll be on pins 'n needles until September!! Love you anyway BB!! Now I really can't WAIT!!

BTW ... don't know why but I can no longer Vote at the BG Fashion Most Stylish Men poll ... my dinosaur isn't updated enough to suit the website so I guess you all have to carry that load for me ... wish I could but I see no sense in buying a new one .. can't afford it!! Every 48hrs & must confirm with email for it to count twice .. Depp is ahead so GO!! Glamberts!! ADAM FTW!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Lam-My said...

Helloo Pharaoh! I think you're the only one that's giving your Daddy a run for the handsome money; your innocence and *stoicism bag the top prize and Daddy as usual, the all-time Runnerup! But lately, he seems to be the Lead, Runnerup is buried in the sand for good haw haw!

Pharaohboy, what are you staring at?

I no no Lam-My, some strange fidgeting, maybe to get my attention, like you put it make me look stoic oooeeeh! 🕺🏻🐕
Wah, I like the chain you wear loosely around your golden fur. Your eyes always pock out like ready to pounce, your primordial instinct.

Good morning CNN Fan! Several days ago, I heard you use the word *stoicism regarding a high-profile political matter, I think on Trump-Kim, on Newsroom.
*Stoic is what I usually use to describe Pharaoh as seen in above photo; so now I take a cue from you, abstract noun, *stoicism, like it very much.

Lam-My said...

QAL will start the tour rehearsals in London next week! @DrBrianMay is now asking if we have any songs requests:

He also replied to @AdamLambert's comment: "Here we goooo!" - "Yeeeaaay Buddy!!!!"

@AdamL_Daily 37m ago

Lam-My said...

From Big boss Brian and his Partner-in-crime :

ElEvans said...

I don't get it. He said that his bf had nothing
to do with his songs because he wrote them before he met him. Now New Eyes is about him. Do you think that he has changed lyrics to the songs to match his current love situation? Maybe this is the reason behind delays with songs and album release?

ElEvans said...

I don't know music business but why now he is promoting only one song instead of the whole album? Where's the point? Has anybody heard his new song in the radio?

Lam-My said...

Big-boss-Brian and his Partner-in-crime
Are geared for the umpteenth time
To send a great ball of fire rolling through the brine
Whooosh! Shuttling from city to city
For the time being...something is mystifying

What is Comin In Hot...♨
That's the yearning
Let's see, a steamy hodgepodge
Filled with an assortment of pork 🥘
I doubt that's Adam's thought
Has to be something more titillating
Oh! most likely a whole lot of love
In Adam's own word, thrusting

And that brings me to my crocodilian sloshing
Rock a croc croc in the smoky smog chok! 🐊🐊
Do you get the scenario...maybe not
Cuz my brain is entangled in a knot
Helloo Pharaodoggo, do you know what is Comin in hot
Hi Lam-My...yes, I smell a simmering
In the kitchen...Uncle Javi is stirring something...ooooeeh! 🐕

Lam-My 🤤

Angeladam said...

ElEvans I can't understand why he's just releasing one half of his album either,doesn't make sense, I have never known any other artist to do that !( unless of course it's still not completely finished which he sort of implied on a British interview the other day,) and yes he definitely said he'd written the song before he met his bf ! I think (and not in a bad way ) he's going for the publicity of him having a new love,which probably fits in with what he wrote a while back, but fits in with how his life is at the moment ? who knows, there are a few things which to me are a bit questionable( from Javi's Q & A session his IG) but I won't be airing them here of course to keep the peace !

Angeladam said...

ElEvans I haven't heard New Eyes anywhere on the radio in the UK, hope the next one does a lot better !

Glamitup said...

I think Adam is thinking way outside the box on this one and I think it is fantastic. He is doing things his way and very creatively I might add. It is different and new and not the norm. This is what legends are made of. I just love his creativeness and him not following the norm! It’s so refreshing. Go Adam!! Can’t wait for New Eyes part 2!

Lam-My said...

@AdamLambert singing "Whataya Want from Me" on Instagram Stories" 🥰

@AdamL_Daily 4h ago

Click on video/part.

Photo @AdamLambert pre-recording his performance for @TheVoiceAU yesterday, via zeesacan on Instagram Stories 😍 The episode airs June 24th!

ElEvans said...

What questionable things?

Patria said...

@Glamitup. You said it all very well. Go Adam!

@ elevans and angleadam
"Ours not to reason why, ours but to do and die." - Alfred Lord Tennyson

also @elevans and angeladam
"Give it a rest" - Me

ElEvans said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Angeladam said...

Glamitup Adam ACTUALLY ADMITTED on Radio 2 ( a prominent radio station here in the UK ) that the album was STILL bring worked on, so that's more likely why he's only releasing half/ A side of the album.Basically that probably means he will put. 2 'EP's' ( half albums) out instead of the one large album, fans will pay smaller amounts ( price of half an album roughly) and when the other half/ side of the album comes out, it will add up to the same amount of money earned as if he had put one whole album out , good marketing way of describing it though !

Angeladam said...

Lam-My totally love your poetry on here !!

Angeladam said...

Patria, I was trying to be diplomatic before( regarding saying I didn't understand why he's only released half of the album either), but with your 'sly dig ' yet again that's why I put my last comment regarding what was ACTUALLY said on the radio !! he implied the album wasn't completely finished in a tv interview, before the radio interview so there you go !!

Nanbert said...

Well, I guess we shouldn't be surprised at anything after the official "New Eyes" video...which seems to involve an ongoing "story".....according to the "to be continued" at the end.

It's evident that Adam has something different in mind this time around. Who knows.. he might just be a trailblazer!.

Whatever....just hope it's successful....and hope I live long enough to find out how it all turns out! LOL

Patria said...

Well Angeladam, you got me, you got glamitup, you got Adam. I like the company you've put me in.

Angeladam said...

Nanbert I really hope it's successful , he deserves it to be because professionally he works very hard .
Patria no idea what you're trying to say, probably something sarcastic obviously LOL !!

Nanbert said...

Yes, he deserves all the success in the world... and we've all been pretty patient and supportive. But just as it seemed that it's finally coming to fruition.... we find we still have to wait a lot longer...just for half...sigh!

I shouldn't complain, I guess... the time is getting closer for the QAL "Rhapsody" tour...and I've got tickets for me and my grandson in Pittsburgh on July 31st...Whee! LOVE, LOVE QAL!

Lam-My said...

Thank you Angeladam, my ardent Fan! I like your explanation on why half the album is released.
Actually, that brings me back to a suggestion I made several years back; why release the whole load of songs and then followed by a lull of no new songs. It's like putting all the eggs in one basket. It's not a new strategy; in my earlier days, the songs came in 2s or 4s on each side of the EP as you mentioned. And then when the long-playing record came to be, everyone had to follow to keep up with the more lucrative sales, relatively cheaper for more songs on 1 long-playing record and no need to turn over the record on the turntable, 30 minutes each side.

However, in Adam's case now, he explains he is taking his own time to perfect each song and if the whole album is released at one go, he can't tweak them anymore to fit his changing moods and scenarios. Like he wrote New Eyes some time ago but he feels it relates to his present moment in time, in love, which he was not when he first made the song. This is how most artists work, follow their instincts.

Even in my home poetry writing which you are a Fan of; each time I get back to it, I may add on or subtract just a little, according to how I feel to relate better the moment/scenario but without changing the crux of the substance because then, it would not be able to retain what I originally felt and that is very important to me! When I read back after a long time, I want to feel the exact moment that I captured in that space in time. 😌😅

Thank you Angeladam!

Angeladam said...

Lam-My thank you for your comments, totally agree with what you said ! I'm glad you know what an "EP " is !! better explanation of Adam's explanation that I possibly gave LOL ! but at least you understand what I was saying and realise I wasn't being negative in any way !!
Thank you Lam-My xx

Lam-My said...

Angeladam, I might have left out the most important factor...Time factor; as you can see they're off to the Queen rehearsals and then Rhapsody Tour. So your asking why release only half the album, is a fair question, not out to cause trouble.
Adam is basically an intense type of artist/worker and I think due to scarcity of time to deal with meticulous details perfecting his album to optimum, he'll rather do half at a time; at least he's happy with what is released. Not easy at all to take on 2 major projects at one go; his energy is mind-boggling.

Lam-My said...

June 13, 2019 - @AdamLambert did a photoshoot in Melbourne 😍
📷:Tony Gough/@_coma_berenices

We wonder if these pics released from the #NewEyes shoot are from the new music video..there's no car or that suit in NE 👀 @AdamL_Daily 12h ago

@AdamLambert drops the second single on 26th June! #Velvet

Rosemary White said...

Lam-my, thanks so much for all the links. Great to have them all in one thread. WOAH!!! That close-up photo of Adam .......... O^O!!!!!!!!!!

Patria said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lam-My said...

You're welcome Rosemary; yea that intense closeup!

Sue Smith said...

Mirela and Lam-My thank you always for your kindness of giving us all these links. I so appreciate it and Nanbert also gives nice ones as well.
I am pretty technically challenged so I really appreciate it.

Sue Smith said...

I dont care how Adam drops his music of the album. Half and half is fine with me. If the album not totally finished it much better than waiting even longer for the album. I to cant wait to hear him singing the new song on GMA. I've got a really good feeling about this next single even tho I have never heard it. I just assume he will sing the new one and most likely NE as well.
Usually on TV you can hear 1 or 2 of the songs sang. But the artist probably sings more to the people attending. Hopefully get more on YT after the concert. 12 songs on album is glorious some artist only put out 6 or 8 and call it an album. So looking forward to all of that.
Good to have something to look forward to with all junk I've gone through lately.
Nanbert after you attend QAL hope you tell us all about it and others that go as well. I know myself and LO would really appreciate that

Lam-My said...

You're welcome Sue! and take care, going all-out is detrimental to our well-being, at our age; hope your hubby's health is improving also.

Sue Smith said...

Thanks Lam-my. Been a rough week but he seems like he is improving now. Time will tell.

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Sue ... I too hope that hubby is starting to improve but tell him not to rush it ... slow & easy gets you a lot further even if it does take a little bit longer & a lot of patience!! Sending Light, Love & Prayers to you both!!

Nanbert ... here's the kicker ... hubby was born here in Buffalo .. then family moved to Pittsburgh when he was young .. then only he moved back here met me & became a permanent New Yorker so the rest of what's left of his PA family are all still there in Pgh. & surrounding areas .. basically outskirts such as Murrysville .. West View & the Northside (hubby lived there)!! We haven't been there for at least 20-30 yrs. but I always thought it was a lovely place to visit!! I couldn't go to ADAM's LIVE concert .. I'd probably get trampled ... not too steady on my feet anymore ... so you throw a few extra kisses to ADAM for me & have the time of your life!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

Here's my take on the new album ... ADAM has said in interviews that "New Eyes" isn't the best song on the album but just the forerunner for the rest ... I think he said next one is "Comin' in HOT" ... probably the continuing vid & each song after that .. hopefully with an accompanying video .. is like the next leg of the journey .. sort of like a musical novel with each song a new chapter!! He also hopes to tour with it depending how well it does .. so far it seems to be getting favorable responses everywhere!! I hope it continues forever!!

So I guess it's up to us Glamberts to make it a BIG HIT!! Let's really TRY!! I will!!

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

Sue Smith said...

Thanks LAMBERT Outlaw I so appreiate it. I just saw your post. It is up to us to support him with all we can and he deserves it. Such a good guy.

Chris Walton said...

Hoping that the full album will get a physical release at some point before the year is over, but good to know that the first half is coming in September at least

Nanbert said...

Thanks Lambert Outlaw....I'll remember to throw Adam some kisses for you....fingers crossed!