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Sirius XM's VOLUME Channel: "Debatable" Show Interviews Adam Lambert (UPDATED!)

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Saturday, September 21, 2019

Posted at : Saturday, September 21, 2019

Adam Lambert went into the New York studios of radio satellite network Sirius XM and was interviewed by Alan Light, co-host of the show Debatable on the VOLUME Channel.  (The other co-host is former MTV VJ Mark Goodman; however, he was not in the studio for this interview.)

They spent 20 minutes discussing myriad subjects about Adam's career, much about Queen + Adam Lambert, but, especially, about his new single and album.  The interview is primarily for audio play and is not available if you are not a Siriux XM subscriber.  They actually did video the interview, but that version is not currently available, even on the Sirius XM website (if it is ever put up on YouTube, we will certainly post it).

However, Sirius XM, on their Twitter account, played nice with a preview of the interview where Adam talks about Freddie Mercury and the honor of carrying on his legacy — and, fortunately for us, it's the video version.  For those who aren't on Twitter, we have also provided a YouTube of it put up by the wonderful gelly414, which we highly appreciate.

UPDATE (9/14/19): Thanks so much to our reader LAMBERT Outlaw for being a super sleuth and finding the audio for this interview on Mixcloud, a UK version of Soundcloud.  It was posted there by our friend scorpiobert, who also posts quite a bit on YouTube.  Ironically, she posted a second audio clip of the show, but put that one on Soundcloud.  In that clip, which does not include Adam, the hosts spend a couple of 'post-interview' minutes simply talking about Adam.  Both of these files have been placed at the bottom of this post.

UPDATE (9/16/19): Sirius XM just tweeted a short piece of video of the interview, as well.

UPDATE (9/21/19): Sirius XM just uploaded another 2+ minutes of the interview on video on their YouTube account.

UPDATE (9/16/19): Sirius XM just tweeted some short video of the interview, as well:

UPDATE (9/21/19):  Sirius XM just posted a new video on its YouTube account which is almost the same as the one they tweeted (first one posted above, from Sept. 9th) but added an additional 30 seconds at the top of it of Adam talking about Q+AL:


Rosemary White said...

Thanks for posting, broddybounce. Looking forward to seeing/hearing the rest of the interview.

broddybounce said...

Thanks, Rosemary. I appreciate your finding the video for the Sirius XM "Feedback" interview (the other post) -- I just asked the YouTube user who posted it if they were aware of this one ("Debatable") and maybe they could create another video with that one. Fingers crossed!

LAMBERT Outlaw said...

broddybounce .. I'm not sure if you have access to MixCloud .. but I get various things sent to me through my email account which leads me to a lot on FB as well as a Queenbert member!! I don't know if this is of any use to you but here's the link I just got for D.E.B.A,T.A.B.L.E. .. try it & see if it helps at all ...

tess4ADAM(LAMBERT Outlaw)

broddybounce said...

Tess -- wonderful! Needed to figure out how to get that -- took me a minute -- but finally did and about to post. Also "scorpiobert" also has a Soundcloud account where she put on a very short post-show discussion about Adam after he had left the studio. Why she put the interview on one service and the discussion on another service is beyond me -- but just glad she put it all up somewhere! Thanks again.

Dee R Gee said...

Anybody know what that American Top 40 thing was yesterday? Thought Adam was involved somehow. Maybe just a recorded radio thing. Just curious.

Dee R Gee said...

Just saw an Instagram photo of Adam and Javi. Javi has grown some chin whiskers! Very cute and sexy, IMO. I'm sure the photo will show up here soon.

Angeladam said...

the updated interview (Saturday 21st Sept), really heartfelt comments from Adam repeating that Freddie will never be forgotten, and will ALWAYS be included in every QAL show, of course Adam has revitalised Queen to another level since he's been in the band as their frontman,but it just goes to show the unequivocal respect Adam has for Freddie and of course Roger and Brian, I doubt he'll ever get tired about his 'Freddie' speech during the shows, so the people who don't think he should address the 'elephant in the room, it's never going to happen. Total respect for Adam !

Mi Re La said...
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Sue Smith said...

Adam is a very respectful kind hearted person. He is respectful to other deceased artists as well as FM. However obviously he has more direct ties to the FM legacy. Because of the kind of man he is thats is exactly why I have always had such total respect for him for so many years and it's never wavered not once. Adam is the only one that knows what he will do in the future. Adam will always surprise you!

Mi Re La said...

Adam message to support @AEASolidaria's work in the Dominican Republic:

Mi Re La said...

Adam Lambert interview (AUDIO) on C A P I T A L Breakfast , September 24

Angeladam said...

Heard the interview on Capital radio UK this morning, good interview , talked about Velvet and QAL, then had a 'silly' quiz, followed by a phone in Q&A from Adam's fans who were asked to ask Adam a question he'd never been asked by a fan before ! , funniest IMO was ' if Adam was involved in a "witness protection scenario " who would he disguise himself as ?' he replied "Dusty Madrid " LOL his earliest disguise from his first tour brought back memories ! and his description was so funny ! Capitol radio always promote Adam a lot, I'm thinking he'll travel back to NY with Brian, Roger and the band, for their show on Saturday (28th)

Mi Re La said...
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Mi Re La said...
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Mi Re La said...

🎢🌞 SEP 25: UK RADIO 🌞🎢
Adam will be on this morning
show for UK Velvet promo!
6:30am-9:30am BST - London
1:30am-4:30am EDT - New York

Mi Re La said...

Adam Velvet PROMO

Mi Re La said...

10:30pm-11:30pm BST - London
5:30pm-6:30pm EDT - New York
STREAM: via @heathermarie_87 …
Episode tapes on 9/25, so watch social
media on Wed for possible info!

Mi Re La said...

Adam Lambert exiting Global offices in London

Angeladam said...

Great news that QAL touring UK and Europe ! they will probably add more dates on in the next few weeks over Europe and the UK as they always have done in the past, just wonder where that leaves Adam for getting Velvet B side finished and out, also don't think he'll have time for a solo tour in 2020 as the final part of this year's tour carries on Jan/ Feb ?, then the next tour starts May at the moment and ending in a July which could end up later than that, not much time for anything else?

Mi Re La said...
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Mi Re La said...

Look at those eyes

Mi Re La said...

Adam Lambert in London 25 09 2019

broddybounce said...

Hi Mi Re La: you sure are keeping busy here!

But I wonder if you haven't refreshed your web page of this site? There is already a new post on the Europe/UK tour that I put up more than an hour ago.

Mi Re La said...

Adam will be live For the Elvis Duran Show in NYC on the 27th