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Adam Lambert Interviewed by Australia's Music Feeds

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Sunday, March 15, 2020

Posted at : Sunday, March 15, 2020

Adam Lambert performing at Fire Fight
Australia Bushfire Relief Concert
ANZ Stadium, Sydney, Australia
February 16, 2020
credit: Cole Bennetts / Getty Images AsiaPac
Adam Lambert was interviewed by an Australian music website called Music Feeds several weeks ago while he was in Sydney after the completion of the Queen + Adam Lambert tour of Australia and the Fire Fight Australia benefit concert when he returned to do some media interviews to promote his new album VELVET.  The interview was just posted on their site today.

MF: Has your time touring with Queen inspired the sound on ‘Velvet’ at all?

AL: I don’t know how conscious I was of it but at some point I realised “Oh, that’s cool”. The two worlds are a little closer together than I ever have been sonically. It’s nice not to feel like I have two different personas or something. Because I’m not. This one feels like a very authentic extension of who I am as an artist. It’s very much closer to the world of Queen now.


Sunflower said...

Another good interview! Now I'm looking forward to also see the video to the song "Velvet"!

Nanbert said... too! Discovering this album piece-meal is like a treasure hunt! Adam has a zillion colors/flavors/moods to his voice, and I'm constantly awed by what he can do with it.
The way Adam describes it, the "Velvet" video should be fun. We KNOW it'll be great, because it's ADAM!

Oh my, how many times have we all said here.... "Can't wait!"?