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Adam Lambert Instagram Stories Compilations, July 21-25, 2020 (includes 2017 Q+AL "It's Late")

Filed Under () by broddybounce on Monday, July 27, 2020

Posted at : Monday, July 27, 2020

With thanks to Adam fan & YouTube user y0116jp!


Sunflower said...

Adam still looks stylish with most of his face covered! Lol Again Pharaoh enjoying the sun. Here's a reminder broddy, Adam will perform on Sunday August 16 at the Montreal Pride Festival at 7:00 pm. Eastern? Central? Don't know. Hope everyone is keeping safe from this vrus.

Sunflower said...

Ugh Virus not vrus.

broddybounce said...

Hi Sunflower. I haven't forgotten about Montreal, thank you. There were just other things coming up and I didn't want Montreal to get lost in the shuffle since we're a few weeks away yet. I will post about it some time this week, however. Thank you!

Nanbert said...

haha Sunflower....however you spell it, it's still an "UGH"!

Sunflower said...

Okey dokey broddy