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Adam is Murdering the competition in the polls everywhere online!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, September 26, 2009

Posted at : Saturday, September 26, 2009

The #AdamStorm is really REALLY here! Adam Lambert is winning polls all over the internet! From MSNBC entertainment to the Rolling Stone polls, he's murdering all the competition that are releasing a CD this Fall. First, take a look at the results so far on the MSN Entertainment Poll. (If you haven't voted yet, click on THIS LINK to VOTE and SUPPORT Adam.)

And here is the Rolling Stone poll, in which Adam is winning the others by 55% of the votes so far. Click this LINK to vote for Adam!


Anonymous said...

ya i guess glamberts and adam fans are united. I think it shows there support.

Unknown said...

I'm seeing a little Adam everywhere. Did anyone notice the black nail polish on the fashionalbe lady killer on last night's medium? I'm just saying...

Anonymous said...

Idecker1, I know! I am the same. I'm seeing random Adam related stuff everywhere I go. is this a symptom of the Adam fever?