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Adam Lambert is HUGE in Japan!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, September 26, 2009

Posted at : Saturday, September 26, 2009

Less than a few hours after it was available for pre-order on Amazon Japan and ITUNES Japan, Adam Lambert's album climbed the charts faster than a rocket! On Amazon, it is currently ranked at #163 and it is currently on the top 300 on ITUNES. AND THIS IS WITHOUT ANY PROMOTION!

Japan is a huge music market so hopefully he'll do well there!

CREDITS: Thanks to the Lamb Skanks over at IDF for noticing this.

UPDATE!!!!!! Less than 12 hours after it is being made available for pre-order in Japan, it has jumped to #26! This is big! I am told that Amazon japan usually reflects what the public buys on the ORICON charts (which is the official Japanese CD chart). ALSO, none of the American Idol contestants and winners have ever made it big in Japan. It seems like Adam may be the first!


"Super Sachiko" said...

This means SO MUCH to me because I looooove Japanese music (right now I'm listening to Ayumi Hamasaki!!) and I'm taking Japanese class and I love anime/manga...... so anyway I love several Japanese singers and it's nice to see it the other way around for once. XD I knew he'd be popular in Japan, Japanese music is creative, just like adam.
ohhhh, and btw I hope his music videos are like ayumi's, she has really cool videos!!! (like rule and step you!!)
And look at my username, it's a Japanese name, lol. XD (I always use the name "sachiko" wherever I go on the internet.)

Unknown said...

It's moving up fast. Last I heard it was at #26!

Anonymous said...

same here in sydney, before adam visit his album was unknown since then it is now #22 on itunes. it went up to #1 before his arrival. FYE is currently getting lots of airplays and hope it will become no.1. in new zealand, canada and finland, FYE is steadily on top 10 charts. way to go adam.

Anonymous said...

Adam is HUGE, indeed! Check out these pics for some visual proof: