Sauli Koskinen Talks Adam Lambert, Paparazzi, The Fans, Life in LA (New Interview)
Filed Under (interview,Sauli Koskinen ) by Admin on Monday, May 30, 2011
Posted at : Monday, May 30, 2011

Here is Sauli's new interview on the Helsinki radio station TRANSLATED by Shandora from Idol Forums.
Warning: This is a very long interview!
Part 1
(First some pleasantries between Kimmo, the host, and Sauli)
K: How does it feel to be here up North?
S: It's quite nice to come back here, but I do feel like there hasn't been more than five hours of sleep in the last three days.
K: You can't tell that by the look of you though, Sauli looks very fresh and-
S: (laughs) very fresh..
K: -fresh and happy as always, but you haven't slept at all because of terrible jetlag and I guess you've had a bit long nights as well.
S: Yeah, it's not so bad when you go to the US, but when you come back it's very disorienting, it mixes up your sleep pattern.
K: This is your third day in Finland and you've slept maybe six hours.
S: Yeah, let's say that my friends welcomed me back very well, we were partying a bit in the Helsinki night, for two days.
K: How did they welcome you? How did it feel to see them, I imagine they had a million questions for you.
S: Well there were a million questions but the welcome was.. very wet (ie. involved alcohol tongue.gif ). We had a big house party.
K: Of course, you don't really like alcohol.
S: No, not at all.
K: You just had no choice.
S: No, there was no choice, I had to drink.
K: You are apparently planning to stay in Finland for a few weeks?
S: I don't know the specific time when I'm going back, but I am going back, right now I think I'll be in Finland for about three, four weeks.
K: Is your stay going to continue with this happy partying?
S: No it won't, I will be working as well, I'll probably be working at my father's since he needs some help, in fact tonight I'll be going to Hyvinkää to have a bit of a rest. It's a bit rough here in Helsinki with so much to do.
K: Working for your dad.
S: Yes, I'm going to sort out my dad's yard in Hyvinkää, I am going gardening.
K: That is cool, dude comes from-
S: Straight from the red carpet into gardening.
K: I can already see the headlines, what does a person who hasn't let things go to his head do. I think quite many would have told their dad no, I'm not going to come work on your yard. Is it, is it like therapy for you?
S: For me it's, I like it and you get to be outside, and the forecast was for good weather next week, so. And I have a dog to keep me company, what could be better than that.
K: How has your family reacted to your comings and goings in America?
S: They've taken it positively, of course they too have taken some things with wonder, but positively.
K: Have they been worried?
S: They haven't been worried at all, you don't need to worry about me.
K: Have you heard any news from Finland? Finland won the ice hockey world championship...
S: I did open a bottle of bubbly then while I was in LA, again, I'm not much into drinking really..
K: It was just a round on you for all your friends.
S: Yeah.
(Talking about the Finnish parliamentary election and the True Finns - Boo! - for a bit)
S: I have been mostly in the dark about Finnish news.
K: Is it so that- when you spend a long time in Finland. You live almost in Hyvinkää, in the north of Helsinki, and when you come to the Center of Helsinki, for a time you may think that now you're in the center of the world, where everything happens. (...) And then you go somewhere like New York, and look at Finland, what does it look like?
S: Well of course it looks very small, I mean, compared to the US.
K: And if you think of a place like Jenny Woo, which is a restaurant in the center of Helsinki, suddenly it isn't a jet set spot anymore.
S: No, but it still is super.
K: Btw, what kinds of restaurants, clubs are there (in the US)?
S: All kinds, big night clubs and all, but I prefer places, say the size of Jenny Woo, a bit smaller with more atmosphere. But the bar culture is different there, they close at 2am.
K: What do you do after that?
S: After that there's either an afterparty, which isn't usually for me at all, but some people do...(obvious irony there but somewhat lost in translation) but usually, over there you first go out to eat, then you're back home around 1, 1.30. If you then go to bed you don't have a bad hangover in the morning. Because in Finland we party until four like crazy, and then sleep for a few hours and feel terrible in the morning.
K: What time do people there usually go to the main place for the night then?
S: I'd say around ten. It varies, and me, I've been there for some time but it's been pretty much the same for me as it is in Finland, during the week I exercise and go jogging, the partying is usually for Saturdays, or if I want to go out somewhere. Sure they would have a party for every day, something's going on all the time, but there, too, it's nicer to go out for concerts, plays and performances... I've been to the movies quite a lot, to see all the new films.
K: So you don't spend a lot of time at home there?
S: Well yeah, I've gone out, but now that I was there for a bit longer I am trying to get a normal life for myself, it's not all party. And people here are also saying now that Sauli's life is a party after party, standing on red carpets and living on someone else's money and so on, which is all wrong, I work and earn my own money and I'm not living such a glamour life. I have boring days there too. When I lived in Helsinki- I don't have an apartment here anymore, but when I did, I enjoyed being home alone as well, but if I'm alone there, I'm like all alone, 'cause I don't really have friends there yet. It just takes some time to build up relationships around you.
K: And then again, when you look at the last two days, it's not always boring in Helsinki either.
S: Definitely not!
K: Even if Sauli was in Albania, Sauli would never be bored.
S: Sauli always comes up with something
(Ee cute laugh stuart.gif )
Part 2
K: ... and we have our American correspondent Sauli Koskinen here.
S: (laughs) I love this 'American correspondent'.
K: We asked fans what we should call your segment on the show and many of them suggested Sauli the Sunshine. I'm trying to build up a serious reporter caricature image here. And you can tell us things that for us are still in the future.
S: Absolutely, I can tell the future.
K: Ah, this explains your high pay check.
S: (guffawing) Indeed.
K: You will soon tell us how the Finnish parliament will be assembled.. but now, the American Idol finale. That you attended with Adam.
S: Mm...
K: What kind of a party was that?
S: Well obviously it was unbelievable, the biggest party I've ever been in, or the best, that kind of show.
K: Lady Gaga, Beyonce..
S: Them, us, yeah.. (it was a joke in Finnish I don't know how to translate)
K: Jennifer Lopez was a back up dancer for her husband.
S: Mm, I went and shook hands with her too, J.Lo.
K: Very pretty.
S: Yes. Pretty as a baseball cap.
K: You can tell on the tv thy've spent a fortune on the show.
S: Yeah, just think of who they have as performers, Bono from U2 was there, and Tom Jones, Beyonce sang two songs, one song with the female finalists. They sang a medley of Beyonce songs and she joined them at the end. It was awesome.
K: What happens there on commercial breaks?
S: But it was unbelievable when we arrived- first, when I arrived at the American Idol place and then we agreed, oh okay, I'll come on the red carpet as well, first I thought is there a backdoor or something that I could use to sneak in, I was about to panic seeing the amount of cameras. But then, you just put your poker face on and go... I guess everyone's seen the photos of it.. mm.. but it was a shocking situation, and then we were late going in. We had to walk through the whole floor, and then there's a huge spot of light... and you know who I'm there with, so people started shouting a bit and I was wearing new boots and I was thinking, now I'm going to die, Sauli don't trip, don't fall down.. when we got to our seats I was all sweaty but, then the show started.
K: Now, I hope everyone listened carefully to you just now because so many have thought you are already at home there and that the spotlights are normal for you-
S: Nooo...
K: - standing on the red carpet. So at the time you wished you were in Hyvinkää, gardening instead?
S: Well not quite, I mean, mentally it's quite distressing, that kind of a mass of people suddenly staring at you, and I do have some panic disorder-like symptoms, so. Yeah.
K: About the show, I'm interested in, how in America they have commercials all the time.
S: Mm-hmm.
K: And when they show it in Finland they jump over most of the breaks, and it seems like the show is on and off a lot. So what happens on the breaks?
S: People talk to each other, move around, the judges for example go talk to their acquaintances, and then there are many artists present, there were a lot of famous people present in the finale, and they chat with one another, and they announce how much time till the break ends, they count down from 40 seconds during which everyone has to take their seat again. During one break, I went to a back room that had food, I was very hungry, and I didn't get back, I had to wait for the next commercial break so I was stuck there.. the cake tasted so good (laughs)
K: So you enjoyed the food.
S: Yes, and then people were asking were did you disappear to, just the empty seat there, so I say I got stuck there.
K: So it's a buffet of some kind, at the same time you go get some carrot cake, someone like... Puff Daddy appears and asks are you taking this too?
S: Well, yeah... I was chatting with one of the dancers of Pussycat Dolls. And eating cake.
K: Well that's great. Now in Finland you can't complain about your life, I mean listening to your stories it feels like you can't ever complain about anything again. Getting to eat carrot cake in the American Idol VIP lounge.
S: Yeah, well, I don't know. But is it really so great? Of course it's nice to talk about. But you look at it and realize, we're all people, we're all living our lives. I can't really boast about it.
K: And it it started with you being drenched with sweat on the red carpet, being anxious. And probably scared of going to get that carrot cake, if someone like Robert De Niro shows up and wants to talk.
S: In fact I didn't know who I was talking to, this beautiful girl, until I was told who she was.
K: You haven't chosen your life, that's where you've ended up in, next to the carrot cake and that's it.
S: Yeah, but I believe in fate and I believe that this is just my fate, that this has happened, first, that I have met this person I'm with, it is after all quite a twist of fate we've met in Jenny Woo.
K: Why do you still avoid saying this person's name?
S: (said at the same time) Saying this person's name? Well, I can say it, but this is what I- I just don't much like talking about us. Or my life with him (laugh) I'm avoiding it again! Yeah, I can talk about Adam, but-
K: Of course, and I respect that and uh, we all respect that, but I just feel a little like it's not your own choice, but you've noticed that every time you speak-
S: Mmm.
K: - someone has some crap to respond with. That you ride on his fame or something else.
S: Mm, yes.
K: That it came from the frustration with that.
S: Maybe, and I haven't really liked to talk about my life like that, or any relationship situation, I'm not going to give any interview about that to anyone. And it's- we all have our private life. And I opened up my private life in 2007 in BB and everyone knew about it, so I don't want to do it again.
K: Mm. About Jenny Woo, where you met this person, Adam-
S: Adam (you can hear the smile in his voice)
K: met Adam, did it happen so that when you went to Jenny Woo that night, which was normal routine for you, you didn't even know, or if you did it wasn't the reason you went to Jenny Woo, that Adam was there.
S: No, I didn't even know he was in Finland. I wasn't in the concert or anything. You know, I was home alone, drinking red wine - I have to add again that I don't usually like to drink red wine (this and all these alcohol and party references should be taken as humorous sarcasm, obvious from the tone of both of them) - and listening to Finnish hits, thinking will I go out tonight, I'm not sure. Then my friends called me and got me to go, and then I went to Jenny Woo and there, met Adam, a real coincidence. And he came and tapped my shoulder, I didn't go in the middle of all those people surrounding him.
K: You saw all those people and thought okay, that's someone famous, and then later he came and tapped you on the back.
S: Mm.
K: What did he say?
S: uh, we just talked about something..
K: What was the opening line? That's something we often talk about with our listeners, the best and most stylish opening lines.
S: I had taken a few drinks at that point so I don't really remember exactly how it went, I probably just smiled really sweetly.
K: And then you just smiled at each other.
S: And then we just smiled at each other. And still do.
K: Doesn't Jenny Woo still have the kissing booth?
S: ..I don't know of any kissing booth. Is it really there?
K: Well I seem to remember, it's a weird little-
S: Oh, yeah, yeah, there is a- I don't know what it is, is it really a kissing booth?
K: I think it says so on it, or someone told me so.
S: Oh. ok.
K: Dear, I'm soon spilling the beans about my own private life.
S: Oh, you've been kissing there..
K: Oh man... About this new life of yours. There have been loads of questions from our listeners.
S: There have?
K: Yes, about the paparazzi, and I still want to talk about your fans a bit, after this break.
Part 3
K: We've talked with Sauli a couple times before, but now we have the man here, in person..
S: Live in person!
K: Right here, and somewhat alive.
S: Somewhat alive (laughs)
K: Only half dead.
S: (repeats laughing) only half dead.
K: Yeah, Sauli's welcome party took its toll, his friends have taken good care of him for the last 48 hours.
S: It was a great welcome, yep, it was great.
K: Has it been different and strange that here in Finalnd you don't have paparazzi sneaking behind every single bush? Or have they been sneaking around?
S: I don't know, if they've been in some bushes I haven't noticed them but it doesn't feel strange. I've lived here in Helsinki for several years so when I arrived here now it felt like I was here yesterday. It hasn't changed.
K: And isn't going to.
S: No, Helsinki isn't going to change.
K: Are these tabloid people in America a burden?
S: You mean the paparazzi? Well it's, it's a bit strange, I don't really get it. Say we're eating at a restaurant and walk out to the car. If they want to snap some pictures of that, let them, but I don't really get why. For instance, you go out four times during one week, you're at a parking lot, on the street, and then.. in front of some shops. I mean, they're all similar walking pictures. Take photos if you must. But then again, I think it's at least better since you see the photographers, you can pose and get better photos. In Finland, here it's like, you go out to a restaurant, and other people take pictures with their phones and all. So here you get to see those lovely drunk pictures of yourself, there the photos are a bit more fresh. But it's not that big a deal, if you don't stress over it. If they want their picture let them take their picture.
There is a little bit of stress about.. you think damn, I wore these jeans yesterday, I'll wear something else today so they won't write that he goes around wearing the same jeans every day (g)
K: Someone mentioned- we have a lot of messages for you here, but someone remarked how you have a funny face in many of the photos taken of you, is that a tactic you've chosen, if you want to take a picture of me, I'll make a face.
S: I don't know, I'm just, all normal. I smile or I don't, just depends on my mood.
K: Do you get calls from reporters?
S: My phone number is secret, so no I don't, but I have got some e-mails from reporters.
K: Has the crew around Adam, like the manager or something, given you any rules or something, how you need to behave?
S: No, I haven't been given any advice like that. You get far by using your common sense.
K: That's one of those things, here in Finland people think in the US you have to make a contract of everything, put pen on paper.
S: I know nothing about that. And I don't know what sort of contracts Adam has.
K: And about the fans, your fans are quite exact about what questions it is ok to pose for you and what it isn't.
S: So they're giving out rules here.
K: Yeah, they give us the rules, what we need to ask and so on, and that's great, we've been thanking them for that.
S: Yes, and they're lovely, I've been reading feedback and people are wonderful. And as we were making the Tutka Roadshow with Katri, I've read all the comments for that too, it's just great.
K: Are you going to continue Tutka? That's one of the most common questions we've got.
S: We would love to continue, since Katri is still in the US as well. Uh, we'll try, but we don't know, I'll probably go and have talks about it here. I don't know but I would really like to do more of it because we have lots of fun with Katri making it, and I already miss her terribly.
K: More on the fans, today it was on the news that Justin Bieber, who is dating Selena Gomez, he's 17 and this Selena is 18. And there was a fan who wrote something like you paedophile, leave Justin alone. You will suffer a slow and painful death and-
S: Herranjestas... (Pfff, for the love of...)
K: And Justin Bieber's fans have some Facebook or Twitter group called (...) I hate Selena Gomez because she is dating my guy.
S: ... okay.
K: And it has 2000 members, and they write stuff like if Selena breaks Justin's heart, I will kill her with no mercy.
S: Oh dear. That's brutal.
K: Yeah, it's teenage girls who for a few years have seen themselves as Justin Bieber's... wife, and now suddenly this Selena appears in Justin's life, and this is what happens. Have you encountered anything like this?
S: No I haven't, no one's threatened to kill me yet (oh bb don't say 'yet'). I do believe there are some people that have a bitter attitude towards me, but there have been no death threats.
K: Has there been anything along those lines though, your motives being questioned by fans, let's say Adam's fans?
S: I've got to say I haven't been reading much of what there's been written of, like us. I'm not on Twitter etc. so I don't know. I'm sure there's been something there, and of course they criticize all of you, your looks and personality.
K: Yeah. Was BB educational in that way?
S: It was a good learning experience, and what's helped me to this point a lot better, that I had an experience like that already in 2007.
K: How do you feel about people who think life after BB will somehow continue the same way, would you say you're the first example of how you end up in Hollywood via BB? (lol silence) Is there any connection?
S: I don't know if BB has any connection, say, where have I been working in Helsinki, like Hesburger, you could also say I've ended up in Hollywood via the cash register at Hesburger.
K: That was good, it sounded just like an ad, soon there will be a call for you from the head of marketing at Hesburger, shall we make an ad about that, from Hesburger to Hollywood, take on a summer job with us.
S: BB doesn't necessarily get you there.
K: Okay, let's take a few listener questions. There are loads of questions here, very many ask what is the greatest, most fun thing there in the US. Is that something you can answer? What have you enjoyed the most?
S: Mm, I guess one of the beaches, Venice Beach or Malibu Beach. Or, let's say Beverly Hills, I mean, when you drive there through LA, set out from say Hollywood and then you're suddenly in this kind of green, perfect area that has, trees cut into perfect squares and children selling juice on the street, you know something over the top that you see in movies. It's as if you've come to a studio or something. It's impressive, and there are amazing houses there.
K: What about the legendary Venice Beach, is it still thriving?
S: Yeah, it's thriving, I think it's a fun place.
K: Then we have... another frequent question, do you see many Finns there?
S: A bit, there are a few that live there that I've met and then by chance I've seen some Finns on the street, when I hear them speak Finnish I immediately go 'morjesta!' You can talk to completely unknown Finns and agree to go for, I won't say beer, let's say for tea.
K: Yeah because you don't use alcohol.
S: Yeah, Herbal tea...
K: So they're people who live there, not tourists.
S: Yeah, they're people I was just lucky to meet on the street.
K: Okay, now, we have so many more questions, let's take... Camilla writes, the following adjectives describe Sauli: positive, happy, sweet, hot-
S: Oho.
K: Yeah, hot is one of the favourite adjectives here. Uhh, 'good luck Sauli, you are awesome'. 'It's unbelievable that our Sauli is there in America', that kind of thing.
S: It's nice to hear how I'm our Sauli for everyone.
K: Indeed. Think of how the hockey lions (the Finnish ice hockey national team is called Leijonat, Lions) feel, working hard for three weeks, and if the tournament goes badly, the lions lost, but they win, we won.
S: That's right (laugh) haven't thought about that before.
K: As long as you're a good guy and do good things you're our Sauli and when you go behave very badly and swap herbal tea for red wine, you're that Sauli.
S: I'm that Sauli, yeah.
K: That Sauli who will probably try to get the American citizenship.
S: Oh that one.
K: Yep, it's tough.
S: A lovely message, Camilla, thank you, there were lovely things in it.
K: We'll put some music on and you can sit here and read all of these messages (...) Thank you very much for coming by, it has been great. Tell your friends to leave you alone, then they can give you a two-day farewell party when you leave.
S: Yes. There were still a couple of friends who tried to get me to go out tonight, but I'll, I'll calm down now.
K: Where, this is the last question so, now that you're in Finland for a few weeks, will there be any public appearances or something that you know for certain you'll do?
S: Not sure, I'll come to some party you guys arrange.
K: Awesome!
S: When was it?
K: On the 12th.
S: I'll be there.
K: Will you? Awesome, I didn't know that.
S: Me and Ellen agreed on it.
K: Great. Ellen is off work today taking care of the grill, making it ready, she was so excited when you said you'll come to our barbecue party.
S: Yeah, when was the party again?
K: The 12th of June. (Radio Aalto arrange an outdoor concert in Helsinki that day)
S: Okay, I'll be there. See, I haven't agreed to go anywhere else.
K: Yeah, That was Sauli Koskinen, our correspondent in America.
Source: Idol Forums
Thanks Shandora for translating this interview!
Thanks glitzylady for the tip!
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Wow that was a very long interview. But I just got done with it. I like how honest and humble Sauli is. Perfect match for Adam.
Seems like just a great guy, very down to earth. Like the answer about the night they met, basically just smiled at each other and haven't stopped smiling since!
Sauli delights me to no end. :) I love how he tends to repeat things back in a conversaton. Very cute. And yes, @Hk fan, how they met was told so sweetly. He was discreet not to share what they first said to each other. Well done Sauli! Some things are better just kept private.
OMG, you have to see these Adam pillow cases for sale on ebay! For all those who want Adam next to them upon waking in the morning.
I like the restraint of the Finnish interviewer....imagine if instead he was being interviewed here in U.S. where no question is too loathesome to ask..............JAK
Gawd, I love the story of their meeting! Adam does know what he likes.I hope Sauli is the one for him. He seems so happy!
Just finished reading this. What a great interview. I am somewhat relieved that Sauli is such a great person and to have him in Adam's life, it could be a very good thing.
I wonder if Adam will write songs about him in the second album?
A wonderful interview. Sauli really seems genuine and sweet. They seem like a good match. I like when they asked if he was given any advice by Adam's management. His reply was great. No , just using common sense. Hope this relationship works out for them. Love seeing Adam so happy. It would be hard for me to see him ever heartbroken!
Sauli seems like a nice guy, raised well, grounded, and with his own sense of self respect and pride. Hope it works out for the two of them.
seems like such a nice guy. Loved this interview.
Well, not only is he cute but he's also a nice guy. Just like Adam. Hope they stay happy.
Well, I am in trouble, now I love two Gay Men.
Lizard Eyes
Too funny 8:09. Sauli is very likable, isn't he. He's just so real with what seems to be a great sense of humor. He's clearly very independent and doesn't rely on Adam. They both have their own lives separate from the one they share. How nice for both of them to know that their love awaits.
Haha Lizard Eyes 8:09. My feeligs exactly!
Wow, an American citizenship? Any Finns here, was the tone joking or like "yeah, that's what's coming."?
Sauli also mentioned in a recent interview that he was distressed that people assume he's living off Adam, since Adam's got lots of money these days, etc. He said no! he's got a job and is paying his own way. Sauli seems just the right kind of person for Adam - in so many ways. Happy for both of them and hope it continues.
ok Adam, hurry up and get to Finland!
This romance is more impressive than the Royal Wedding I tell you.
Good interview. But Sauli is one lucky SOB. I wonder if he ever attended any one of the GNT concerts after they met!? Hope he doesn't do his dad's gardening with the same clothes he walked on the red carpet! j/s
A wonderful picture of Sauli and his gardening buddy:
Awwww sooo cute!
@Anon 10:32
Oh, just how sweet is that. That picture in itself says ALOT about Sauli. Thanks for posting it.
@Lizard Eyes
I believe you will not be alone in the sentiment! I think there are going to be a whole legion of fans loving both of them. What sweethearts. :)
thank you for posting this. Sauli're so cute and nice guy.
"Adam tapped hs shoulder and they smiled at each other. And still do."
Sauli must've no worry, Adam fans not bunch of crazy teens beliebers. Galmbert wish their happiness
That pic should be heading. It's so sweet.
Sauli seems to like animals. Here he is kissing a dolphin:
What a lovely interview! The interview also shows how much Sauli has given up for Adam. He’s a very social and family oriented guy. And now he’s living in another country without his friends, family, without his twin sister, who is the closest person to him… It must be hard. And then there are these accusations about him using Adam etc. Fortunately majority of glamberts seem to be honestly just happy for them. And that’s how it should be. It’s nothing away from us, if Adam is really in love. Love is an inspiration and I’m pretty sure that inspiration will come through in Adam’s next album. And all the adommy fans (and other shippers) can still have their fantasies. Fantasies don’t hurt anyone as long as they stay as fantasies and aren’t a reason to hurt and insult two people who a having a real romantic relationship.
They have so much in common even the BB nicknames.
I want to sing Some Enchanted Evening you may see a stranger .....across the crowded room to his(had to change that)side & make him your own or all thru your life you may dream all alone.
How I ever got this thrilled about 2 guys in love,I'll never know, but it feels right.
Never let him goooooooo.
Yeah dear anon 12:00, I like this song especially the last line. Adam and Sauli seem compatible, both close to their dads, both independent thinkers. Is Jenny Woo a Chinese restaurant/club, serving both Finn/Chinese food...just curious.
-Lam my
Oh, like many here, I also find myself more and more in love with these two adorable men..<3
Lam my: Jenny Woo is bar/night club for gays, straits and whom ever
Someone asked about the tone of the citizen ship comment… They were joking about how Finns tend to support other Finns only as long as they are perfect and successful and don’t give a bad reputation for the rest of us. (Many people believe that if one Finn acts stupidly abroad, it automatically means that people think everybody in Finland is as stupid as this one person. That’s because we are such a small nation and we know that people don’t really know anything about Finns or Finland abroad. )
So, now that Sauli (who really is a nice and sweet person and we don’t have to be ashamed about his actions) is suddenly known in the USA, we talk about him as OUR Sauli. He is our Sauli because he gives a good expression about Finland and other Finns and is sincere about his love and reasons to go to the States. But if we would think that he is not sincere, we would immediately start to distant ourselves from him by talking about him as THAT Sauli who is just trying to get the citizen ship and doesn’t represent the rest of the Finns. So the citizen ship comment was just a joke to demonstrate this ever changing level of support we Finns give each other… They weren’t talking about it seriously.
"Is Jenny Woo a Chinese restaurant/club, serving both Finn/Chinese food...just curious."
Despite the name, Jenny Woo isn't styled chinese. It's a high-end gay-oriented nightclub, some think it as the best in town. Not a seedy bar or a restaurant as some might think.
After this interview: I love you, Sauli.
Thank you dear anon 1:03 and Honey for the info.
-Lam my
Anon 1:30 AM you explained that very well thanks!
Nothing new came up in this interview I did not already know: Sauli is very down to earth, independent, sensible and brave young man who is not afraid to talk about even his insecurities. And he has a great sense of humour. (because this was a radio interview I don´t mention how super cute he looks)
So I agree, hurry up to Finland Adam, there´s not so many guys like this.
Hes a good kid. End of story.
I was reading comments in previous posts and in other fan sites, and people seem to wonder how to pronounce Sauli's name. I found these instructions which might help you to get the idea. And under the pronounciation advices you find a link, where you can listen to the correct pronounciation of "Sauli".
S = is a rather neutral S-sound, near to English S, but pronounced less acutely (since the contrasts to Z and SH are missing)
A = is roughly the same sound as in German or French; thus AA is pronounced roughly as A in AFTER (in British pronunciation); short A resembles u in British English "cup" or o in American English "hot"
U = is like U in FULL
L = is normal L
I = is like I in FIT
Sauli is the same as Saul, meaning prayed for or asked for.
"I'm looking for a Sauli..."
Sauli seems so perfect for Adam..two evolved humans with sincere loving hearts.
I hope some day Sauli finds his love from Finland, it would be so much easier for him. Now he has to travel between USA and Finland.
I think distance is not so big problem in good relationship in these days.
I have been married now 10 years,and all that time we have had distance over 8000 km.
Still very in love.We live part of year together and other part make business etc.
People have different situations and of cource every people are different.
Iwish all the best to Sauli and Adam!
Distance is not a problem for travelling thousands of miles to see Adam in concert
either, many times. I hear people mention
travelling state to state is big time, well
you csn forget that! Try continent to continent
and around the globe.
Sauli is a beautiful guy and seems very humble and
together. He sure has a lot to contend with
with the eyes of the world on him but it sounds like he can handle the situation well.
(i) love = (minä) rakastan
(you) love = (sinä) rakastat
(she/he) loves = (hän) rakastaa
(we) love = (me) rakastamme
(you) love = (te) rakastatte
(they) love = (he) rakastavat
i love them ! = minä rakastan heitä
and sauli loves adam = sauli rakastaa adamia.
simple :)
This is hilarious! Someone has used imagination and make up a little story around carrot cake episode:
Anon 9:03 thanks for the link, story was perfect, literary masterpiece xD
Anon 6:23 AM Maybe he can move to USA some day? Love these guys.
Sorry, the post 10:14 AM: not Anon 6:23 but 6:32 - Didn't you know that many Finns live in USA?
Sauli is so adorable! Laughed as I imagined Sauli munching his carrot cake in front of a Pussycat Doll! Ronnie
Loved the dolphin picture. Even the dolphin looks happy!
As a Finn I could not agree more when Sauli is saying from gardening that "For me it's (like a therapy), I like it and you get to be outside, and the forecast was for good weather next week, so. And I have a dog to keep me company, what could be better than that."
Anon 12:38 yeah and it was such a lovely day today for gardening. I hope Sauli could enjoy it!
Here is Adam surrounded by people and yet he was drawn to Sauli!! "Some Enchanted Evening" an incredible beginning to this love story. We finally got a chance to hear it right from Sauli. He is NOT a gold digger, he is NOT living off Adam, he is a geniune and loving person, he has insecurities, and be believes in fate.
Adam and Sauli - you are soo very blessed to have found each other - don't ever let go of each other or your love!!
Some Enchanted Evening.....first heard it when I was 14 years old.....for those who don't know my age I'll do the was 1949!
A beautiful song can last darn near forever and be relevant in any decade. The play it was from, South Pacific, was a bit ahead of it's was about racial prejudice....
While I agree the song fits our current "love story" I would like to add a more recent song for your consideration as well. "I Knew I Loved You Before I Met You" by Darren Hayes. He has been married to his guy for years. You are probably familiar with it, but if not give it a listen and melt a little.........<3 <3 <3 JAK
Nice and long interview. Not much we didn't know except maybe Adam tapping Sauli on the shoulder to talk with him. Always the way it works, when you least expect it. Sauli very mum about Adam. Pretty sure that is how Sauli feels about his private life. Adam has done more to bring it into the public eye than Sauli has.
@anon 4.12
Saul (English version would be with the u as in full. But in Sauli the au is pronounced with a ow sound.
I did not know of Darren Hayes, thank you, he has many songs that make me melt!!LOL I have been listening for more than an hour now. Yes,
the song you recomend is perfect for Adam and Sauli. Thank you for suggestion. <3 Amy
I hope people will treat Sauli with respect and be welcoming and happy for his relationship with Adam. I believe it was fate. They have much in common and Sauli is his own man. I think most of Adam's fans realize that Sauli is a very decent, independant man that Adam really loves and respects. They deserve to be happy and see where it goes. I think they are so well suited to one another and both have fun, sunny personalities and are responsible, productive people. Mina rakastan heita! @ lizard eyes, I also love theses two gay guys! So many nice comments above and love Sauli's interview and pic with the dolphin and his gardening buddy! Animals are great judges of character and they trust Sauli! funbunn40
Wonderful interview given by Sauli, despite having only a few hours sleep.
Darren Hayes is an Australian singer/songwriter, married and living with his partner in London. He used to be part of a successful Australian group called Savage Garden.
It's heartbreaking that Sauli is in London with Adam now. They couldn't be apart many days though Sauli said he'd be in Finland 3-4 weeks. I guess Adam felt very lonely in London.
It was Kimmo Vehviläinen (Radio Aalto) who told the news. He said that Sauli went to buy some seeds to his father garden. I understood that it was Kimmo's joke and Sauli didn't say it.
anon 7:36, thanks for the info...
just curious what kind of seed Sauli will bought
IF Sauli is in London could it be 'cause we have a national holiday (day off) here in Finland on Thursday and many have on long weekend 'cause they take Friday free too? Perhaps Sauli continues gardening (with new seeds:))next week. But a week apart from a loved one, it's hard. I understand if they wanted to meet; it's a short flight from Helsinki to London.
I wonder what could be better than gardening.
Sauli needs to get unsmitten and concentrate on a life apart from the Glam God. Adam has work that has to be done and no time for kissy kissy or hokey pokey.
Adam gets more pussy than Sauli! that's for damn sure!;-)
is that pokey hokey or hokey pokey pokey? kissy pokey while ya hokey pokey.
June 1 7:53PM
Do you work 24/7? Don't you have any spare time? Are you jealous to Sauli? We all need some kissy kissy time, especially when we are in love. If you work all the time you get so tired the work result ain't good. Or do you know anything about working yet? Maybe you're so young. I think Adam knows how to share his business and pleasure. And if you read Sauli's interview he is at times very lonely in LA not having friends yet; I suppose it's the time when Adam is working. So, don't worry the Glam God knows what to do.:)
June 1, 7:53PM - Aren't you a bit overprotective now? 29-years old Glam God has his needs, for sure. And in the night you don't work (well some do in hospitals, clubs etc., I know) and that's the time for kissy kissy and hokey pokey. And makes you feel better and maybe inspires you at work (ha!).
@June 1, 7:53PM
I'm quite sure that in this case it was Adam who wanted Sauli to come to London. Perhaps Adam couldn't concentrate on his work when missing Sauli so much.
I'm sure Sauli missed Adam too, but he had it easier, because he was in Finland with his friends and family who he had missed a long time.
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