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2012 Actors & Director talks Adam Lambert

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Saturday, November 7, 2009

Posted at : Saturday, November 07, 2009

"I love him," Amanda Peet told MTV News of the "American Idol" runner-up. "I love him. I love him."

John Cusack, meanwhile, was less honored than amusingly confused when asked about the man known as Glambert. "I have no clue," he confessed. "No, I've seen 'American Idol.' They have the guy, Dr. Sanjay Gupta. He was on that, right? Anderson Cooper won a few times."

Well played, Cusack! Peet wasn't able to play it nearly as cool the one and only time she had the opportunity to meet Lambert, at the "2012" premiere. "I said 'Hi,' but by the time I said 'Hi,' he was already walking past, and I was walking this way, and it was too late to accost him because he had already gone by," the actress laughed. "Which is probably a good thing."

Like Cusack, director Roland Emmerich had never heard of Lambert before his involvement with "2012." Emmerich was busy filming during the past "Idol" season, and he never watches TV anyway. But he liked the song, and a Sony exec showed him some YouTube videos of Lambert, suggesting he'd be a good fit to sing it.

"I said, 'Oh, my God, what an incredible voice,' " the director told MTV News.

Peet can't wait to hear the tracks. "I'm excited," she said with a grin.



Anonymous said...

Check this article out: Flamboyant Idol likes to make fans feel sexy

Anonymous said...

It should be:

Anonymous said...

There is a video of this sweet to see Amanda Peet fangirling about Adam!

Anonymous said...

link to the Amanda Peet & John Cusak vid:

Anonymous said...

I wanted to add that I am sooo excited to see 2012 as two of my favortie actor/s Amanda Peet and John Cusack are starring in this epic movie. Of course Adam's voice in this track will make this experience wonderful..Adam you are the best singer/performer I've ever seen or heard in my life and I'm not a kid anymore. God love you!