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ABC Spanks Adam Lambert's Butt

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, December 5, 2009

Posted at : Saturday, December 05, 2009

rocknrollchick from Idol forums brought a good point.

"How ironic! Sexual harrassment from ABC's network show JIMMY KIMMEL's Jake Byrd. Hmmm...should ABC have censored this as well? Are we seeing another double standard here? What would have been the reaction if Jake Byrd spanked a female's butt????"

CREDIT: rocknrollchick


Anonymous said...

Adam was tricked to turm around amd then spanked. I guess it is ok to play with gay guys they just aren't allowed to play with each other. Jimmy Kimmel, GMA, Ryan Seacreast don't have the b##ls of Barbara Walters.

Anonymous said...

Hey there DorianGrey You got it right again. Laughing with tears on my cheeks. How's your picture looking?