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Adam Lambert COVERS!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, December 5, 2009

Posted at : Saturday, December 05, 2009


Anonymous said...

Wow thanks!! :)
Add this great FYE one! :)

Anonymous said...

Is the singer who sang SOAKED a female? Pretty good cover.

Anonymous said...

I love the piano(acoustic version) of "What do ya want from"

lilyx said...

Here is another "For Your Entertainment" by
phil maciel:

I LOVE middle guys "Whatya Want From Me" It's very quiet, but very nice quality to his voice.

Yes it's a girl singing "Soaked" Here is her twitter: @Lizrose91

Rose said...

Hey- this is the girl who sang soaked- thanks for posting my cover! (Lol @ anonymous- voice is a bit manly I guess ....ROFL)