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Adam Lambert says the AMA controversy has left him 'more conscious' of himself on live TV

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, December 12, 2009

Posted at : Saturday, December 12, 2009

After sitting down with Barbara Walters for her "10 Most Fascinating People of 2009" special on Wednesday night, Adam Lambert returned to ABC on Thursday to chat with the ladies of "The View." It was only his second appearance on the network since his American Music Awards performance.

Although "The View" is usually a live show, Lambert's interview and performance were pre-taped. The "American Idol" runner-up said he wasn't exactly hurt that the network didn't trust him to do a live broadcast. "I'm surprised," he said. "I'm like, 'Really? Is it really that big of a deal?' "

Earlier on the show, Walters guessed that there was a chance that Lambert could perform on the Oscars (also on ABC) with his "2012" song, "Time for Miracles." Lambert didn't address her speculation, but he did say he learned his lesson about live TV performances. "I think now I'm a little more conscious of it," he said. "I wasn't up there on stage like, 'Oh, this is going to get them.' I'll probably stay more consistent in rehearsal to performance."

Lambert was much more toned down when he performed "Whataya Want From Me" on the show. Joy Behar joked that Lambert wasn't exactly a nice Jewish boy, to which he responded, laughing, "Well, I'm a little different. My dreidel spins the other way."

As the conversation stayed mostly on Lambert's image in the wake of the performance, and he said that if anything, the controversy helped put a spotlight on a double standard for homosexual artists. "I brought awareness and visibility," he said, but added, "It may not have been the exact visibility I was looking for, and they're not focusing on [my music], which is what I'm about."



Anonymous said...

Well my mom told me Adam has to be careful because she has seen him twice drinking on video footage taken of him on interviews. I asked her what was specifically shown and she said he was doing an interview on BWE and was drinking vodka given to him by the interviewer. Then he was performing at VEVO's grand opening and he was seen drinking some "champaign" while doing maybe a commercial or an interview in a "hotel" room. My mom says he doesn't want to come off as a person who has a drinking problem or worse as someone who is like Lindsay Lohan, an excessive partier. Look how quickly her gigs died as she kept drinking and partying. My mom says plus all it would take was someone to say he was drinking and driving or doing something wrong and bam more bad press. She also say his managment should be protecting him more and she doesn't think they are doing a good job. They need to keep Adam in a safe environment not anything that could put him in a compromising situation like that hotel room shoot. Anyway, my mom is on the internet all the time checking on updates. It is like the one thing she and I really have in common so it is cool. We are going to try to see him on NYE.

Anonymous said...

Adam's a big boy. He can take care of himself.