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Dilana discusses Adam Lambert, Ring of Fire

Filed Under () by Admin on Friday, December 4, 2009

Posted at : Friday, December 04, 2009

CREDIT: Screengems


Anonymous said...

Dilana and Adam need to do a Duet! of this song!

Anonymous said...

I have heard an interview since his initial performance where he gave her credit. I might be biased cause I like Dilana also, but I personally think she is right. He did so much more vocally with this song it is unreal. He totally nailed the whole Middle Eastern vibe she was shooting for. Honestly, him singing this makes me horny. She just makes me want to clear my throat and go get a drink of water.

Anonymous said...

I'm not how much you like Dilana if her version makes you clear your throat and get a glass of water... I think both of their performances were great and very different than what their competitors did on their respective shows. It's really a matter of personal preference. Dilana's sang a more dark, mysterious and reserved version. While Adam's was more vocal, smooth and sexual haha.

lilyx said...

Haha.. weird, as I'm watching this clip, Ryan Star pops up on my local morning tv show. I love both Adam's and Dilana's versions and yes he did give her credit many times. Fans can be very over protective :)