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"FYE" will be used to promote Fox's January lineup

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Posted at : Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Adam Lambert’s “For Your Entertainment” will be used by Fox to promote their January lineup.



Anonymous said...

What do they mean January lineup? Of shows? Will it be used in commercials? I'm confused :P

Sandy GLAMB #380 said...

They are using it for TV promos highlighting their January line-up with audio snippets from Adam Lambert's "For Your Entertainment"

Anonymous said...

Still don't get it. What line up? The more ADAM the better. They all can see how he is like a MAGNET in briging in viewers, I love Adam. can't get enough.

Anonymous said...

january line up just means the new shows that fox is promoting. a few years back, networks started premiering mid-season replacement shows while their regular fall line up was on hiatus.
this is a really huge deal for adam. that means everybody watching fox will be getting a slew of promotional ads thrown at them with adam's song! that's major pr for fye!!!!

Anonymous said...

I've been watching fox for a few hours for carrie underwoods Christmas special, but it hasn't shown up once!! Damn it I want to see it!!

Anonymous said...

when are they going to start the promotion?

Anonymous said...

cool! the only time i watch tv is when i watch 24 and that's on Fox, so hopefully i'll be able to hear it then. i love how it's going to be FYE. I love that song =)