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Adam and Ricky Martin!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, January 31, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, January 31, 2010


Anonymous said...

Adam on the job. How cute. I hope he is having a GREAT time.
I can't wait to see the whole thing tomorrow. Anyone knows when?
Thak you for the one who is keeping us, crazy fans, in the know.
I love coming here for a quick Adam fix.

Anonymous said...

True, i love coming here too.To get Adam's news I would look into here first - it's fresh, quick,uptodate and sometimes just something new(maybe old new pic / news) about adam. So, as anonymous 1 wrote, 'thank you for the one who is keeping us, crazy fans, in the know.'

Anonymous said...

I have to say thanks, too. This site is awesome!!

Anonymous said...

I have forgotten how to get to any other site...this is my go to site for up to the second adam news! Thanks for feeding our passion for Adam!