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Adam Lambert and his Rings at the Grammys

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, January 31, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, January 31, 2010


Anonymous said...

It kind of fell flat with the audience

Anonymous said...

Oops that comment above was meant for Steven Colbert. Adam's entire look was impeccable!

Anonymous said...

Steven Colbert angered me beyond belief with his snarky comment about Adam and his lack of "personal restraint". Adam has been nothing but professional since day one and has worked very hard since the AMA's to exude class in all his television,radio and video performances. His Red Carpet look is astonishing! Colbert owes an apology to Adam. Love u Adam.

Anonymous said...

totally agree with you,, colbert was an idiot with that comment,,, made me so mad,,, leave adam alone,,, it is old news = and adam deserves to be up there tonight with all of the others,, his voice and performace is just as good and better!

Anonymous said...

Tweet Colbert and let him have it. Yes, it put a shadow on the entire least for me. And I didn't hear a lot of laughter from the audience. Colbert should have shown some self-restraint. Yes, very petty and very tacky remark. Get on Twitter and write to @StephenColbert and let him know about it. It probably wouldn't hurt to let the network know as well. Afterall, it only takes 1,500 complaints apparently.

Anonymous said...

stupid stephen colbert-i like him before now i know his bad attittude his mouth. stephen colbert leave my bb adam alone.

Anonymous said...

he's STUPID!!!

Anonymous said...

If anyone has shown restraint in face of so much stupidity, it's Adam Lambert.

Anonymous said...

adam's rings were great, especially the one on his left hand.....would love to see a close up of it

Anonymous said...

Who is Steven Colbert? Never heard of him. WOW he was annoying and not funny and wierd. EEEWWW!

Anonymous said...

Who is Steven Colbert? Never heard of him. He was annoying and not funny at all. EEWWW! Anyway Adam looked amazing. What a great talent!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Please don't have Steven Colbert on any awards show ever again.

Anonymous said...

That ruined the show for me. I was sooo disappointed that that was still a lingering issue. And I actually did hear a quite a bit of laughter which was very discouraging. Adam deserves so much more. I just want his CD and singles to sell beyond belief so that people will begin to take him seriously again.

Anonymous said...

Idiots! Stephen Colbert is a comedian. Don't be so sensitive. Adam Lambert on the other hand- classless AMA performance. It will always stay with him.

..and take some spelling lessons morons.