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Adam Lambert Turns 28 years old!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, January 28, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, January 28, 2010



Anonymous said...

HAPPY 28TH FRIGGIN BIRTHDAY ADAM!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE LOVE YOU SO FAMN MUCH AND ARE SO HAPPY WE GOT TO SPEND THIS LAST YEAR WITH YOU!!!!!!!! you deserve everything you've gotten and more!!!! Your fans ore for life!! I can't even begin to describe how much I love you and your amazing talent!!!!!! <3333333333333

~ Emmaline ~

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to My favorite guy Adam!! I hope I will be lucky enough to meet you one of these days - Please!!! I watch you on every show and will be so anxious to see you in concert somewhere!!

Anonymous said...

many happy returns of the day adam, enjoy your day. thanks for giving us good music. we love you.

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

happy birthday adam! thank you for everything you give and are...delightful delovely delicious...etc you know these lyrics but i think you make us all delirious to delimit....

love, dana

Carol said...

Happy Birthday, Adam.

I hope your birthday is as wonderful as you are! You bring us just joy it's incredible. Thanks!

Anonymous said...


Thank you for all the joy you have brought into my life just by sharing your GLORIOUS VOICE & TALENT with us all. Your album is AMAZING & INCOMPARABLE just like YOU! LOVE IT!! ..terie

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Adam I hope you have a wonderful Birthday and MJ would be proud of you for your performance of Black Or White. -blessed be. -LW

Anonymous said...

happy birthday adam..we love you soo much!!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!! this is just the beginning of your success!!!!

Anonymous said...

this has been the best year of my entire lifeeeeeee!!!!! because i got the chance to spend it with such an amazing person and talent!!!!!! HAPPY FREAKING 28th BIRTHDAY DEAR ADAM!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Adam!!!Thank you for everything. Wish you all the happiness,love and success. You really deserve it. Love you so much! melissa h toronto

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Adam!!! I love you SO much that it hurts! Thank you for sharing your beautiful voice with the world!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! i appreciate everything you have done. thanks for giving your fans the best gift ever!! there is not a gift we could give you in order to repay us!! hope you have a great day:)

Anonymous said...

Adam, On the day that you were born the angels got together and decided to create a dream come true....and they did....You!! Happy Happy Birthday!! Give your mom a kiss, she did very well, it's a special day for her also....Be well
love from your friends in NJ

Anonymous said...

Thank you Adam for bringing Joy and Beauty to the world. You are a very special person and bring smiles to all who see and listen to you.
Congrats on your beautiful album(I love every cut) and on your "Gold" status.
A very Happy Birthday to you and the wish of much success and much love in your life.

Anonymous said...

Hey Guys, WWFM is Number 18 on ITUNES. Here is a thought; If we all buy it ONE more time it WILL make the TOP 10. It NEEDS to be there!!!!
Are you with me? I bought it 7 times. 7 is my lucky number.LOL

WE CAN DO IT!! FOR $1.29 we can make WWFM on the TOP!!
IT'S Adam's Birthday, so let's do it TODAY!!!!!


Anonymous said...

YOU MAKE ME WANT TO LISTEN TO MUSIC AGAIN! Do you realize that you have become very important to a large number of people. We Love You, and your music. We buy, vote, watch, and support you, and wish you all the WORLD -now and forever.

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ADAM!!! words cannot express what a amazing person you are. You truly deserve all the wonderful things that are happening in your life because I know you have enriched mine. Thank you for letting me be who I am and given me more confidence than I ever knew I had. LOVE YA !!! 2010 is your year !!!!!