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FYE Video Hits 1,000,000 Views on YouTube!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, January 30, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, January 30, 2010

Credit: madamimadam


Anonymous said...

Awesome, this is by far the sexiest video that you cant get enough, so, hoping it will reach 2 milion soon.

Anonymous said...

This is sexy and fun video, best of the last year

Anonymous said...

WOW! Good job guys! I never watched the video but I will bookmark it to watch it every morninig to help out.

Anonymous said...

who said they never saw video? how can you live without seeing it? haha
seriously, this makes me so happy!

Anonymous said...

Anon 3 - Thanks! Go watch it right now. Both the song and the video are fantastic and should be playing all over the radio.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Seriously Adam is one of the only two things I care about anymore. Him and his music, along with a couple movies and acting, which I'm steadily losing interest in as well. If it wasn't for Adam I wouldn't feel like living.
By the way I have depression, but I have no medication and my mom hasn't made it a priority to get me any, or try and talk about it even. My best friend of ten years ditched me, I don't have anyone to talk to, and all my parents really care about is how I'm doing in school.
But like I said Adam is Pretty much the top thing giving me any interest anymore. I'm so happy for his getting a million views and honestly hope he continues making music for a long long time

~ Emmaline ~

janetfaye said...
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Anonymous said...

Emmaline honey ... Keep listening to ADAM and watching him. He is very POSITIVE in his outlook on life. You would never think that he was a kid that didn't have too many friends growing up would you. Keep smiling and feeling good about yourself and things will get better. Take care of yourself ... a friend & fellow ADAM fan.

Anonymous said...


I used to have depression as well because of acne but I got out of it because I know there are things that are waiting for me in the future! So I hope you can kick that depression out of your life as soon as possible!

I'm sure Adam's music will help you on your way!


Anonymous said...


I get the depression thing, have been battling with it a looong time. Don't wait for your parents to get you help, there are lots of helplines to call. DO IT NOW! There's help available you don't have to suffer in silence.

Anonymous said...

Dear Emmaline, you are brave to share your heart with us. Adam said reading The Secret, by Rhonda Byrne, helped him. I LOVE and highly recommend that book! Also Ask and it is Given, by Esther and Jerry Hicks - which The Secret is based on. I love that book even better, though both are great. If you read them over and over and practice what they suggest, your depression will be increasingly replaced with light-heartedness, joy, and self-empowerment.
Best wishes to you!!