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High Quality Adam Pictures at the GRAMMYS

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, January 31, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, January 31, 2010



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

He's so gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

i love the girls.they excited and shocked.he loves hes from kuwait.18 years its not all middle age fan.

Anonymous said...

He's beautiful inside and outside.

Anonymous said...

i was nervous,they said he lost lots of happy the teenage still love him.

Anonymous said...

i hope teenage fan stay with him and love him the way he is.i hope he dont loose him.

Anonymous said...

i love adam lambert all the way-hes the best singer inside and out; adam lambert forver.

Anonymous said...

who said he lost fans? anyone who is not a fan anymore never was a fan.
please put picture #5 in the coffin with me. i've got to take that gorgeousness with me. The little girl in the last pic - her face is so adorbs!