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More Grammy Pictures!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, January 30, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, January 30, 2010


Anonymous said...

wear it open Adam, they fitted you too tight!!

Anonymous said...

Chris looks like he had a particularly rough shift as Asst. Manager at Barnes & Noble before this gig.

Anonymous said...

"Did you say the Dude Ranch is in Montana or Wyoming?", says Adam.

Anonymous said...

kris allen dye his hair?now his hai color is black he copied adam lambert.

Anonymous said...

Not a good picture of Kris. He's very cute and is that him in the background of the first pic?

Anonymous said...

yes, that's Kris in the background of the first pic....all of these are so cute....I love seeing Kara be sweet to Adam too.

Anonymous said...

Love Adam :) Can't stand Kara. Can't stand her touching Adam. just ew D:

Anonymous said...

Love Kara, Love Adam... Hey Kara wrote Strut. Fits Adam to a TTTTTT