Adam Lambert gets rowdy at the F-Word in Manhattan
Filed Under (article,pictures ) by Admin on Sunday, February 14, 2010
Posted at : Sunday, February 14, 2010
Adam Lambert had a great time partying at Rebel nightclub for the F-Word party in Manhattan on Friday night. Maybe too good of a time!
I got to snap this shot of him before his manager/publicist shooed me away. I guess Adam was partying a little too hard... if you catch my drift.

When I was making my way in to the FWORD at Rebel Friday night, I noticed a familiar face in the VIP line behind my group and me. I got my comp and said hello to resident door goddess Roze Black then made my way inside. It wasn't until I was already inside the club that I realized it was "American Idol" runner-up, Adam Lambert! When he finally made it inside, I decided to make my way over to say hello.
As I approached Adam, who was hanging out in the VIP room on the main floor, I spotted him talking with drag queen Devin Stone. I asked for a few shots, and Adam obliged by striking the diva pose you see here. By looking in his eyes, I could tell he was gone! He stood still for a couple of photos then turned around and just started dancing.
The next thing I know, I'm being accosted by Adam's publicist who clearly wasn't too happy that I was taking pictures of him. Can you believe he had the nerve to try and shoo me away?!
As I returned to my crew, I looked back to see that Lambert was clearly enjoying his evening. I also caught a glimpse of his make-out partner for the evening. And yes it was one of the club kids.
That was just the beginning of Adam's sloppy evening at the F-Word. Roze Black told me that he tried to yank her trademark blond wig right off her head! Word around the VIP room is that Lambert lost his cell phone and one of the club kids was holding it hostage. I don't know what really happened, but I did hear the murmurs and whispers of lawyer involvement!
I got to snap this shot of him before his manager/publicist shooed me away. I guess Adam was partying a little too hard... if you catch my drift.

When I was making my way in to the FWORD at Rebel Friday night, I noticed a familiar face in the VIP line behind my group and me. I got my comp and said hello to resident door goddess Roze Black then made my way inside. It wasn't until I was already inside the club that I realized it was "American Idol" runner-up, Adam Lambert! When he finally made it inside, I decided to make my way over to say hello.
As I approached Adam, who was hanging out in the VIP room on the main floor, I spotted him talking with drag queen Devin Stone. I asked for a few shots, and Adam obliged by striking the diva pose you see here. By looking in his eyes, I could tell he was gone! He stood still for a couple of photos then turned around and just started dancing.
The next thing I know, I'm being accosted by Adam's publicist who clearly wasn't too happy that I was taking pictures of him. Can you believe he had the nerve to try and shoo me away?!
As I returned to my crew, I looked back to see that Lambert was clearly enjoying his evening. I also caught a glimpse of his make-out partner for the evening. And yes it was one of the club kids.
That was just the beginning of Adam's sloppy evening at the F-Word. Roze Black told me that he tried to yank her trademark blond wig right off her head! Word around the VIP room is that Lambert lost his cell phone and one of the club kids was holding it hostage. I don't know what really happened, but I did hear the murmurs and whispers of lawyer involvement!
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The one write this is so rude!
Who cares?
Hope Adam had a great time, he deserves it. Working so hard between all the talk and radio shows in Canada, the Kradison Concert I would think he should be able to go out have a few drinks and party. Love you Adam
alcohol seems to be a problem in the lambert family.
adammlambert can drink moderately not too much- drinking si bad for the liver. smokign and drinking. just liek patrick swaze;; once in a while ok plus drinking is bad for ur skin alcohol its affect ur skin.
adam needs to loosen out once in a while but not too much adam. surely you know your limitations. you are a star now and responsible for anything, everything you do. those vultures are always waiting for something to write good or bad about you so please watch your back because we care whatever happens to you.
Adam is only human. Many of you out there have had a little too much to drink at one time or another. Maybe he had something bothering him. Sometimes the Viewer needs to Let It Be, and not report everything.
Adam is Jewish. Alcohol is NOT a problem. And do you believe everything your read. This article was from a gay publication known for its total inaccuracy and exaggeration. Please people, use a little bit of judgment. Do not assume everything you read anywhere on the web is true or accurate. Adam was able to give a great performance the following day, so his hangover could not have been that bad!!!
According to Adam, he has always loved to drink, party and socialize, and just because he is now a celebrity, doesn't mean things have changed much, with the exception that now his privacy has been compromised...the price one has to pay for fame.
Get real people! Adam is only 28 and single and this is the time he should be partying and having fun. Just because he has a career and his fans think they have ownership of him, doesn't mean he's not human and should enjoy life to the fullest. He's still like you and me! So, let's cut a little slack here and as someone previously stated: don't believe everything you read and, even if it is true, so what? Live and let live I say.
I can't believe this article was put on this fan site. I saw it online and thought - this shit is nobody's business. Adam is a big boy and he will do whatever he wants to do - we can't make choices for him and most of all - we should not judge him. Let's just think positive - like he does!
Well, i love him dearly but i agree with the writer. He definitely had a bit too much to drink (or sniff) ...just look at his eyes. He had that same look at the AMA's.....that's probably what led him to go a bit too far in his performance.
I hope he watches himself in public. He's a young guy who deserves to have fun and party with friends but he has to do it in private clubs now...not out in public where his every move is publicized. Poor guy, he can't do anything without someone writing about it.
i agree the ama's was probably the result of a little too much to drink. although i love him :)
I don't think the writer is talking about alcohol.
It's Adam's business if he wants to party hardy after a fabulous performance. I'd be more concerned if begins drinking too much during his performances - It messes up his vocals.
I am starting to wonder if Adam goes a bit too far with drinking or whatever else he is doing. I think he was under the influence during the AMAs, and it seems that he is sHtfaced a lot. I am concerned about him but as others have stated he's an adult. I hope he's under control and not ruining his life/career. It would be a tragedy if his partying messed with his voice, ability to perform and to enjoy his life.
don't post to make the guy look bad. its not like he is being arrested or passes out on the floor. i don't like this post. makes me feel bad.
story is close now we concentrate adma lambert-we know adam isa good boy-great kid-grounded and we love him. hope adam wont ruin his voice through his drinking. drink only privately onxce in a while.lots of jelaousy here those publish people they write down everything about adam. even if its nothign impt. at all.
Oh for god's sake.. this photograper is a horse's ass . Adam lets him take his picture and this is how he repays him for his kindness. What a celebrity whore this opportunist is.Watch out for Karma photojerk.
Adam is too great a guy to have to meet up with people like you.
He's an adult. He's always stated how much he likes to party and have fun. Just because he's famous now doesn't mean he should stop doing the things he loves- like he said, he's not a babysitter or a priest. Adam's been working hard since last year; he deserves to get a little crazy now and again.
No need to worry unless he starts looking like Amy Winehouse. (and to the person who said he's do realise Amy is a Jew too?)
We all sound like his mother! Have a blast Adam. I bet a bunch of people got happy after that great concert.
Everyone is jumping to conclusions here and blowing this out of proportion. It sounds like he was out for the evening, had some drinks, hopefully had some fun. He needs his down time. He need some privacy. He needs to escape, once in a while, from the insanity that has become his life. I cannot even imagine the pressure that is always on him now. Even his free non-work time is intruded on. He is 28 and wants to live his life a little. We need to back off and let him do just that without our judgement. If there are lessons to be learned around this, they are his to learn. All that we, as fans, have a right to do is show him our love, support and enjoy the music. That's all.
It might be a problem?!?! What the hell that's jumping to a big conclusion. He might have been drunk at the AMAs (which I don't believe) could have been at Gridlock, and was definitely on this mentioned night. That is very evenly spaced times and does not seem a problem WHATSOEVER. if he was constantly drunk in interviews, public appearances, concerts, we can be concerned, but I see no reason to be right now. He is still in the age where he can let loose and have a good time, and his being famous shouldn't affect celebrating his time.
Besides, at gridlock he was celebrating the new year AND new decade, so he had a right to, IF he was. Last night he was just having fun st a club in NYC, he wasn't throwing up, he got home safe, wasn't fighting, and wasn't passing out. I don't believe he was drinking at the AMAs.
Why? The reason is simple. If anyone saw that interview he did just minutes after he got offstage, he was very focused, steady, and clear. I've seen a few drunks close up before, and they had a very lost and unfocused look in their eyes, they slurred a lot, and they swayed unsteadily. He did neither of these things, and he was very well spoken in his interview. He was caught up in the moment.
Anyway, people need to relax. This was written by some random club-goer who was probably drinking and came off kinda stalkerish. This is the world we live in -where people take stories about celebrities and either a) take it completely ou o context, or b) blow it way put of proportion to make it something negative.
Adam is a young man having fun, and some rude club-stalker decided to make a thing out of it. We are not his mother, but as fans we do care about him. But in a way that means we need to let him have his fun. He's 28, he's entitled to it.
~ Emmaline ~
Oh, that really is shocking. Imagine the headline:
Young Man in NY for Weekend Parties in Club and Drinks Booze
Wow, what young man, gay or straight, has never done that, gone to a club and gotten wasted?
everybody drinks- i drink except once a year a little bet of red wine- ;; leave adma alone- he onyl drink once in a while- love him to death . dont worry adam i love you we love you to death- ull be ok; too happy hed rink anc an sleep better. drink ok but not too much bad for your liver.
Who is this asswipe writing this garbage?
Somebody ought to shoo him away. Sounds like an a hole stalker bothering Adam on a normal night out as anyone else would do on a night off on a weekend. He's 28 years old not 100 and honestly I don't believe a word this jerk wrote.
Why was the story allowed on this site? Adam has been working night and day since his album came out. To show a night in his life when he seems to have drank too much, is not nice. The vultures are out again.
people this crap wouldn't even hit the radar in the 60's or 70' Adam himself said this country has gotten too conservative! he's a 28 year old single dude...geez give it a rest!
Sounds like this writer is trying to make a name for himself off Adam's back.
Adam u need to let us fans know that u are alright, good lord, its terrible u can't have a little time having fun and unwinding u have people that watch and protect u. we all lv u and know its very stressful to keep up the pace u r going.
Oh, you all need to get over it. This type thing happens to all high profile celebrities. Especially new, controversial ones. Maybe it's not a good thing, but it "comes with the territory".
One thing, however...I saw Adam interviewed right after the AMA's, and he didn't look under the influence at all. He looked completely in control.
And also, anon #4, how do you know about the rest of Adam's family and alcohol problems?
Please respect Adam and give him privacy. He's been working so hard.
MANY MANY trolls on here trying to discredit Adam as usual. Some are infering drugs not alcohol. The AMA's he hadn't had one ounce of alcohol before the AMA's. Just more lies to undermine the best singer in 40 years. I would bet my next paycheck that some of these Anonymous posters are just jealous fans again who spend hours every day posting lies about Adam in hopes it will make their idol more likeable. Not a chance since we all know who these fans are. This one picture everyone is so knowledgeable about is probably where Adam is exhausted after his hot and sweaty performances. From what attendees are saying is that it was really too hot in the room and several people passed out from the heat. So trolls go elsewhere and post your venomous vile and hate. We all deserve a night out with a few drinks. It just relaxes us and helps us sleep better.
Adam deserves to have some fun. The person that writes this is obviously soooo jealous - little weesle.
Big news - 28 year old single male goes to a club and drinks!! OMG!!! People leave Adam alone. This writer is such a twit!
I am not going to comment more than to say: Careful Adam, fame is fragile.
OMG This is so stupid I don't even know where to begin! First of all Adam does not do cocaine or any drugs you "sniff" as someone stated. He has gone on record stating that he hates cocaine and the negative connotation that it carries. He did it for a while during a depressing time of his life but got sick of the whole scene. Yes Adam loves to drink and party and socialize and there is not a damn thing wrong with that. Plus it's nobody's business. I do not believe Adam was drunk at the AMAs! How can you people even say that. There's a photo of him prior to his performance drinking his signature cup of hot tea for his throat. He just got overwhelmed by the adrenaline and the moment. Adam is a professional and has been working towards this career for you really think he would intentionally jeopardize it by going on his first live television performance post-Idol drunk??? And the writer WAS referring to alcohol. I read this article directly on his blog and he specifically mentioned that Adam's Stoli bottle was half empty. Nowhere in the article did he insinuate any drug use on Adam's part.
my god people. Mind ur own business! the guy can do whatever he wants and we all know that he is a Professional and we do know how well behaved he is.As for the writer of this article, chop chop...your 15min is up buddy.
Hey, who cares? If Adam, at his age, wants to kick his heels up now and then, I say go for it. I just don't want to see him make a big habit of it and it destroy him in the future like drugs and alcohol have to so many.
If you are going to post something like this, dear writer, take a chill pill and don't belittle or bad mouth our boy.
You're an idiot and probably making up stories. Even if this really happened WHO CARES? Adam is entitled to live his life. The life of a 28 yr old. Bug off! You're not a real journalist! Why don't you go get a life!
It is funny, you try to upset so many people by doing what you think is your job. Don't you know his fans are going to love him reagardless or what you all print. I guess you never went to a party or had to try to get away from the media...well let him have a good time. It is the normal thing to do. Also, Adam has already said he tried drugs and won't do it again. His fans take him at his word. He is too smart to mess up now. So, why don't all you media hounds leave him alone and let him live his life. Try to report some good news for awhile and not rejoice over lives. Do you REALLY think you are going to turn his fans away. Just leave him other words, go get a life.
Adam is a ROCK STAR, what'd ja think he'd be doing out on the town, playing pick up sticks on the dance floor?? C'mon, he's an adult and can party as hard as he effing wants, GOOD I'm glad he's no goodie-two-shoes and I hope he plays up a more bad boy image in the future, it's REFRESHING that someone has the balls to just be themselves, PARTY ON ADAM!!!
Partying hard is OK??? I just went to a funeral for a guy who was a hard drinker and had a liver problem. I think everything should be done in moderation...Adam just be careful! We care.
Hello!... I APPROVE (of the original post.) Lmao, I love ya' Adam and would love to par-tay with ya'... like a *rockstar*
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