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Adam Lambert Gives Ryan Valentine's Day Advice

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, February 10, 2010

After years of pushing the S.A.D. campaign (Singles Awareness Day) every Valentine's Day, there may be a light at the end of Ryan's relationship tunnel after Adam Lambert gives him an interesting piece of advice on American Top 40.

Click here to listen to the audio



Anonymous said...

I agree with Adam. LOL. He is SO funny. Ryan needs to get layed!!!

Anonymous said...

Ryan is on the Adam bandwagon at last, and really promoting him. Thanks, Ryan. You will not regret it.......ALBUM IS GOLD !!!!!!! Platinum will follow. Congratulations BB

Anonymous said...

Did anyone notice how he says, "Baby" - kinda like the BEST EVER you heard somebody say that??!!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work Ryan. Adam to the Top!

Anonymous said...

yes, the way he said baby!!!!stood out!!!!!