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Adam Lambert on Argentinian TV

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, February 09, 2010


Anonymous said...

That girl barely knows what she is talking about. (his "friend" Madonna????) Anyway, I am very happy that Adam is finally being mentioned on the Latin American channels. This is just the beginning.
Good for Adam, he is on the way to becoming a world known star. Loooooove him!!!

Anonymous said...

I just got back from a month in Aruba and one of the radio stations there plays a lot of Adam's songs from AI as well as the album. One night when we got to a restaurant the station was playing "If I Can't Have You", when we got back to the car the station was playing "No Boundaries". Aruba loves Adam.

Anonymous said...

some one transulate please

Anonymous said...

The reporter is saying that on request of Adam's fans in Argentina she is bringing some news about him. She says he has turned 28 years old recently, appeared on V Man mag and is friends with Madonna (whom he visits frequently???? in NYC and follows her advice...we like to exagerate)But at least he is being mentioned in's a beginning.

lin said...

adam is becoming very international star now. he should start his international tour.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Silvana, Thank you for the translation + thank you Ananymous #2 for the info about Aruba! Wouldn't it be heaven to hear Adam on the radio that much! Maybe we should all move to Aruba.

Anonymous said...

So happy for Adam. He is indeed a worldwide star. Love him and his music. Now u can get FYE on iTunes for only 7.99. It's a special for valentines day. Let's get Adam to platinum.