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Adam's 89 year old fan, Isabel, is going to see Adam

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, February 6, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, February 06, 2010

Remember Isabel from this video? She is getting the chance to see Adam at the casino show! Someone gifted her a ticket to see the show and The Fantasy Springs is comping her and her daughter a room for Friday and Saturday nights.

Thank you @sweetsexysean for starting all of it and getting in touch with us #ISABEL4ADAM about 2 hours ago

GR8 news @adamlambert fans: We contacted Isabel, & she'll B staying hre Fri & Sat & attending the Glamily Reunion on us #Isabel4Adam about 2 hours ago

And yes, her daughter is coming too #ISABEL4ADAM about 2 hours ago

Credit: Idol Forums
Credit: innovationwiz

So happy for Isabel!! I hope Adam meets her!


Anonymous said...

I made the original suggestion 6 days ago for Adam to comp Isabel some tickets. So glad that it came to pass and she will be at the Gamily too. She is a wonderful lady and deserves extra special joy in her final years. Maybe I will be luck to meet her too!!


Anonymous said...

God Bless you Isabel. Give Adam a kiss on the cheek for all of us.

Anonymous said...

"I made the original suggestion 6 days ago for Adam to comp Isabel some tickets. So glad that it came to pass and she will be at the Gamily too. She is a wonderful lady and deserves extra special joy in her final years. Maybe I will be luck to meet her too!!"

That's so sweet of you. You're so nice! I love that Adam fans all unite! <3

Anonymous said...

this is really moving. how wonderful! some really great people gravitate to adam and his enlightened family. thank you adam for another kind hearted deed.


Anonymous said...

This is the best since sliced bread! Hope she has a great time & gets to meet Adam! Her message expressed what we all feel so perfectly.

Anonymous said...

How wonderful!! So happy for her. Adam must meet her and give her a hug and kiss!

Anonymous said... wonderful!!


Those of you who helped are awesome!

Anonymous said...

happy for you isabel. enjoy the show and adam. am sure adam will give you special treatment. you are so special and really care about adam.

Anonymous said...

wow, i'm crying after seeing isabels video. i love elderly people, and have always enjoyed working with them in hospitals and nursing homes.isabel if you read this i just want to tell you that you are a sweet lady,and although all of adams fans would do anything for the chance to meet him face to face, you dear lady deserve it the most!i hope adam will make your dreams come true, god bless you.