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Drama Erupts Over Kara DioGuardi Comparing Andrew Garcia To Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Last night's "American Idol" propelled Andrew Garcia to frontrunner status thanks to his soulful acoustic interpretation of Paula Abdul's "Straight Up." But it was Kara's comments comparing Garcia's show-stopping performance to Adam Lambert (and not Kris Allen) that has sparked a passionate debate amongst "Idol" fans.

Who deserved to get a shout-out from Kara last night: Adam Lambert or Kris Allen?

This afternoon I had a private chat with a close friend of mine, who believes Kara was in the right by referencing Adam, and I think our civilized discussion is worth sharing with other "Idol" fans.

Glambert696969: So, Jim, I read your "Idol" recap last night.

Jim: Oh yeah? Thanks!

Glambert696969: I don't understand why us Glamberts have such a bad rep for defending Adam tooth and nail when you and ['s Michael] Slezak are just as defensive about Kris.

Jim: Was I being defensive though?

Glambert696969: Yes! You just couldn't bear that Kara name dropped Adam instead of your beloved Kris.

Jim: Haha. First of all, I'm a fan of both Adam and Kris. It is possible! But more importantly, I was frustrated that Kara botched an obvious comparison. It was confusing television and it made her look like an idiot.

Glambert696969: But why was Kris Allen the obvious comparison there? You don't remember Adam's brilliant stripped down Hollywood Week performance of Cher's "Believe?"

Jim: Of course I remember that! But unless you're an Adam fan, I'm not sure that brief snippet of "Believe," as genius as it was, is burned into the public's collective consciousness the way Kris Allen's stripped down "Heartless" is.

Glambert696969: But that's irrelevant. Kara saw a guy take a dance song originally performed by a woman and flip it on its head. Therefore, Garcia's "Straight Up" = Lambert's "Believe." That's all she was saying.

Jim: But Kris did the same thing when he sang Donna Summer's "She Works Hard for the Money" during disco week. And Kara gushed over that performance!

Glambert696969: Look, you just have to accept that Adam's legacy on the show is that he always rearranged songs to fit his unique point of view. And he did it more than Kris.

Jim: But didn't Kris end up in the finals precisely because he did just that? And weren't his rearrangements of the acoustic variety?

Glambert696969: Your inner Krisbert is showing. Accept it: Adam's rearrangements were more groundbreaking and noteworthy and memorable than Allen's. That's why Kara thought of Lambert and not Kris.

Jim: Listen, I'm not denying Adam's brilliant game-changing run on "Idol." Not in the least bit! But what he did with "Ring of Fire" and "Tracks of my Tears" and "One" and "Mad World" is completely irrelevant to what Andrew Garcia did on "Idol" last night.

Glambert696969: But Kara was pointing out that Andrew "flipped" a pop song, which Adam did all the time.

Jim: But to ignore the musicality of Andrew's performance makes Kara seem all the more "Idol"-illiterate and simplistic! That's like if she said to Katie Stevens, "The way you sing on pitch? That reminds me of Jennifer Hudson!" Or if she said to a fresh-baked cookie, "The way you're warm and soft in the middle? You remind me of a filet mignon."

Glambert696969: You're reading too much into it.

Jim: And you're not reading into it enough.

Glambert696969: At least give me this much: Kara was correct by saying Adam consistently flipped songs to make them his own.

Jim: Of course! It wasn't a wrong comparison for Kara to make. I'm arguing that there was a better reference point to highlight. And my frustration stemmed from Kara not improving as a judge in her second year. That's all.

Glambert696969: Mm-hmm.

Jim: Come on, Glammy. Andrew Garcia was even wearing plaid!

Glambert696969: Oh, what, now Kris Allen invented plaid, too? Sheesh! Besides, Adam wore plaid when you interviewed him in November. How can you accuse Kara for making "simplistic" comparisons when you're essentially treating "Idol" contestants like paper dolls right now?

Jim: Fair enough. So, I guess it's just another case of you say potato, I say potahto.

Glambert696969: But you say potato. I say Adam Lambert rules.



Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

omg why are people still talking about Adam VS Kris?

Kris cannot be compared to Adam because he is less talented. He only has the looks.

lily said...

all the idol judges were fans of glambert, did you hear what randy jackson said, kris won for a reason. if it happened that lambert is not gay, he could have won the competition.

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Kara referring to all of Adam's performances, where he took a song and did his own, different version of it?

Anonymous said...

Adam is memorable. Period.

Anonymous said...

Everything Adam did was unique and fabulous. Kris had moments.

Anonymous said...

I am Adam Lambert fan but I like Kris too,and , I am afraid I have to agree with Jim here, a little. If you remember the "covers" that Adam did, though outstanding were originally arranged by others, he chose them to demonstrate his unbelievable vocals and most loved every note, but I may be wrong but the covers that Kris did,(discussed here), were rearranged by Kris himself. These versions were inventive and helped take him to the top 2 at the very least. Andrew's performance actually did remind me more of Kris but I don't agree that Kara made hereself look like an idiot, she has a right to her opinion, right?

Anonymous said...

F*ck fan wars. Glad I never watch AI. I became an Adam fan after idol was long over. I went to the source of this article and had to read all the garbage. Jim's article was fun as he sees how ridiculous all the fussing over KA vs AL is. Now just why do we have to keep reminding the world who won last season??????

Anonymous said...

How can this man compare Kris to Adam, they are
totally different artists, waisting your time
and my time..... Find another job......

Anonymous said...

adam lambert has a big personality- likeable-friendlytalented unique voice-can dance sexy i call him mr. perfectionism. in his birth chart it says born popular/and a leader- good human being-warm-caring and war,.this is from the phsychic traits nalayzes.

Anonymous said...

you people, enough of this adam vs kris drama, they have their own style, personality and music.

Anonymous said...

For the record, Kris Allen's version of Heartless is not original. He got it from a popular band (forgot who it was). Adam did "Ring of Fire" and "Mad World" from somebody else's version, but all the rest was his original work especially "Track of my Tears." Adam's weekly performance were great. Kris had a few good moments. Kris is generic that's why he won AI. Adam is definitely not for everybody, which is good, I don't like sharing. :)))

Anonymous said...

I believe that Adam always made every song his own from the absolute beginning. The rest of the contestants didn't take their singing to that same level until later in the season and until they saw results and heard judges comments about how good Adam was at doing this. Just sayin.....

Anonymous said...

This discussion is just so silly. It's just what came to Kara's mind at that moment. Both Adam and Kris "flipped" songs to make them their own. As a huge fan of Adam and a minor fan of Kris's, I liked the comment. :)

Anonymous said...

Kara has always been enamored with Adam and wrote the song "Strut" on his album, so naturally she would talk about him. I certainly wish there was a bit more originality this season...and some of this year's contestants are a bit strange. As far as Adam is concerned...he is a master of self-promotion, and I don't think Kris is as aggressive, however both are doing very well.

Anonymous said...

Quit comparing these two guys! they are completely different and what's most important- I don't think Adam would want his fans "fighting" with Kris Allen fans. THey got along good on the show and you should really give poor Kris a break. You're just making Glamberts seem like fanatics.

Anonymous said...

this is soo true!!they are very different!!!!ppl voted for Kris ,because he was safe,but he won with the help of " vote for the worst " and at&t.he CAN NOT SING !!PLEASE STOP TRYING TO TELL ME HE'S GOOD!!!!THAT'S A JOKE!!!!ADAM LAMBERT IS THE BEST IDOL, THEY HAVE EVER HAD ON THAT SHOW!!! AND THERE WILL NEVER BE ANOTHER ADAM ON THE SHOW !!!! HONEY SHOW'S OVER!!!! GO ADAM !!!

Anonymous said...

oh,Kris won for a reason ????what reason ??sure was not is singing!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

kris WHO????

Anonymous said...

O.K. All your comments are tongue in cheek, Right? We all know that Jim and Glambert696969 are the same person.He's sooo funny!! And he's started a firestorm that is hysterical!

AsiaFan said...

Hey, Chinese New Year starts this week in Asia. I know Adam is a big astrology fan so here is his chart for his birthdate on the Chinese Zodiac---He is a Water Dog:

Occupying the 11th position in the Chinese Zodiac, the Dog symbolizes character traits such as loyalty, compatibility and kindness. Dogs frequently offer kind words and useful advice, always listening and lending a shoulder when necessary. Dogs often become deeply involved in others’ lives and are sometimes perceived as nosy. Ensuring others are happy is more important to the Dog than wealth, money or success.

The Water Dog in the year of the Metal (golden) Tiger will have a better year in 2010 than it was in 2009 (except he will be unlucky in love, poor bb).

AsiaFan said...

More Water Dog Characteristics (does this sound familiar):
When the time is right, Dogs work long and hard, but they know how to relax, and enjoy their home and loved ones. The Dogs have playful moods and a great sense of humor. They have quick emotions and if you offend them, they will snarl and insult you with expertise. They forgive with the same speed. Dogs are intelligent and well-balanced. With their stable minds, they make good counselors or psychologists. They endure during any crisis situation. They are trustworthy people and know how to keep a secret. Being efficient and very diplomatic, they can hide their prejudices well. Most Dogs have a comfortable home and do well.Dogs always defend what is theirs and have a high sense of value. Home and family come first,and Dogs will work to see that they have the best!

Anonymous said...

I firmly believe that is ONE reason Adam did not win because he was praised so much by the judges. They are both talented, but even Kris thought Adam should have won. I just think the judges should be careful about "over praising" any particular one. People, it should be all about talent and personality...that should be the reason to vote and a lot of people go by what the judges say. I personally like Simon and think he is most of the right on. One of them has to be staight up about his or her opinion, but should not compare anyone to anyone else. I also believe there will never be another Adam...he is VERY unique.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I don't find anything memorable about Kris Allen's performances. I recently watched one of his performances in the Philippines that was really downright embarrassing. I have my own theories about why Adam didn't win AI, but that's water under the bridge. Kris is being promoted on radio much more than Adam and yet Adam gets the attention. That's because Adam is not only a vocal phenom, but is a force to be reckoned with, and Kris is not. We'll see who fades away and who doesn't. Kara had a perfect right to compare the contestant to whomever she chose. She's not obligated to name drop Kris just because he happened to win AI last year. Does the name Taylor Hicks ring a bell???

Anonymous said...

Mia from Take the Stage on MTV did that version of Heartless on a guitar BEFORE Kris did on Idol. I believe he got that from her. If not, all I know is HE did not make that up. Sorry had to get that out. Adam is by far the most orginal contestant that ever came out of Idol.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anon #22, while Kris is being promoted on radio much more than Adam, it is Adam who has sold more albums than Kris. Just image if those stupid radio DJ's would actually listen to the fans (me) and play more Adam how much more he would sell? Can't wait till he goes on tour, his sales will make him go not only platnium but double platnium!!!

Anonymous said...


AsiaFan said...

Today there was a review in the Straight's Times of Kris's performance here in Singapore on Wednesday. 800 people (mostly tweens and teens with parents) attended. He got much love and they screamed for his AI songs and LLWD, but the reviewer finished with this: "More memorable and original material would help Allen let go of the American Idol crutch that made him famous"

Anonymous said...

Adam is the KING OF ROCK, Kris is the king of winning the Christian swing vote from Gokey's fans. *SO* yesterday's news, Adam's already an international superstar, in a completely different and stellar league of his own, Kris is a nice guy but he'll probably be doing the wedding singer thing by next year.

Anonymous said...

But, I mean, could we blame the judges from praising Adam? I mean he makes me want to be an Idol judge myself so I can shower him with superlatives week after week last season. I was practically shouting till kingdom come in front of my TV set so the whole of America will hear it. Let's quit analyzing why he didn't win coz really does it matter now? And why does it always have to be Kris vs Adam. I mean, guys, give poor Kris a break. He's enjoying himself and I'm sure Adam is happy for his friend. I don't think they'd be talking about who sold more albums when they see each other tonight.

Damn you, NYC! You'll have a Kradison fix!

I firmly believe that is ONE reason Adam did not win because he was praised so much by the judges. They are both talented, but even Kris thought Adam should have won. I just think the judges should be careful about "over praising" any particular one. People, it should be all about talent and personality...that should be the reason to vote and a lot of people go by what the judges say. I personally like Simon and think he is most of the right on. One of them has to be staight up about his or her opinion, but should not compare anyone to anyone else. I also believe there will never be another Adam...he is VERY unique.