Adam Lambert Spotted at “Bebe: The After Party” For Los Angeles Fashion Week Spring 2011
Filed Under (pictures ) by Admin on Friday, March 18, 2011
Posted at : Friday, March 18, 2011
Adam Lambert attended the Bebe: The After Party event held at the SupperClub on Thursday (March 17) in Hollywood, Calif.
He was joined by rock singer BC Jean and designer Roxy Contin, who debuted her new Spring line.

Thanks to Adamholic!
He was joined by rock singer BC Jean and designer Roxy Contin, who debuted her new Spring line.

Thanks to Adamholic!
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Off topic..Article from Matt Carter about "Aftermath, the Remix"
What is in his ear?
Nice pics, looks like Adam's enjoying himself!
Adam sure loves the night life in Hollywood. Love his smile.
What is Adam wearing in the upper part of his right ear?
First photo - which is BC Jean and who's the other guy?
Here we go again....those eyes! WOW! Lots of leather. Are those the pants he wore on AI when he did the duet with Allison Iraheta for "Slow Ride" ? Remember the striped ones?
Yes, but Adam is really slimming down they look a little loose.
loose pants on BB... now we can't have that can we?!!!! ;)
I'm almost afraid to ask about the green thing on the chain...probably not Irish jewelry.
Leather with tall hair, sparkle green eye liner with strip slow ride pant. Ha!Ha!Ha! LOve him.
Hard to take your eyes off of his but I want to know, Adam, what IS that thing in your right ear? Me no like that thing but I am in love with the rest of your look and I love you of course!!!
While listening to FS WLL again, yesterday Adam just left me all shaking up with that performance, I gauged my ears with #6 black studs, probably won't go any bigger, look ADAM!!! Hurt like hell, but well worth it cuz I'm preparing myself for the TATTOOO!!!
Adam looks great, out partying with friends, would love to party with that man!
So anxious to get the GNT dvd, thank you very much Adam !! what a great treat for our memories with you LIVE!!! I think Adam has surpassed all entertainers with his first concert show. I'm big on first impressions & if I was writing up on his GNT show, I'd give him a great review, with the exception that somebody should have given Adam more money & a bigger freakin stage!!
Next year BB, next year, or this year.
I hope he has a lot more sophisticated music like his FS WLL, & like I said before, Adam should have been given a grammy nom for his world tour of WLL. That song is definitely Adam's!!MWAH!K
Is that thing in his ear a bluetooth for his iphone? K
Gorgeous one has emerged again with the latest Hollywood trend a shiny prune in his ear. Is there an ENT in the house?????
@glitzylady/9:13am - thanks so so much for the link/article. I was just shoutingout about this sort of thing on the previous thread. I won't hold my breath generally speaking, but Imma hoping maybe Kiss affiliates will play it! Reasonable, respectful requesting always, but consistent requesting.
Hey AG - I saw your reply on other thread... don't worry about listening to catch it Woman - just request:
As I said AG, they've changed their format, you have to go to bottom of that screen, but it's still super easy. And I don't put in my age or gender (don't want them to discount my request for ANY reason, sadz I know I know) and it still goes through and says "thank you for your request".
Also, I've actually been catching a lot of my local Kiss station lately (in the car so much :)) and they have actually been playing a lot of remixes!! (@AG - 92 profm been playing remixes too, and they like AML, fingers crossed, but won't hold my breath for our other local stations :(...).
On-Topic: Yum. Hope AML had a blast. And the hint of green in eye makeup - HHH!
Yep, a direct line to the recording studio in case a new song comes in.
@CT How funny, that we can remember exactly what he wore and where he wore it.I bet he may not remember as well as we do.If he just wants to know what to wear, he should call us and we can tell him exactly, where, why and when he wore any given outfit. LOL
@ K/March 18 10:05AM - if you were that inspired by the FS WLL (and it is inspiring indeed) try this little gem:
A tip - this is part of the description line for the vid: "In case you needed a reason to listen to Acoustic WLL again..."
A hint - the incomparable FS WLL audio, (amazeballs) but the video... well, I'll let you discover that for yourself
ps. Are you kidding about your ears?
From afar a seriously thought that blonde haired dude was sauli. Adam looks great as always!!
As hard as that crowd tried to outdo each other, only #1 stands out, complete with the latest ear accessories.
You can't get a tax deduction if you wear your stage clothes on the street, so we better not reveal how much we know about every article of clothing he wore when and where.
@MGF hell no I'm not kidding about my ears!! LMAO!! I sure did it!! I did warn my husband first, he thinks I should do my nippers!!Hell F****** no to that!!!
You know, it's been awhile since I've gone back to WLL performances in FS, Amsterdam, Paris, Club Nokia, & I gotta say, I know Adam is a professional, but compared to other folks, Adam's voice just exceeds his age, meaning he is an absolute freak with a voice that absolutely no one can compare. I try to listen to every note, his control, he is just MAGICAL! I can't get over the fact people don't hear his voice like we do. It is a fact, Adam's voice is phenomenal, gotta check these links, get back with ya MGF! Thanks, love being here with all of you!!! MWAH!!K
That's an earring from his friend that sells/makes jewelry. I forgot his name but he went on the promo tour with him last year to Japan. The girl with him with the pink hair also has on jewelry by their friend - that wrap around thingie across her chest.
What I want to know is who is the blond posing with Adam. She looks like the interviewer from one of the countries he was in that practically climbed in his lap. Does anyone know who she is?
Just remembered the guy's name - Joshua. Here's his website
@anon 10:42 Hilarious! We don't want Adam to lose his tax deductions...guess we better not pay such close attention to every detail on his body...(Ahem)......NOT! LOL
Love, love, love the first and the last two pics!!
@MGF! Thanks for that link never saw that one, the part that I got a kick out of was the look from "Satisfaction", that was real good!!
It's just my opinion, but to me, what makes Adam different from other music artist is that Adam leads the band with his vocal instrument, they don't lead him. Yea, I'm listening real closely to this man's voice, & I love it!!
(panting)NEED MORE!!! MWAH!! K
more pretty ladies in the world of The Glam God! he seems entertained!
Adam the best looking person at the event. Just saw a reminder why not to get tatts when loaded.
Damn I love those pants!
OMG listened to FS WLL last nite & others. He was on...SO AMAZING!!!! Interesting about the band & his saying they did not rehearse that with him,they are fabulous musicians! What bothered me was they have lost videos of FS. What is the best way to save these performances;download to a CD or what?? Everyone I asks says I don't know.
Do you need an MP player? HELP ME. LBS
What does MWAH stand for? MAN WHAT A HUNK or is that your Tag??
Just wanted to jump in here quickly and mention that it is soooo coool to see a new tag here and there and wanted to let you know how nice it is to put a name with a personality! The more the merrier here as long as it is respectful! Love you guys and especially that beautiful man up there. Does he even have a clue as to how bad we all have it? Prolly not...
he should really do a fashion line in the future. Cosmetic line would also be great! I would wear his liner!
Adam should do a cosmetic line a call it "Glam" by Adam Lambert
"GLAM" would be an excellant name for a cosmetic line! dawnn*
@12:15, do you remember the first time Adam blew a kiss to the audience on AI? I know he did it after ACIGC, but it seems he did it before that performance. Well, ever since, I blow kisses to my friends who I truly adore, & since we just write to each other here, I am blowing a kiss "MWAH!!" to each & every one of you here because I adore you. But I like the "MAN WHAT A HUNK" too!!! MWAH!! K
ps, work nights & haven't been to sleep yet, so goodnight to all & goodnight Adam,
I love you !!! MWAH!!!! K
How did you remember that info?? A few minutes ago I hit something on this PC (never know what the heck I'm doing) & this old gossip news came up about Joshua, a designer,in Japan & on this promo tour with Adam & is he new boyfriend or his stylist? Never saw any of this before and that Joshua is really cute, Adam had his leather poncho on too.OOOOOPS mentioned the clothes again,hope the IRS isn't here!!
Thanks. Do you think I'm just overly concerned about Adams welfare or should I try to get in a little more sleep? LBS
@CW......Sorry-meant @CT
If people don't answer my questions, I'm goin to go to Twitter with the Twats & Tweets & Tweenies!!!!!
How freaking funny are these posts? I love you guys! I knew after i saw Adams picture that everyone would be commenting on the ear thingie...and sure enough, you were!
But what the hell is it??
Got an invitation to that affair too, but my stylist was busy with GaGa & couldn't accommodate me. He's Fired.
OOOOOOHHHH!! LOVE THAT!!! Must get it on the Twitter list friend.
MWAH!! To All
@ daydreamin
I'm with you! I love to see a new tag and love even more when I see it again and again the following days because it means that 24/7 «Paradise» got another regular.. I used to welcome every new poster but lately there are so many (good!) new tags here that if I got to welcome everybody I'd be short of time to make my own comments... or Icon's comments. Now I have 2 tags... LOL
Not 100% sure what you mean "they lost some Fantasy Springs performances" but wondering if you have gone to Lambossed's You Tube Channel or Suz526's You Tube Channel. I know that Lambossed has many things available for download, at least as MP3's..they can be downloaded to your computer to your "default" music player (mine is iTunes..) and you can download them to an iPod, MP3 player, etc...Not sure if this will help or what you meant..but hoping it will.. and it was!
Suz526 Fantasy Springs Videos
Lambossed You Tube Channel...lots of Adam vids etc....
As far as converting You Tube vids to video or MP3, just google "You Tube to MP3" etc. and it will pull up a number of sites that tell you how to do that.....
Good luck...
Well, I don't know what the H... that thing in his ear is, but it better not be a direct link to these posts!!!!
Still waiting for Download info. My Favorites are about to ignite!!
Don't know what's more fun, new Adam pictures or the posts that follow new pictures. LOL Digging both.
Well..duh! Forgot to post links...
Lambossed You Tube Channel
Suz526 Fantasy Springs Vids
Suz526 You Tube Channel has everything..pretty much...
@glitzylady: Thank you for helping me not to lose a comment.
The pretty blond is B.C. Jean. I said on another thread he did a session with her and could not remember her name because I was having a bad day with my memory. She is from San Deigo, and is a singer -songwriter.
@anon 10:18 found your "prune in ear" funny. If in fact this is jewelry, people will be walking around with "yoda" ears.
I saw these handsome pictures of Adam at 2:30AM they were taken by Brian (Film Magic. com). Adam is such a nice person, and these reporters that say negative statements are not nice people. RS made big bucks off Adam, why would they turn on him?
@Fan4fun: when are you going to tell us the story of PingPongs rescue?
Thank U,thankU!!! You are ALWAYS so informative!
I will now spend the rest of my life doing this.
Wish me luck! MWAH!!!!!
That full moon is tonite too.
@P.A.S. (ex P.S.)
Icon was looking for his notes to post his report when suddenly, a few threads behind, some «anonymous» complained, saying that not everyone wants to hear from a CAT. Many regulars came to support him but anyway he got kind of a shy...
Oh, here he is, coming out from his «panic room».
- Hey Icon, go check out your notes and bring them here. Your aunt P.A.S. (ex aunt P.S.) wants to read your P.P.R.R. (Ping Pong Rescue Report). Let's post it.
Yeah, but will he get a tax deduction if he wears his street clothes on the stage? That's what he does! Haha
@ Glitzylady 1:14pm....Thanks so much for your suggestion on how to convert a YouTube video on to an MP3. I've been asking so many people how to do that forever and no one knows! I hope it works 'cause I've downloaded sooooooooo many Adam vids (over the last 2yrs) and there they sit on my computer but I want them all safe and backed up in case my computer crashes one day.
@LBS're still hilarious! Yeah, you should try to get a little more sleep....don't be like me staying up until the wee hrs of the morn watching and reading everything Adam and then getting those unsightly dark rings under your eyes! Oh the price we pay for loving Adam so much!!
lol! YUP!That's why he does it!! He's a smart cookie, cupcakes!!!
Yes, I need to take my own PC crashed a little over a year ago, and took my iTunes downloads with it.. : ( including my Season 8 Adam Lambert performances, which are of course no longer available on everything back free from iTunes but as a result, no new downloads to my iPod in over a year..I have talked to people who have suggested how to do a "reverse" download from iPod to my computer, but haven't done it yet..Either that, or buy a new iPod, which I've been considering. The things we do to feed this Adam thing...!! LOL!
You're welcome, although now I feel bad because I can just see you spending the rest of your life, researching and downloading!!!!
And yeah, good look with that..not staying up until the wee small hours of the morning, keeping up with Adam!! Let us know if that works..
@LBS in my above post...
oops...meant good "luck" with that !
Glad you recovered from your CRS moment! I should have waited.I googled every blond singer on the internet yesterday & got nothing! Just went to her Twitter-it's all there,Mobile Station,pic of them at Bebe.Good Work Girl-keep it up!!
Please come out of ur panic room and tell us the story about Ping Pong!!! I sure want 2 hear from "The Cat" Scratches 2 U!!!!
auntie D or Dana
I want to dedicate this report to my @ Aunt P.A.S. and to all my other aunts, my uncles and my grandma in this site. And of course to sweet Adam, his boyfriend Sauli, all his Glamily (specially «pretty kitt» Tommy Joe) and to all those sweet and patient Admin. Ladies who run this fabulous site. Icon.
Part 1
Everything started the rainy week before sweet Adam come to Idol-S10, when my mommy Fan4fun was working in Hell's Kitchen at other island, my aunt Esther was baby sitting me and her cat, my boyfriend Ping Pong, disappeared. When mommy came back we were all worried looking for him, we had his pictures everywhere in the neighbourhood and printed in our local newspaper. Mommy gave aunt Esther a hug, said «Don't you worry, we'll find him», asked help to her friend police officer and talked to the people in her church. Soon everybody was asking «Have you seen this cat?» door to door, stores, bars and people in the streets, because Ping Pong is known, he's a free spirit and enjoys to live like a homeless cat. So one day an old lady who lives in a 2nd floor in front of a grocery store and spends lots of her time looking down from the window said «I saw the young man who sells cigarrets to that store (and pointed out) calling a red and white cat with some food and grabbing him and taking him away in his old green car that is not from here but from other village and I don't know the license number.»
And were a couple of days in stand by until she called by phone my mommy to give us the license number... because she saw again the old green car and the young kidnapper and as everybody knows (and the old lady knows too) every criminal returns to his crime's local and she waited and waited and waited, watching from her window.
(to be continued)
Love the overall head shots, but not so crazy about those pants that I do remember he has worn before. Those eyes; I could stare into them all day. If only that would happen! Glad to see Adam is having some fun in between working on songs for the new album. He could do a print ad(for Maserati) since he seems to want to get one of them. And as others have said, he could do a makeup line or a cologne for both men and women. I am certain that no matter what the product, it would be do very well in the marketplace. But I guess at this point, his focus should be on his music and writing for a fall album release. All those other projects will come later in his career once Adam is firmly established as the best vocal talent in the music industry today. By the way, did we decide what that "thing" is in his right ear???
a little green so he won't get the pinch coming to him! megaSarcastica^-^*~
Damn he looks better then any man on this planet I have't checked them all out ha ha but this has to be true.Name one man that is that beautiful.You can't?Thats what I thought.I think he should come out with a unisex cologne called "FEVER"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
behind every great man in a great woman. Adam has great women behind him and loving him along the way! Loyalty is such a great thing!
anon 4:20 spelling error. in should be IS. Behind every great man IS a great woman. IN a great woman sounded a little naughty! my mind is going there right now!
a say a love potion called "Voodoo" would be appropriate for certain occasions!
I say a love potion called "Voodoo" would be appropriate for certain occasions!
wearing the Rock Star role rather well! Lots of leather, nice jewelry, needs more rings, tight pants, cool boots. Is that a ear cuff? It is big!
I jus wuv ICON..LMAO
RE: Earring: After observing these OMFG new pictures, I retract my statement about it being a shiny prune. It's that hinge that fell off my fridge last year & that jeweler found it. Seriously, hope his jewelry is on Loan.
(R)oxycontin ? must be a stage name
@Fan4fun Mar18 2:01PM - I am also MORE than VERY interested in reading Icon’s report on P.P.R…
THANK YOU & ICON for your nice shout out on Mar16 6:50AM (way back in the following thread - I’m forever Your and Icon’s Fan and of course Sweet Adam’s Fan! And yes, I have been ill twice in a row (crappy winter flu totally took the wind out of my sails), have tried to keep track of Adam news…but been slow to read and post comments, feeling betterER now. I hope to get a chance to post a comment addressed to Icon - but want to read the rest of Ping Pong’s Rescue Report first…
It was in Lambossed article that said Videos were removed & wanted help finding them. Adam Lambert Obsession Fantasy Springs-One Year On.
Right under the video. Maybe you can help!
Don't worry about me kiddo, I have no life anyway.HeHe LBS
Love the green makeup, and love the look in the last photo.
Didn't he wear those trousers in the vevo ad as well (where he was in the hotel room jumping on the bed)?
No wonder Adam is excited!! Check out BC Jeans videos! Just the kind of female voice Adam likes,
and she writes. Ryan Tedder & she collaborated & Max Martin. Wonder why he never gave her a shout out. good.
Part 2
(dedicated to everyone I said before but specially to my aunt Dana)
As soon as mommy got the old lady's phone call and the old green car license number she called her friend police officer but he said «I may find a name and an address, it's my pleasure to help you, but you can't involve the police because Ping Pong wasn't wearing an ID collar». Next day he called mommy at work in Hell's Kitchen and gave her the name and the kidnapper's address and said «It's a little farm in other village, the other side of this island. Let's go there in a group but peacefully, because we don't know whether or not the old lady's information is correct.» My mommy had to wait until next day to meet and talk to my aunt Esther, she was so happy, she said «Ping Pong is alive! Oh, thanks God my Ping Pong is alive!!! I knew, I knew it, I felt it in my heart! I'm going there right now to rescue him back, and once I can't have the kidnapper arrested I'm gonna kill him right there, that's it!», mommy said «Calm down neighbour, first we have to check it out, nobody is gonna kill anybody, and if Ping Pong is there we'll for sure get him back, but peacefully.» And also said «We need a group of friends to go there with us. I'll take Icon with me.», I said «I'll take my pink teddy bear.», aunt Esther said «I'll take my shot gun!», mommy jumped back and shouted «No! No! No! No!» but I didn't mind any bad answer because aunt Esther isn't a Glambert (sigh! poor woman!) and doesn't know WHAT to say when someone say to you NoNoNoNo! (I know... it's the «F» word, meaw-ha, meaw-haha, sweet Adam taught us all). Instead, Aunt Esther said «OK.», then mommy said «Let's take the priest and he'll take his bible.», aunt Esther said «OK.» again and mommy called the priest by phone, he said «OK, but today is Carnival, we'd better go tomorrow.» I guess he thought the kidnapper might have Ping Pong disguised in caw fancy dress... or something smaller. Next day the priest couldn't go, the police officer couldn't go either, but we invited one more neighbour and a couple of friends from mommy's church (Sammuel, his wife Carla and their little daughter Miriam. They have a parrot but the parrot didn't wanna go, I guess he doesn't like cats). Also the old lady didn't wanna a go, she said she was feeling sick to her stomach. So, we were all ready to go (Aunt Esther, my mommy, me, my pink teddy bear, the police officer, our neighbour Domingos, the priest and his bible, Sammuel, Carla and little Miriam with her doll Susy, everybody in three cars), the very day sweet Adam sang on Idol-S10, but it was lunch time here while in USA you were all still sleeping, I don't know sweet Adam, he likes L.A. night life.
(to be continued)
ATTENTION....Chapter II Adam the Pirate
now showing on Adam Lambert Confirmed to
Comment 71
Gotta read these sagas.......Nancy
I bet Adam Lambert has jumped on many beds in hotel rooms.
@ Anon. 7:21PM
Errr... excuse me but I wonder... what do you get if you win this bet?
Seems like Adam has a lot of fun.
Just ot of curiosity, what does Adam have on his hair on picture #3?
@adamluv1000 I just opened this link you sent. All of these jewelery are silver or gold. And it seems as very high quality of silver or gold. Adam earring or whatever he has in his ear looks dark, may be this is titanium?:)
Adam look gorgeous, but I still can't understand what did happen with his hair on picture #3.
@administraion I think this comment @7:21 pm is very dirty
Wow he has alot of hair. My goodness. Sexy!
the hair slicked to Glam Perfection! making all the ladies want to come out and play! isn't that right A?!
Warning: lots of Drinking causes Tongue diving!
anon 7:21 very true! Bad boys have to let it all out somehow!
anon 7:29 a good time? eh!
@delilah5 Photo#3: this is saliva or sperm. You call, HAHAHAHA
You saw it!
BC is a beautiful girl, but why does she want to look like Adams Cockatoo? Why?
Brings back that plucking stuff from Jay Leno's
@anon 9.10 guessed some stuff in Adams hair is sperm!? Well, huh. Just visited some other site about Adam where folk discussed about Adams penis! Ok, it is spring time and Adam is a hottie and sooo sexy. But come on, could we fantasise about his penis in our own heads... Sigh! Says a bit confused Sanni;D
The YOUNG KING looks magnificent as usual!!!!
LOVE the ear jewelry!!!
Hello guys, please continue to vote for adam on mtv music march madness green day vs. adam lambert. i vote until they block me then i go back after few hours and vote again. one time i was able to vote 100x before they blocked me. so i voted 5 times today, adam got lots of vote for me.
the poll will close end of march.
@ delilah5, @ Sanny, @ all my fellows
and @ Admin.
I'm so sorry that at times I find out in 24/7 «Paradise», land for sweet Adam Lambert and his true Glamberts, comments like Anonymous March 18, 7:21PM and 9:10PM. Unfortunatelly there are people who enjoy to waste their time and mine, also my mood, printing their dirty thougths as they play «a fly on a wall» in the bedroom of someone (one super talented and amazingly kind and gorgeous young man, who deserves all our respect and love), or any other place when it comes to his personal life. Do they wanna play? Alright, fun is good, I myself love fun as well as sweet Adam! But if at least they could find and use the right words to post a wit comment...
Before posting any trash, I'd suggest those people to learn a bit with us HOW to love sweet Adam (and his friends) in a fun but respectful way. Lesson Number 1: never hide your words under the comfortable salvation called «Anonymity».
Part 3
(dedicated to everyone I said before and before, but specially to my aunt HH, my aunt L.B.S and my «bitchy auntie» GGD Gal)
The trip to the kidnapper's little farm wasn't long, it's not far from my home, mommy said it's because everything is near in this island. I loved the trip because I saw many different places and people, so many things totally new for me, but mommy said this is another story, another report, not the P.P.R.R. and that I should leave it for another day. It was 1:12PM when we arrived, the gate was open and we drove the three cars through and parked in front of the poor house painted of blue. While everybody was leaving the cars (the police officer, my mommy, me, my pink teddy bear, my aunt Esther, our neighbour Domingos, the Priest and his bible, Sammuel, his wife Carla, their daugther Miriam and her doll Suzy) I had time to see a cow eating grass, a horse drinking water, two birds kissing in a tree, a sleepy old dog lying down under this tree and a butterfly in a flower. And very over there, in the bottom of the yeard, among 7 or 8 chickens, one of them a mommy chicken with baby chickens under her wings, I SAW PING PONG... soooo dirty and smelling bad, looking dizzy. I shout out and very loud «PING POOOOOOOONG! PING POOOOOOOONG!!!! We've come to rescue you, hold on!» He looked at me, opened his mouth the same way we glamberts do when we see sweet Adam so gorgeous sing «Soaked», stared dizzy at me and said «What? What?» but the priest had rang the door bell and an old lady (another one, not the eyewitness) had come with a missing teeth smile and a towel in her hands and kindly said «Good afternoon Mr. Priest, what can we do for you?» The sleepy old dog came walking very slowly, a young man (the kidnapper!) also came out the house but not very slowly, my aunt Esther didn't let the Priest answer to the old lady and shout at the young man (the kidnapper!) «I've come to take back my beloved cat that you stole from my street, you son of a bit**!» This new old lady was fainting, the sleepy old dog said «Arf!», Ping Pong came running babbling «What? What?», the young man (the kidnapper!) opened his mouth and eyes scared and the Priest lifted his bible and said very clearly «Let's calm down, everybody here,. We've come in peace!». Mommy held me tight, I held tight my pink teddy bear, Carla held tight her baby daugther Miriam e the little girl hold tight her doll Suzy. The police officer, our neigbour Domingos and Sammuel didn't hold anything. Aunt Esther felt like holding her shot gun. Ping Pong looked up at aunt Esther and at the Priest and asked «What? What?»
(to be continued)
@Icon Your story is fantastic, hilarious, and it seems that you are very talented writer, dear! Go for it!:) Can't wait to read next part!
@9:10pm You are an idiot! I suprised that admin didn't delete these @7:21pm and @9:10pm comments yet
anon 5:01 people use words that seem fit to express their personality, if it is naughty so be it! Naughty is good thing!
Adam jumps on any damn bed he pleases. it is not wrong to express sexuality in action or words. Comments are not to be taken so seriously. MeGaSaRcAsTiCa^-^*~~~~~
anon 5:01 dirty as thay want to be. self-expression.
If one comment is erased, all should be erased. It isn't fair to those who self express in their own words. alot of people are sarcastic and say what they feel. Nothing wrong with it!
Name calling should be unacceptable. Everyone has a right to their opinion and I have one. If I am discriminated against, so be it. Calling people an idiot is so wrong. what makes it right?
why delete anon 7:21? it's an opinion and everyone has one.
Adam can come jump on my bed!haha meGAsaRCasTIca^-^*~~~~~~~
anon 8:29 very good time! eh eh!!!
Re......the pants
Ever since Idol I've had a love/hate relationship with those striped pants.
On one hand Adam looks good in or out of any piece of apparel.
On the other hand striped pants are connected in my mind with films of court jesters. They were worn with pointy toed shoes, a tunic with a ruffled collar and a hat with bells on it......
See what I mean?
On the other hand (I obviously have 3 hands)
Adam likes pointy toed shoes and he might even like the bells!
Oh forget it.Honey, you always look great! JAK
Oh hell.... I'm scrolling all the way down & scanning thru everything... Where the hell is part FOUR!!!
@ Fan4fun... VERY witty & entertaining writing... c'mon... Icon, Pink teddy bear, Mommy... SSSSooo glad to hear you FOUND Ping Pong...!!! YYYAYAYYY... wanna see the rest...
LMAO... hope it isn't already there while I was writing this!
Hit us with paaart FOUR!!!
ooooh, @Fan4fun and Icon, I'm so thrilled to finally be seeing your story of rescuing Ping Pong!
Is the rest of the story going to be on this thread? I'm breathlessly awaiting it!
@Fan4fun: So glad I went back throuth threads or I would have missed part 3. Waiting for part 4 with baited breath. You, my dear, are an excellent writer. You should do childrens stories.
Thank you for telling us the story.
@Delilah5: I saw the goop in Adams hair in pic3 and thought it must be the goop they use to hold hair up, or spiked. My grandson uses it and sometimes it gets little hard lumps in it. I see you wanting to protect Adam, but I feel some remarks were made at attempt to be humorous. One has to read between the lines.
It is not that I am a puritan or something. Adam is such a hottie and sexy onstage. Of course I have fantasies of him too...grr. Adam kind of "makes love" with his audience. He licks his mick and shakes his sexy hips and women throw bras to him.
I try to read between the lines and see the humour of the "naughty" comments. After all we all here love Adam. Thanks P.A.S. and Fan4fun!!
This morning I danced with my lady cat Ida, who has green eyes as Adam and black fur as Adam´s hair. We danced Sleepwalker cheek to cheek. She loves Adam´s music as well. She thanks Icon of the lovely rescue story!
An Observation
Naughty is acceptable
Nasty is objectionable............JAK
what is nice can also be naughty! megAsarCastIca^-^*~~~~~~~~~~
Ke$ha could care less about Adam Lambert and what he does. She's busy sticking her tongue down the throat of a Scottish DJ at a Rihanna concert.
why is Adam always in pics with chicks? isn't he gay?
hurry up and go look out the window the sky is suppose to be orange tonight because of the Super moon! I wonder if the people in LA can see it?
Many gay men love the company of women, they have many interests in common. Music, art, theater, decorating, fashion,etc. etc. and of!
I'd really like to be friends with Adam or Nathan Lane or our own Adam Saga author KW. You have to admit he's a lot of fun! And he likes all us women---of every age---women can be admired and liked for many reasons that aren't always sexual. I personally think we're quite intriguing..........JAK
Part 4
(dedicated to everyone I said before, before and before, specially to my aunt delilah5, my aunt Cindy, my aunt Sweetie and my aunt Sanni and her cat girl IDA who have black fur and green eyes like sweet Adam)
When the priest said so clearly «... We've come in peace!», a pretty young and pregnant woman (the kidnapper's wife!) came out the house walking quickly to help the new old lady that was almost fainting, with a glass of fresh water in her hand. The kidnapper tried to help too but his wife pushed him away and said loud and clearly too «I told you! I told you that this cat must have an owner, he's too fat to be a homeless!», the police officer put his arm around my aunt Esther and said «Take it easy, Esther.», my mommy (with me and my pink teddy bear in her arms) went closer to our neighbour Domingos, he put his arm around my mommy, the kidnapper invited everybody to come inside and try to deal the whole thing, my aunt Esther was so nervous, Sammuel and his wife Carla(who had little Miriam and her doll in her arms but put them dawn in the ground) came closer to the priest. The priest was the first one to go in (errr... shouldn't be ladies and children and pets first? well, never mind!), the sleepy old dog said «Arf, grrrr... grrrr... arf! arf!» but nobody gave him attention, Ping Pong tryied to lick the kidnapper's wife shoe, she said «Go and play with the chickens!», he said «What? What?», my aunt Esther shouted «No! He stays, he's my pet!» ,then she said «Come here Ping Pong, come to mommy, I love you and missed you soooo much!», he said «What? What?» and went to bite the little Miriam's doll but the little girl pulled the doll to her lap and started to cry. One by one everybody got inside (I've been all the time in my mommy's arms), the priest and the kidnapper's wife layied down the new old lady in a couch, I looked around and saw an old rug, one more couch, a TV, a round table with a jar with flowers on it and 5 chairs around, a set of shelves with magazines, books and family photos (in my house we have only photos of sweet Adam!), a big mirror on a wall and a golden framed picture of Our Lord Jesus Christ on the other wall. The priest satarted to talk to the new old lady (I didn't understand but mommy said it's Godspell), my aunt Esther asked mommy «What is the problem with Ping Pong? he seems not to recognize us!», our neighbour Domingos said «Oh-oh, I guess this cat had his brain washed», my aunt Esther said «Oh, no!!!», Ping Pong said «What? What» and the police office looked to the kidnapper and said very clearly: «You are in a big trouble here, young man!!!».
(to be continued»
has anyone seen the red sky tonight? it is cause of a supermoon run and check it out!
Adam is crushin' on Ellen Page. isn't she some bisexual chick?
Please please let's not go back to that!
I seen an airplane with four wings! isn't that weird or my eyes are playing tricks on me!
Icon! You are my hero! Took some time for mom-Sanni to find your story part 4. Meow love Ida
Four winged planes and super moons! Wow! Adam, your fans are crazy! I love you guys over there! Sanni
@ lady-cat) Ida
Thanks for loving me, you're doing perfectly! You know what, Lady-cat? I'm here thinking... sweet Adam is the «Icon senior» and got a beautiful boyfriend in Finland. I'm Icon, the Jr., I lived in the way between Finland and Los Glamgeles, and YOU are from Finland and... hummmm... well, let's see what happens after you read the final of my P.P.R.R... Do you get it, little «black beauty»? Hum?
PS: Sorry @ aunt Sanni, no disrespect intended but I'm bi-curious too. Meaw-ha!!!!
Oh Icon! Blushing inside my black fur! Love Ida
¡Oh susto! tengo los pelos de punta con esta historial de la vida real, del rescate del novio de mi sobrino Icono( porque ahora soy una afortunada tía con parientes en Azores, quien lo iba a creer)Icono me siento orgullosa que junto a tu madre, la creativa y sensible Fan4fun, hallan enfrentado con tanta valentía y coraje el rescate del amado Ping Pong, apoyados seguro con la fuerza del amor, que trasmite el dulce ADAM. Aquí me quedo rogando a la espera de buenas noticias, y deseando que la posible amnesia de Ping Pong sea breve, después de pasar por la tan
dolorosa situación de la separación de sus seres querido, más la perdida de no ver Adam, Idol-S10
al que Icono ya le enseño a amar.
Crazy can be a very good thing! megaSarcaStica^-^*~~~~~~~~~~~^-^*~~~~~~~~~~~~~
does people really believe everything they read! unbelievable! Chuckle cough*
Paprazzi are leaches and rumor hounds. when is all the craziness going to stop. They need to quit fueling the rumor mill. People need to quit buying into the system. megasArcastIca^^-^^*~~~
I wanna pull his green thingy! KMA###
I'd like to pull his hair and make him scream my name!
Adam and Ellen need to go out already.
Ellen Page? she's not interested in men.
«Oh, [what a] fright! My hair stands on end with this real life story, the rescue of my nephew's boyfriend(because now I am a fortunate aunt with relatives in Azores, who would believe it?).
@ Icon, I'm proud that with your mommy, the creative and sensible Fan4fun, you've faced with so much bravery and courage the rescue of your beloved PingPong, supported by the strength of Love that sweet ADAM inspires.
Here I stay begging and waiting for good news, wishing that Icon's amnesia may be brief, after he has gone throughthe painful separation from his beloved, plus [PingPong's] loss of not to watch ADAM on AI-S10, whom Icon has taught him to love. HH»
translated by Fan4fun
@Icon Dearest,
Thank You so very much for your P.P.R.R. parts 3 (Mar19, 7:10AM) and 4 (Mar19, 4:13PM) - I’m so honoured that you included me in your part 3 dedication speech! I’m so sorry with my late comment (one of your bitchy auntie GGD Gal’s many faults…always late!)
You’re a very brave and wise glambertCat to stay in your mommy’s arms through this ordeal and a true and loyal friend to both your pink teddy bear and especially to Ping Pong - just like sweet Adam to his friends! And you are a talented writer, your reports are like chapters from a very exciting Cat detective story. No wonder Ping Pong keeps babbling ”What? What?” I’m doing it too, while waiting what happens next!!!
GGD Gal, your bitchy auntie
Adam can crush all he wants, Ellen P. isn't interested.
where's the party? I want a good laff!!!!
Hey Glamily in Paradise,
We've tryied twice to post «P.P.R.R.- Part 5» but have lost it, once because the Internet came down and the 2nd time the blog said the comment was too long, we cut it but it didn't work anyway! We'll try to post it again in the morning, it's March 21, 3:35 AM in Azores, time to go to bed... both of us!!!! But our story will bring Ping Pong back home and we'll let you know HOW, indeed!
My thoughts are getting clearer as this is when I usually get my second wind & raccoon eyes.
Adam said in an interview "crushes are harmless"
so next time, we need not go into a frenzy.
Next thought: Adam did say he was Bi-Curious.... does that make him bisexual? NO!
I think those of us who are straight are Gay-Curious. Does that make us bisexual? NO!
That should clear up this whole matter. Curiouser & curiouser......
Please don't let any of those kitty cats here read this...know what happens to cats when they get curious!! There they to the panic room again.
LBS(WIS)what I say...I'm bi-lingual
Please don't let
OK, as it was promised it's morning here and we are back to try to post (again) my P.P.R.R.- Part 5. Let's work it out, wait and see whether we'll make it or not. The Internet for Azores is going ON and OFF... must be sweet Adam's tweet about the MOON!!!
Part 5 (Part 1 of part 5)
(the whole Part 5 is dedicated to everyone I said before, before, before and before, specially to all my aunts who gave me a word about my talent as a «writing cat» and can barely wait for the end of my P.P.R.R., and again to that lovable ladycat from Finland called Ida).
When the police officer said that the kidnapper was in big trouble, the new old lady cryied «Oh no, please don't call the Police, they'll arrest my boy!», Sammuel said very seriously «Too late, madame, the Police is already here!...» pointed out at the police officer and continued «...THIS man is a POLICE OFFICER!». The kidnapper was terrifyed, put his head down and between his hands and cryied «Oh God, what have I done?», the priest came closer to the kidnapper and said very clearly «Son, I'm not God but a priest, and you've done a very bad thing, indeed...», showed his bible and continued «... It's written here DO NOT STEAL, it's a commandment that you've not respected: so it's a SIN ... and a crime!». The new old lady was crying, the kidnapper's wife was worried,aunt Esther was nervous, everybody else was in silence, the sleep old dog said «Eeeuuuuuhhhnnnn... arf!» but nobody payed him attention, the little Miriam was playing quietly with her doll Suzy, mommy held me tight and I held tight my pink teddy bear. And that very moment I said to myself [«This people can't be bad people, they have a golden framed picture of Our Lord Jesus Christ on the wall, the kidnapper is calling for God's name, the priest is here showing him his bible and talking to him, and Sammuel & Carla are a couple from my mommy's Church and brought with them their little daugther Miriam and her doll Suzy. Yeah! I guess this will be a very family and friendly show, indeed!»] but I didn't say a word on it, just looked at Ping Pong that was so dirty and bad smelling looking dizzy and so he said «What? What?».
(the end of part 1 of Part 5)
Part 5 (Part 2 of Part 5)
The kidnapper's wife looked at the police officer and asked «Are you going to arrest my husband because of THAT...» pointed out at Ping Pong «...dirty and bad smelling, looking a homeless CAT?», aunt Esther looked so upset and shouted «He's NOT a homeless cat, he lives with ME in MY house!», the kidnapper was looking down at his feet and said shaking his head «I didn't mean to steal this cat, I just liked him, he looked so friendly and beautiful in that carrot-yellow and white fur, I thought he had no owner, I thought he could be hungry, called him with some food im ny hand, grabbed him to my old green car and brought him home with me. How could I know that he had an owner? He wasn't wearing an ID collar!!!». So, the police officer said to the kidnapper «Lucky you, young man, lucky you that this cat wasn't wearing an ID collar, THAT's the reason I cannot and I'm not going to arrest you.». Sammuel said to the police officer «But you should arrest him, the law is wrong!», then pointed out at the kidnapper and said «THIS young man took away from his beloveds a non homeless cat that happened to be walking in a street of his neighbourhood, at his village!...» and his wife Carla, pointing out at aunt Esther completed Sammuel «...a cat that has an owner...» and pointing out at me «... and a boyfriend!». Ping Pong said «What? What?». The kidnapper looked at the priest and said «Oh God, what have I done?». The new old lady was still crying, the kidnapper's wife was still worried, my aunt Esther was still upset, I was still in my mommy's lap, little Miriam was still playing quietly with her doll Suzy and the priest who was still holding his bible said again to the kidnapper «I'm not God, son, but a priest, and you have stollen a cat! It's a sin and a crime!». The sleepy old dog said again «Arf, arf!» and again nobody payed him attention but Ping Pong that said again «What? What?». So our neighbour Domingos pointed out at Ping Pong and said very seriously, as a statement «Oh-oh, this cat definitelly had his brain washed!!!»
(the end of part 2 of Part 5)
Part 5(Part 3 of Part 5)
The new old lady stoped crying and said to our neighbour Domingos «Stop saying this, sir, this cat had not his brain washed, he has been acting this way since he's decided to be a close friend of our stupid chickens!», aunt Ester said «My cat Ping Pong is all love and acceptance, and he's a free spirit, that's why he doesn't wear an ID collar and makes friends everywhere, the friends he choses on his own!». The kidnapper's wife then took a deep breath and said to aunt Esther «That's why he's such a dirty and bad smelling cat with this homeless look! He has no limits, he doesn't follow rules!». Then my mommy Fan4fun FINALLY decided to say something, made eye contact with the kidnapper's wife, took a deep breath... and so mommy spoke, very clearly: «Our Ping Pong certainly wasn't dirty or smelling bad when your husband decided to steal him from our neighbourhood. As a matter of fact, Ping Pong used to be a very clean, well fed, nice and polite boyfriend to my cat Icon here present in my lap, and he's very welcome to my house every day to play, to eat or even to sleep there. He definitelly doesn't act like an 'out of rules' cat at all!». That very moment I decided too to say something, made eye contact with Ping Pong, took a deep breath and clearly asked him «Ping Pong, dear, are you well? Are you alright? Did you miss me? Did you miss ant Esther, our street, our neighbourhood? Did you know that mommy Fan4fun told everybody in 24/7 Paradise that you were missing and everybody was looking like crazy for you and that all my aunts are worried? Do you know that sweet Adam is going to sing tonight live on TV American Idol for millions of people? Did you miss him? Did you get soaked in the rain these days? Did you go to the Carnival Parade? Did you get yourself disguised as a cow or something smaller? Did you have fun? Did you? Humm? Did you?», then Ping Pong gave me a long and distant look, took a deep breath and asked me very dizzly «What? What?». The sleepy old dog said «Grrrrr...arf!», nobody payed him attention and, that very moment, little Miriam stoped playing quietly with her doll Suzy and said very loud to Carla «Mamãe, eu quero fazer xixi!», oh this is Portuguese and it means «Mommy, I need to pee!».
The End of Part 5
(to be continued)
We promise to finish this P.P.R.R. today, in this same thread. Please hold on and stand by. Thank you.
Mi creativa Fan4Fun, "MAGNIFICO".
I'm always interested in my crushes and usually end up dating them.
anon 7:33 really?!!! I bet you do!!!
Don't ever debate with someone who can debate better! megasArcastIca^-^*~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Icon my hero! Mummy came home from work and she found part 5 of Ping Pong rescue-mission-impossible. Now I am waiting for the epilogue. Meoww! Your devoted admirer Ida
@Icon: Gosh! Did the chicken feed get to PingPong? I am also waiting for epilogue. Hope all got to hear Adam sing that night on AI.
Aunt P.A.S.
We're really in trouble with the Internet for Azores, it's difficult to deal with it... at least for both of us, each 10 or 20 minutes it goes DOWN and OFF!!! GLAMSHIT! C'mon Special Moon, would you just quit... please???!!! My poor little talking-writing cat has been trying very hard to work here!
@Icon and @auntie-Fan4fun!
Moms computer has also problems here in Finland. Maybe it is a world wide problem!?
Ida (nau nau = meow meow)
@Icon and Fan4fun,
Hooray! I am loving your story! And now that you've translated @HH's comments so that I understand them better, I completely agree with her always eloquent words......and also with @PAS that you could write children's stories! (SO creative and wonderful!)........AND with @GGD Gal that you are such a brave and wise GlambertCat for all those reasons she articulated beautifully!
Plus, I am thrilled that I get to be your aunt Sweetie. I am SO proud and am just beaming from ear to ear!
Waiting with baited breath for more when your power system gets OK again,
(dedicated to everyone I said before, before, before, before and before, specially to everyone who was patient to me and my long and detailed R.R.P.P., and also to my uncle K.W. who is a very good writer and is now travelling to the other side of the globe.)
When little Miriam said so loud to her mommy, in front of everybody, that she needed to go to the bathroom we heard a big laugh from everybody inside that poor house painted blue. Later mommy said to me that it was because the little girl was so innocent and spontaneous interrupting all that negativity, and it was like a ray of sunshine entering the room. And I remembered that aunt Leila said once that sweet Adam is like a ray of sunshine entering the room too, but I can't figure sweet Adam so gorgeous, so tall and well dressed and with that beautiful voice entering the room with his doll in his hand and saying loud, in front of everybody «Mommy I need to pee!». The kidnapper's wife took Carla and little Miriam to the bathroom and then everybody said many things but I don't remember everything because I lost part of my notes, this happened a long time ago for me, the day sweet Adam went to American Idol on live TV to sing and he sang for millions of people and I watched with my mommy and it was beautiful. Then, the new old lady said «You see, Mr. Priest, Mr. Police Officer and Miss Owner, my boy is so sorry, my poor boy, he'll never bring home any cat from any street anymore and he didn't mean to make a sin or a crime he made a mistake. But now you came here and you got back your cat, he's so dirty and bad smelling and a little dizzy but a good bath will make him new and beautiful again.» Ping Pong said «What? What», the sleepy old dog knew that nobody would pay him attention, didn't say anything and left the room to sleep outside, under the tree. The kidnapper then said to aunt Esther «Please, Miss Owner, be kind, forgive me and let me compensate you all for this big trouble and my mistake with the tasteful chocolates that I sell to grocery stores!» (And I thought: ahhaaaaa! This is the old old lady's, the eyewitness' only mistake, she told us the kidnapper was a cigarrets seller, not a chocolates seller, but all the rest she told us is right!). The priest said to the kidnapper «Well, son, if you truly regret what you did, I'm pretty sure that God will accept your chocolates and we'll too», the police officer said «Well, young man, I think that it's not against the Law to accept chocolates as a compensation for mistakes!», aunt Esther said «It's OK, I'll accept your chocolates but you have to give me an extra box to give to the old lady, the eyewitness who saw you grabbing my Ping Pong to your old green car from her window.» And in some more minutes, when little Miriam came from the bathroom, the kidnapper gave boxes of chocolate to everybody, the new old lady wrapped Ping Pong in the towel she had in her hands because he was so dirty and bad smelling, the kdnapper's wife gave Ping Pong a picture of him with his friends chickens, everybody said «Good Bye», the sleepy old dog didn't say anything because was sleeping under the tree, it was cold and raining, Ping Pong said «What? What?» and we left and we came back home.
(this epilogue will continue below because this site said «It is too long»)
(end of epilogue)
That night, while I was watching with my mommy sweet Adam sing live on TV for millions of people, Ping Pong was taking a hot bath, eating a delicious meal and sleeping in a warm and soft bed with my aunt Esther.
In my humble opinion, Ping Pong is doing quite good ever since, little by little he comes back to his reality. But our neighbour Domingos doesn't think so and said that Ping Pong needs seriously to work it out with a Psychologist because he's definitelly suffering from Stockolm Syndrome, that's when the victim enjoys the kidnapper's treatment and miss him. I don't know... maybe our neighbour Domingos is right because yesterday something strange happened. I was playing with Ping Pong and my Hello Kitty little ball in my house when suddenly he begun to touch the floor all around with his tonguetip, then sat on my Hello Kitty little ball, gave me that distant and dizzy look, swung his arms like wings and so saddly he said: «Kooaaaahk-co-co-coaaah! Co-co-kooaaaahk!»
***** THE END *****
There you go, my dearest aunts, the epilogue of my P.P.R.R.. Mommy Fan4fun and I had trouble with the Internet here in Azores for a couple of days, we couldn't post it until now. Thanks for reading and enjoying. My best licks and scratchs to all of you.
Icon: I knew the chicken feed got to Ping Pong, but he is home and with good food and alot of love, he may get back to being himself. He has good friends and family, nobody could ask for more.
Fan4life: Thank you so much, it was well worth the wait.
@ P.A.S.
«Fan4life» again? Hahahaha! Alright, I'll forgive you because it's TRUE, I'm a Fan4life of sweet Adam and so is Icon! Thanks for enjoying our «P.P.R.R.» and for all your excitement and kind words.
@Icon and @Fan4fun!!
Thank you ever so much for the lovely and exiting rescue story!!! We enjoyed every line of it!!
Sanni and Ida
@ aunt Sanni
Oh aunt, I feel flatered, thank you so much! And tell your ladycat Ida that she is the most favorite «runner up» in my «Best Amazing Fans» contest.
@Icon Dearest,
Old habits die hard… I’m late again!!! So SORRY!
But I came home from my travels last night, was SOOO tired and dirty and bad smelling - much like your beloved Ping Pong - so I had to take a shower and go to Ben early. You see, I wanted to be well rested before I continue reading your fascinating and exciting report…
So I just finished reading your P.P.R.R.’s 3-part part 5 (did I say that correctly, I wonder) and the EPILOGUE, well done, Icon, well done! Oh my, what a ride you and mommy dearest & your friends had - almost as exciting as the ride sweet Adam gave us last summer with the GNT!!!
I hope you are well and Ping Pong is doing betterER each day. And maybe it’s best for you to learn this at an early age: Boy friends can sometimes have that ”distant and dizzy look” (”what?what?”) even without anything out of the ordinary happening…Sometimes all it takes is asking too many questions in a short period of time…(in the end of part 5 you asked Ping Pong many, many questions, remember?) I’m a bit worried about you two, so please keep your bitchy auntie posted, how things develop, ok? And ask your mommy to give you two lots of time to play, rest & recover.
GGD Gal, feeling not so bitchy 2day
@ bitchy aunt... not! GGD Gal
Thank you for your nice words and your concern about Ping Pong and me. We've been spending lots of our time together under my mommy's bed, in my «Panic Room». PATIENCE is a magic word and I truly believe that Ping Pong will recover his dignity pretty soon. I avoid asking him many questions and today I gave him a little pocket mirror; it might help... if he sees his image all the day long he'll soon understand that he's definitely not a chicken but a beautiful red and white, very clean and good smelling male cat.
@Fan4FUN: What is wrong with me, you'd think I was with the chickens. Sometimes I get a name in my head and there it stays, and it is wrong. The young girl across street is Carla or Kara, I never can remember which. I promise I will try harder to not make mistake again, if I do please have pity on me. To think I use to have a memory like an elephant.
GGD Gal, you "are going to Ben early"?? HA HA, sorry, had to laugh at the typo!!
Fan4fun and Icon, LOVE, LOVE your story! You have an amazing way with words that create a picture as one reads! You had me laughing so hard because of the way you wrote such a visual story. This is a keeper! Thank you so much for sharing it!!!
Ah, Fan4fun and Icon, I just now found the ending and epiloge to your wonderful story. I sent this link to myself so I will have it on hand. As daydreamin said, it is a keeper!
Thank you for describing all these fascinating happenings to us SO enjoyably! It has brought so many smiles, as I have read along on various days.
I'm so glad for such a happy ending.
Much love and best wishes to you all, including Ping Pong of course, and little Miriam, and everybody.
Your aunt Sweetie
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