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New/Old Video of Adam Lambert

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, February 6, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, February 06, 2010

He was having Dinner with Allisan and Reeve Carney


Credit: joooory


Anonymous said...

Very sad! I guess he really isn't entitled to any privacy, is he? Gracious as always, but can't wait to get into his car.

Anonymous said...

I thought adam was rude, he could have giving those guys a smile and an answer

Anonymous said...

clearly he was gracious and funny, but unless you have been in adam's shoes it's not right to say he was rude. he was just trying to end it quickly.


Anonymous said...

What a bunch of vultures!!and the gay joke at the end was in poor taste. I guess you have to consider the source.

Anonymous said...

I thought Adam was as nice as he could be. He said hello, but he didn't want to answer any questions. He gets ambushed by people shoving cameras in his face all the time. Sometimes he does have to ignore them. They remind me of flies buzzing around.

Anonymous said...

what a terrible job those paparazzis have! i feel really bad for them! i'd rather make burgers at mcdonald's than do what they do. as for Adam having no privacy - that's the life of a star. he has made his choice. keep it rockin' Adam!

Anonymous said...

really, i cannot feel sorry for the paparazzi. they aren't drafted! the pics they got will fetch them plenty. adam handled them with dignity and class.