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Adam Lambert Interview with Xtra!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Anonymous said...

Awwww - LOVED this interview! Are we becoming broken records? Here - I'll say what we're all thinking: Adam is so sweet, articulate, smart, geniune, fresh, true-to-himself and SEXY!!! He gives such a great interview - I just love to hear his thoughts. There. :)

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with the above comment. He is smart, positive, real and a great singer. Watched his interviews from AI and he is still grounded and the same person. A great communicater!!!!!

Anonymous said...

oh Adam you are so Adorable!!!
...i could watch you all day long,
you're such a Cutie,
keep doing what you're doing because we LOVE IT!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

this guy vocabulary is so powerful, so smart and articulate.

Anonymous said...

Agree with everything said above. But isn't it also wonderful what an amazing view on life he has? Even with all the haters, his philosophy is all about love and positivity and that's how he lives his life. Such an inspiration -

Anonymous said...

Thud >--->-o

Anonymous said...

Watched this 3 times waiting for him to mess up or get ugly or unsexy and it just didn't happen.

Anonymous said...

Imagine this scenario: The earth is invaded by the glittery aliens from Planet Fierce and they all look (to some degree or another) like Adam Lambert. How many women would die of heart attacks from the excitation of continuous 'gasms caused by these beautiful male creatures?

Just saying ...

Anonymous said...

Adam is the whole package....exiting..forward thinker..extremely talented...grounded...very spiritual...and most of all he is the forerunner of a fresh exiting new age movement...just be his leadership

Anonymous said...

ditto to the comment above!

Anonymous said...

ditto to the comment above!

Anonymous said...

did he say "homo don't do that"?!
(@ not getting caught in a park, etc.)

Anonymous said...

Hehe! Love this interview it was fun! :)

Anonymous said...

Yah, I'm repeating again from L. Gaga ...."I will not accept any less than someone just as real as fabulous". Adam to a "T" - fabulous but SO real you could just sit down and kibbitz with him and laugh then later, pass out on the floor from gorgeous overload!!

Anonymous said...

I would love to hear Adam sing Speechless. It is one of my favorite Lady Gaga songs and Adam's voice would sound beautiful singing this song. Great Interview.

Anonymous said...

He is a pure positive force in the world. He came along at the right time just to cheer us up and take our minds off of the global melt-downs. What a bundle of deliciousness.

Anonymous said...

Speechless is my favorite Gaga song.Could you imagine the two of them singing it to each other,or in a video going back and forth each singing the lyrics.I would be breathless and speechless!Love the interview and Adam's views. I agree. The time is overdue for acceptance of our uniqueness and love and repect each other. He's beautiful inside and out.