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Adam Lambert meets his fans in Manchester, UK

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Posted at : Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Anonymous said...

Lol! 'Hii! Thanks for coming. Can I sign things?'
Is he adorable or what?

Ooh! And I love how they have got copies of his Rolling Stone mag for him to sign. Fantastic stuff, fellow Lambrits!

Anonymous said...

He is so sweet and just plain nice.

Anonymous said...

I also like the fact that they show respect and aren't yelling and screaming but at the same time you can see and hear the excitement just enough! It's so much easier to be receptive to fans when they know how to behave, as we've seen here.

Anonymous said...

Wow,you can feel Adam's Charisma from here,
we Lambrits are so Polite,
what a great feeling to share with the most Amazing Man on the Planet,
Lucky Ladies,
What A Guy,Love Him so Much

Anonymous said...

fans in singapore and japan are much younger and typical teenagers who adore their artists, they are also like adam, demonstrative and intense.

Anonymous said...

I love that he's so sweet and that fame didn't get into his head like so many others. *cough* Justin Bieber *cough*

Anonymous said...

you are so right about justin bieber. he really is an insanely talented kid but he just acts so full of himself and smiles only on photo shoots. Adam is such a nice person, even though he is unbelievably talented and a great performer. this video almost made me cry because he's is so sweet and understanding!

Anonymous said...

hey fellow Adam lovers! check out the new iheart video of sleepwalker! it kicks ass, Adam puts a rock twist on it like at Leno's. here's the link:

Poland loves Adam!

Anonymous said...

I love that they're so proper, but when he leaves and the door shuts, you can hear them start freaking out! I don't see how they hold it all in around him.

Anonymous said...

Adam is so sweet to stop and sign and pose--and his fans are wonderful==in every country they show Adam how much they love and appreciate his talent.

Anonymous said...

OMG, Adam, you are the sweetest, most thoughtful and accomodating man I've ever witnessed. Unbelievable. Such a sweetheart to his fans, and yes - Lambrits - you've done a really nice job of being so respectful. It's very admirable. I totally would've lost it...I woulnd't have been able to help myself!!

Anonymous said...

How cool. My grandpop was born in Manchester. Hopefully I will be able to visit there one day. You guys are so nice to Adam. He is having a great promo tour.

Anonymous said...

Hey! Romania also loves Adam...he is indeed he best male voice the World had in so many good looking, great manners....just love him....

Anonymous said...

I am so envious of the Brit fans. They are able to take photos with Adam, unlike in Spore where fans had to Q like crazy just to get his autograph and not allowed to take any photos with him, were being monitored and whisked away by security. I hate Sony for treating fans here like shit!