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Adam Lambert on Singapore 8 Days Magazine

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Credit: wxteoevilyn


Anonymous said...

I'm so tired of the Kris vs Adam thing, however, that being said, aside from the caption, the article is very flattering to Adam (no surprise). I haven't heard "anyone" who has actually met him have a bad thing to say about him.

Anonymous said...

Team Adam ALL THE WAY!! I a tired of hearing Kris's name next to Adam's. Adam is on a league of his own.
Kris is NOWHERE near im Sorry .

Anonymous said...

I like Adam better obviously but it's really uncool how they create all this rivalry. Kris is a sweet dude and also deserves to be loved by fans. I don't see how you can compare them anyway - they're so different. Apples and oranges as Adam says himslelf.
Poland Loves Adam

Anonymous said...

Let's not participate in this "rivalry." It is not between Adam and Kris themselves, it's all in the media.

Deus te amat and I do too

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anonymous 12:30. Adam vs Kris is old and boring. It doesn't matter who we think is the better singer or who we thing should have won. These are two good guys who deserve to be respected.

Anonymous said...

WHEN will this comparison stuff all come to an end! I'm Team Adam all the way, but it's a big world... go Kris. There's room for everyone.

Anonymous said...

Kris and Adam are good friends,they like and respect each other.Adam is my favorite,but I like Kris and wish him success.You're not being disloyal to one by also liking the other.I don't think Adam appreciates anyone trashing his friends, whom he openly supports. Theres room for everyone. Apples and oranges which was so well put earlier. Wish we could read the Singapore interview.

Anonymous said...

no KA topics and pictures please Administrator.

Sorry to KA customers. But, eew to see his face here; this is Adam's. It's distracting, whenever any KA comments or pics, I skip them.

Anonymous said...

Me too. They can be friends and they are sooo different Adam is a huge talent and KA is Notvso special. I wish him the best but I don't like to see them in the same article. Sorry.
I come here to see Adam !