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A New Day, and New Pictures!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Posted at : Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Adam spent more time with the fans and take pictures with them in Scotland. What a nice man!


Anonymous said...

He looks delicious here.....and what a lucky fan this woman is! I think he may be catching up on some sleep....he doesn't look so tired. Love the natural look he has been going with the last few days. He is so strikenly handsome. Yum

Anonymous said...

What a Gorgeous picture of Adam,
that beautiful lucky lady must be on cloud nine,
what a story to tell your friends for the rest of your life the day i meet the most wonderful person on this planet,
Mr Adam Lambert

Anonymous said...

Lovely Picture!!
shame about the multi-storey buiding growing out of Adams head!!

Anonymous said...

Great pics! Hot Adam and a lovely fan. Great potential babyMama if Adam ever decides to have kids!!

Anonymous said...

Some nice looking fans there too!

Anonymous said...

I love his toned-down look. Yum.

Anonymous said...

The bottom picture
click on picture to enlarge and look into Adams eyes you can feel him pull you in,it feels beautiful
god he's so Beautiful

Anonymous said...

Love the toned down look too.Smart move for interviews and traveling. No need to cover up such a beautiful,friendly face. Makes him look more approachable in every day setting.The orange looking foundation seems too thick and shows every line. Sometimes too much eyeshadow takes away from,instead of enhancing those magnificent eyes.Love the photos!

Anonymous said...

Never would have noticed the building if you hadn't said something. I was too busy focusing on something gorgeous! Yes, the picture does draw you in.


Anonymous said...

Adam shines when he is with the guys. He is so

Anonymous said...

I didn't notice the building either! lol. When Adam is in a photo, everything else is irrelavant.