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Adam Lambert article on NME Magazine

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Thursday, April 22, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, April 22, 2010

Credit: smackmydishup


Anonymous said...

This article is horrible! NME takes itself waaay too seriously. Grrr..

Anonymous said...

Lousy interviewer! He likes to insult. Wouldn't read anything more from this guy.

Anonymous said...

I'm from the UK & I feel bad for Adam that the interviewer spoke to him that way! Hopefully it was all kinda in jest?! Anyway, whatevs, NME readers are prob never gonna be into someone who came from AI so he doesnt need to win them over anyway. He's above all that :-)

Anonymous said...

What an unprofessional reporter!

Anonymous said...

Why in the world would someone do this to a musical guest he is interviewing, especially Adam. It is the measnest interview I have ever read. I wonder why Adam agreed to do the interview. I guess he probably never thought the guy would be a jerk.

Anonymous said...

That guy was a total asshole! He's just lucky Adam didn't stick a snakeskin boot up his ass :)

Anonymous said...

Please. Just tell us how to contact this assh*le -- email address, comment page on this loser magazine's website, whateva -- and we'll make him sorry he ever acted so vomitous.

Anonymous said...

yes NME sees itself as a "serious" muso magazine. thats why i'm suprised that the guy seems to like Gaga so much. i thought they were all about bands & what they see as "real" music.

i think the guy probably made a judgement about Adam before the interview even started & just never gave him a chance. which is crazy as Adam is such a charismatic, funny & interesting person to interview.

Anonymous said...

Peter Robinson is a PRIZE DICKHEAD!! FACT!!
its a shame Adam gave an interview with this Vile Person


Anonymous said...

NME are Homphobic!!!
They Gave the Wonderful *Morrissey* so much SHIT over the years with his sexuality
Adam from a UK GLAMBRIT steer clear from this NME Music Paper, its always been against anything that is'nt alternative!!
Peter Robinson what a TWAT you are!!!

Anonymous said...

just an update on the 2010 time 100 poll, the voting doesn't stop till next week but the voting surely stopped for Adam, over the past 5 hrs adam recieved 408 votes with rain getting 6,079 votes.......i think maybe 4 die heart fans are doing their best to keep Adam in #6.........what the F is going on????????

Anonymous said...

Hi Everyone this is not what the UK is About!!!
the NME love to stir it up,just ignore this Prat PETER ROBINSON
Adam is Loved in the UK xxxxx

Anonymous said...

This guy is a jerk and he will eat his words. He was rude and totally ignorant. He is not a good role model for upcoming journalist.

Anonymous said...

What a homophobic jerk.

Anonymous said...

I heard about the Morrissey stuff too. I hate this magazine! I love Morrissey and Adam but they bash them. So unprofessional.

Anonymous said...

That journalist was just trying to show off himself. Unprofessional. Must have had a really bad day at work.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Mean spirited, for sure. This guy is a jerk but has a right to his opinion, as we all do. I think he was just trying to get Adam to lose his temper and I am proud of Adam for keeping his cool. Nothing here to hurt him in any way.

Anonymous said...

Wow, I've never read an article that was so rude & disrespectul to his face. Usually, they do it behind his back. I'm also proud of Adam for keeping his cool. He did say that everyone is entitled to their own opinion. For me though, your opinion does not count if you hate on Adam but that's just me.

Anonymous said...

I am proud of Adam for keeping his cool, esp since he knows that he is better than Gaga, and has stated in other interviews that although he respects and loves her, he has a far greater vocal range. And I might add, a far greater stylistic range as well. Gaga does from about A - D very well, Adam can do any style from A-ZZ perfectly and, never the same twice. I wish I could make a direct comment to this ass.

Anonymous said...

He says he's a bit homophobic. Oh really?? Adam was so polite to that SOB. What a major dick. Bet he wishes Adam would run his willy in his face. Enought said. Gaga would probably punch the guy out. She wouldn't put up with that crap.

Anonymous said...

I didn't like that interview at all. How rude!! I used to buy NME a lot a few year's ago when I was following a Welsh group (which NME loved), but I will never ever buy their magazine again after reading what that guy said to Adam. What an absolute prick!!!!

Anonymous said...

I was going to vent about what a horrible interview this was, but everybody beat me to it. So - I concur with all comments, above!! Adam has too much integrity for this crap.

Anonymous said...

I have been thinking for a while that Lady Gaga's image is not real glam even though I like some of her music. New Musical Express certainly has nothing to do with Glam, ever.

Anonymous said...

Uhh... there's something wrong with this interviewer...uhh... wtf man

kk maybe ur a huge Lady Gaga fan, but ur interviewing Adam here... hello?!

at the end the interviewer is totally rubbing it in his face basically saying "na... na na... boo boo... Lady Gaga is better than u u'll never be like her... "

Adam's not trying to be better than her he's just being himself!

Anonymous said...

just got finished reading...WTF WAS THAT CRAP? What an @$$!

Anonymous said...

Journalist was a total A*****ele! D**k***d!

Anonymous said...

this guy knew he will get attention treating adam that way but adam holds himself so well, so calm and composed. he is obviously a gaga fan and tried to intimidate adam but he FAILED.

Anonymous said...

adam wouldn't take the bait...he has too much class


Anonymous said...

This person should not even be called an interviewer.He has no class, tact or interviewing, communicative, personal skills. I will commend Adam for his response to this "so called interview." This is the worse interview that I have ever seen Adam involved in. I feel bad for him.

Anonymous said...

Just as Adam Said "It's a "matter of opinion". Dude, I spend hours every day reading all things Adam. I love GAGA but do not follow her at all. Just Adam. He has captivated his fans...we ARE INDEED under his spell. He will see...

Anonymous said...

SORRY! I MAY be in the MINORITY but I DON'T THINK GAGA has anything to offer MUSICALLY ... all her songs are the same ... NOT ART ... I know ADAM likes her BUT I DON'T ... SHE leaves me COLD .. ALWAYS turn OFF the TV or CHANGE the channel when she comes on. TO ME .. ADAM is LEAGUES AHEAD OF GAGA musically & visually. I know there are a lot of GAGA fans here but .... ADAM BEATS HER STYLE BY MILES!! ..JMO

Anonymous said...


Guys NME have done this since 1974, and not to just Adam.

Anonymous said...

My question is ... did ADAM know this IDIOT was going to interview him in this manner? If he did know WHY would he even bother to let him? If he didn't know WHY didn't he end the interview AS SOON AS THE NASTINESS started? ADAM doesn't need this type of promo for his music WHICH hardly got mentioned at all ..BTW!

Anonymous said...

No seriously... isn't there any WAY we can contact this d*ckhead or the magazine via email and let them KNOW what we really think????

Or are they too chicken sh*t to actually publish an email address for this jackass?

How cowardly.

Anonymous said...

i think maybe this was more jokey then we can realise from reading it. this interviewer is also the guy from Popjustice & NirvanaDC (Adams Sony publicist person) tweeted a couple of days ago about what a great & hilariously funny interview it was.
so if Adam did a 2nd interview with this guy & it was v funny then he cant have been offended. NME are a bit out there, i think they were just trying to be funny. obviously it doesnt come across that way!