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Adam Lambert in Japan

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, April 22, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, April 22, 2010

In this video, Adam visits Japan! After a brief (and hilarious) intro from Adam himself, we see Adam doing photo shoots, meeting fans, appearing on TV shows and soaking up all the unique and amazing Japanese culture! Enjoy!




Anonymous said...

LMFAO, this dude is hilarious! Stay FAB Lambert....we love you always!!!

Anonymous said...

so cute!!

Anonymous said...

where is the adam in london news!!!! no pictures or info today, what's going on!! we're dying to see adam back in london!!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad Adam is having fun with his career!

Anonymous said...

8:04: That's because Adam's not in London yet lool. He's still in the airplane.

Anonymous said...

OMG I CAN"T STOP LAUGHING!! is that Adam's voice?

Anonymous said...

Oh? Where was that last tv appearance from?

Anonymous said...

He looks like he is imitating Jim Carey...!

Anonymous said...

Adam can sing, dance and act. And he has a great sense of humor. I am keeping my fingers crossed that next year he will be starring in a movie. Go Adam.

Anonymous said...

It's just a matter of time that Adam is going to be EVERYWHERE.
Movies, TV GUEST and MUCH MORE!!
It's all coming and we are in for the ride. I love life with Adam Lambert in it! He knows how to bring in the FUN!!!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

check Adam funny clips on YouTube.glamrocker has unique sense of humor.always make my day watching it