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Adam Lambert Interview with Entertainmement Focus Part 2!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, April 25, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, April 25, 2010

Here's part 1 if you missed it yesterday!


Anonymous said...

He's so sweet. He wasn't focusing too well this day. Usually he has an answer for everything.

Anonymous said...

too tired maybe?? long travel but still looks fresh!

Anonymous said...

please help give Adam some more votes at the 2010 Time 100 poll, there's a few days left to vote, he's #6 with about 364,000 votes, gaga is #5 with much more votes then him...would be nice to see him finish with 400,000...Please please help only a few faithful fans are trying real hard to increase his numbers....thanks!!

Anonymous said...

I agree - this was a typical Adam interview. Also, for him to say he would be a fly on the wall of ex-boyfriends sounded unusually negative/obsessive for him. He usually keeps his answers more positive. I agree - he's probably just too exhausted to be witty.

Anonymous said...

It was reported ADAM was'nt feeling well but he sure looks tired...all that jet lag catching up!
...but love him soooooo much....he is such a hoot
and so beautiful and real! ....and ADAM lost for
words...???? NEVER!!!!!!! Love him!