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Adam Lambert is the Top Man!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, April 26, 2010

Posted at : Monday, April 26, 2010

I love JustJared's title! So clever!

"Adam Lambert visits the London Studios and then heads to Oxford Street to pick up some fashionable threads at Top Man on Monday (April 26) in London, England.

The 28-year-old American Idol vet was recently asked by fans who should play him in a movie about his life. Adam responded, “I have always thought that Leonardo DiCaprio is a really good actor – he could get intense.”

WHAT DO YOU THINK of Leonardo DiCaprio playing Adam Lambert??"



Anonymous said...

adam looks happy there!

Anonymous said...

Now he has the Engish paparazzi on his tail. I think you made it internationaly if you are so wanted by paparazzi there. After all, that's where it all stat
Adam looks happy and beautiful as always.

Anonymous said...

Huh? I'd rather see Adam doing a movie than have a movie done about him. But then again how about both? Leonardo seems like a viable choice.

Anonymous said...

hot hot jacket --- absolutely luv it. hope he wears it lots

Anonymous said...

Well, he has a crush on Leonardo. That would make him very happy.

Anonymous said...

Leonardo isn't nearly good looking enough to play Adam!!

Anonymous said...

No one is good looking enough to play Adam, it might as well be Adam's choice.

Anonymous said...

adam will play himslf about his life. adma is adam; its the real thing -my prince adam lambert.
americas prince adam lambert.

Anonymous said...

The only man that could be Adam in a movie is Adam himself. I do not know of any actor that would fit the part. I love Leo as an actor, and he was Adam's first crush, but he would not fit the part.

Anonymous said...

PLEASE go to Time 2010 poll & VOTE for ADAM ... we have been VOTING like MAD to keep him in 6th spot ... Gaga is #5 but we can't do it ALONE ... we NEED ALL ADAM FANS to HELP ... VOTING is OVER on THURSDAY ... PLEASE COME & HELP US VOTE FOR ADAM!!!

Anonymous said...

thanks to above!!! i've been posting that message for one cares!!!!!!! my fingers are sore....Adam has bunch of losers for fans!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, wait a minute 12:32. I posted the link with instructions on every post on this site and am voting my fingers off... I was sure we could put him back in the #5 spot. At 36, being in the Top 10 is still a huge honor for him.

Anonymous said...

No way , Adam is actor too so if someone has to play him is just himself.

I voted many times, of course I care!!!, I know fans are voting but maybe they are tired because there is no changes the most of the time this polls are arranged.

Anonymous said...

Leo is not good-looking enough to play

Anonymous said...

Adam should play himself and he would have a blast dressing up as he did in early days, but it might be too much for some fans. lol Leo's a great actor, but no reason for anyone else to play him. funbunn40

Anonymous said...

susand boyle fans voted for her 9,000 times yesterday, adam's fan...1,000...what does that say????

Anonymous said...

OMG...People vote for ADAM!

Anonymous said...

ADAM looks adorable with Oz with him!