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Adam Lambert Mentioned on Saturday Night Live!

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Saturday, April 24, 2010

Posted at : Saturday, April 24, 2010

Apparently, Adam was mentioned on Saturday Night Live tonight. The host tonight was Gabourey Sidibe (picture above), who starred in the movie "Precious". Gabourey had a skit where she was a nurse, and was talking about different situations she's been in. She said she had one patient who was "screaming like Adam Lambert".

Credit: mad_world_24


Anonymous said...

that's so funny, NOT.

Anonymous said...

i don't know if this one was funny but at least adam's name was mentioned, good publicity??

Anonymous said...

I didn't find this to be funny too. But then I think she said it without any mean intentions. Harmless.

Loved her in that movie Precious though.

Anonymous said...

not mean spirited... and hey, if Lambert's name is in the minds of the SNL writers - NOT A BAD THING... he would be so awesome on that show. I don't say that just as a fan - he really would be... just that little blurb/skit he did on VH1's Best Week Ever right after Idol ended, about the Tv's switching over thing - he was hilarious! He'll be busy touring all summer - but I hope he at least gets invited for musical guest before another year passes!

Anonymous said...

Adam is known for his high notes and it is a good thing for an artist to have a strong signature. That makes him interesting. If he hadn't been interesting, he wouldn't be mentioned..

Anonymous said...

I know it's all good. He's becoming so famous his name appears everywhere! But Adam sings - he does not scream!!!

Anonymous said...

A good thing overall. The expectation is that people know who Adam is! Even better if he could host

Anonymous said...

anonymous said...yes put adam on snl and glee

Anonymous said...

SNL and Glee! I have the perfect story line for Glee that would be hilarious with Sue up to her dirty tricks,but foiled by Adam.What's taking SNL so long? Maybe they're waiting for some timely funny controversy to poke fun at funbunn40.