Adam Lambert and Ke$ha on the red carpet at the 2011 ASCAP Pop Music Awards
Filed Under (news,pictures ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Posted at : Wednesday, April 27, 2011
According to a press release, Adam Lambert presented the "Songwriter of the Year" award to Max Martin.

Source: ASCAP and Shirleyhalperin

Source: ASCAP and Shirleyhalperin
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Hot, hot, hot! Love to hear his presentation and get some red carpet video!
Please let there be a video. I love this look.
That's the most combed and pulled together I've ever seen Kesha. I make no comment on Adam in fear of being jumped on. There has been lots of snapping in the neighborhood..........JAK
What an honor for Adam! Way to go. And Kesha looks great. I'm a big fan of hers since seeing her last year at Wango Tango. Dont understand all the hate thrown her way. ...... Adamluv
Fierce Adam and sexy Kesha here to make story! LoL
How come nobody know about this presentation!
I hope we get vid soon! He looks incredible! Love how he changes his look. Blink, and you will get the look you like best. ;) Kesha is a good friend of his. They look great and I hope someone posts vids asap. Thanks for these pics!
Adam looks amazingly beautiful as always...oh my he gets looking hotter everyday in every way
Now he's gone from looking like a pirate to a sleazy pimp or something. Just shave the rest off already.
They look hot together. <333 I still love that beard!
Well, at least we know he's back in LA. That's where this awards event was held. I think he's lookin' HOT!
Here are a couple more pics..
I was hoping he could visit Sauli a little while longer in NY. Wasn't that only about 5 days? :(
Was Kesha presenting too or just attending? Nice for both Max Martin and Adam to be recognized.
How entertain and fun is Adam? From Glam God Beauty to hot "American Mafia", his look with the black outfit will take headline in the press. Smart boy!
Another pic of Adam and Ke$ha: different angle:
I need to go Adamoholic meetings. My goodness I am an adam addict. Commit me now.
oops! Not new pic! Never mind! (got excited..)
...oh good lord....can he get any more gorgeous!!!! the man has a million one can do that...NO ONE!
Kesha again? She seems to always pop up when Adam is around! He looks dapper.
Comment away..everyone else does..we've all been jumped on from time to time..Everyone is entitled to an opinion.. Seriously..We all agree on the important Adam is a gifted singer and entertainer, and a beautiful human being. The rest of it is just window dressing! And, and like display windows, changes frequently. Next week, or tomorrow, who knows!! Jump back in! No fear... ; )
Sebert and Lambert. that would look nice on wedding invitation! har har**
Ke$ha looks like she has packed on a few lbs.I wonder how high Adam's hair can get?lol Adam certainly is a gifted singer and entertainer.
His hair should be in a museum. a masterpiece in itself!
Adam honors Max Martin - one of his fav producers. They will make many more hits together. Adam looks great! He just makes me smile with his style, look, talent and positive personality. Love love love him!
This is not one of his better red carpet events.Hair needs trim or cut. Beard doesn't get it. He is usually so together when he makes his red carpet appearances.
Kesha looks like she don't want to be there. Adam looks very stylish!!! Great Hair!!!!
I think Adam is letting his hair grow out again.he looks great with long bangs in the face and longer in the back and sides. He is like a chameleon.
how high can the hair get? No leaning like the leaning tower of pisa.
Max Martin also won for "DJ Got Us Fallin' In Love" by Usher with Pitbull and "Whataya Want From Me" by Adam Lambert, who presented the award to the Swedish songwriter/producer. This is the fourth Songwriter of the Year win for Martin, who also earned the coveted prize in 1999, 2000 and 2001 for writing a string of hits, including "Quit Playing Games (With My Heart)" by The Backstreet Boys, "Baby One More Time" by Britney Spears and "That's the Way It Is" by Celine Dion.
Adam's hair was referred to as Chia Hair as in Chia pet, obviously not considered a good look.
Lots of unflattering comments about the heighth of hair. Not his usual compliments about looking glam. He won't be happy with these reviews.
I still can't get over how much he reminds me of Dave Navarro with the facial hair?
9:30pm I don't think he will mind the reviews about his hair, his theme song is keeping it real.
Just read that Dr.Luke and Max Martin tied for songwriter of the year at the Ascap Awards. Keska presented to Dr. Luke (Tik Tok) and Adam presented to Max Martin (Whataya Want from Me).
there's a Donald Trump vibe going on with the Kesha hair. Adam looks like he should be in a vampire movie! I like his new look!
A nice close up of Adam and his amazing eyes.. : )
@9:30 PM
I have to say, I don't often read the comments on articles...people make rude comments about Adam just to be mean or snarky or funny..I just look at the pictures..and make up my own mind.
Hope there are more pictures where you can see Adam head to toe. His outfit looks very beautiful, very elegant. The jacket is stunning. Looks like he's wearing something like nearly knee high riding boots. They must have very high heels. He is getting taller and taller! Or--the others are extremely short. And he looks awfully thin.
I will not miss the mustache and beard; it makes him look way too old! Like Vincent Price. I think the beard brings out his bad boy Adam alter ego :). Like he's channeling Neil. LOL One Neil is enough. Or, maybe he is getting into character for a 1930's movie actor role? I miss his androgyny and those beautiful cheeks.
Does anyone know where this event took place? NYC? LA? was it last night?
Kentucky Fan
So glad they finished the Tutka roadshow. Adam and Sauli are back in LA.Don't know what Katri is doing, except I heard it was an extended vacation. Did you notice the high heeled boots Adam is wearing? He must be about 6' 3" or more, with his hair that high :)
This show was in LA. Maybe this afternoon, prolly with a party following.
Those boots are Rick Owens and go for about $2000!!!!! Can you imagine what the whole outfit cost him. Yikes.
Another pic from tonite atASCAP
There are 7 full length pictures. I'll try to get them.
@Kentucky Fan
It was earlier LA..I posted the info on the "Another picture of AL from RuPaul's Drag Race...the pertinent info and a link for pics at that time tho...
Go to the next link for more pics!
Go to Adam Pictures.Com & type ASCAP. There are
lots of gorgeous pic from the Red Carpet. Try it.
Here's the link:
Try to get a video o.k. Did you see the Twitter
Party last nite? He must have been on the Red Eye. I didn't see you. I have red eyes too.
Will keep my red eyes open for a video ; )
Oh, yes, I was there..watching mostly..missed the second little one tho. I had a feeling he was on a late night flight back to LA..I suspect that's when he does some of his best tweeting..Thank goodness for Airline Wi-Fi! Really makes those miles fly by!
I'll take any hair as long as it's not the shaved look. Cmon we all know that beard is not going to last, let the man have some fun!
Anyone know if Sauli was at the awards?
Video should be ready soon. They said East Coasters will see it in the am. They don't know
about the idiots who wait up all nite for this stuff. May not make it after last nite. He must be exhausted & I might have to move to LA & get some sleep. The Grammys stink. This is a prestigeous award & happy he got it.
And, loving the lighter brown streaks in his hair.
He is becoming the over the top sex rock GOD!!!
God, Kesha looks like a middle aged woman.
She is so young. Better get off the booze!
Adam...what's your hand doing there?
Neil LamBUTT:)
Adam interview at ASCAP (VIDEO):
@ JAK, Think I said it for you on the above thread. Donald Trump got me going on CNN and my filter was off when I commented on sweet Adam's look. Love the outfit. Beautiful shirt and he can really rock clothing. Elegant and edgy as always. The hair and makeup got me on a less than complimentary opinion. I always love Adam no matter what, as you all know, just thought "more should have been less" face and hair wise. I'll take the licks. Couldn't help myself, when I believe in not messing with magnificense.. funbunn40
Goregous guy - love the way he mixes it up. All good in my books. He looks like Count Dracula!!
O lordy, how high can your hair reach, Adam??!
And your goatee .... can't wait to see your nudie face again! :)
daydreamin -- when you click on your link it says it's a malformed video id (whatEVER that means)
I have to say I am not a fan of the hair last night -- either on the head or face. But it's no big deal since he'll change it up soon. He's already playing around with the goatee and bit by bit shaving it away.
Nice photos. :) Like photos 1, 3 and 5 the most. :)
Shame Adam's hair is so HIGH!! :O
@4:12 AM
Try this link for the ASCAP Pop Music Awards short clip: This should work. It definitely looks the same as the one daydreamin posted...
If that doesn't work, try this one..its a Twitter link to the same video:
Collected some nice ones:
"Tower of Pisa"
"Pirate to a sleasy Pimp"
"Count Dracula"
"Window Dressing"
That is what I call creative. You are awesome folks!! Adam´s is enjoying this!!!
And above should read once again: Adam is enjoying..
Sorry, Ronnie;D
Love this outfit,Rock God! Just think how it would feel if people were talking about your looks all the time. Especially people who supposedly love you. Let Adam do what he likes. He's a beautiful man and always changing it up. It is his beautiful soul, personality and an out of this world voice that we need to focus on.
9:41 PM
If Adam's "theme song is keeping it real" he's not singing it now. He's scarey looking, I keep seeing him morph into Boy George and then Liberace. Creepy and ridiculous to hide his natural good looks behind too too much everything! What is he thinking? Compared to his sweet faced Finn he looks lecherous. Yikes!
Beautiful, Sexy and always so stylish. Love the streaks in front. Somebody cast him in a movie now.
Not especially crazy about this latest look on Adam(facial hair); it just hides how handsome he is(less is more to me). But Adam changes it up so often, that I just have to wait for the next look. He keeps surprising us and keeps us interested. Kesha is another story. She looks heavy with those extra pounds, older than her years and just sleazy. I am sure that Joan Rivers on Fashion Police unfortunately will have some choice comments to make.
Some of you people...geeeezzzzzz....Get a friggin grip on is just hair and a mustache and is nothing when compared to his heart...his talent and his looks...I think the beard is a great look...a different look...a really sexy look...How can you say he looks like a pimp...He looks very polished as usual...very tailored...His hair is gorgeous...I love the swept up look on him....really does show is face and features...Get over yourself people...No it does not hide his gorgeous looks...pleeaassseeee..Yall need to read Adam's tweet about over zealous fans...once who do not respect his personal life and freedom to look whatever way he wants...If you are a TRUE do not care.
@9:41 PM I agree.
Adam is the sexiest man in the world, when he is without make-up, without colored hair and without beard.
Here is the Adam I love:
So you love the 18-year old Adam? Well he´s 29 now and you don´t love him anymore. I´m sure he´s heartbroken.
@anon 7.22
What a load of crap, just because we prefer one look to another doesn't mean we're not true fans. People are allowed to have different opinions..
Oh! I love Adam in any kind of form. Just close your eye, listen to his voice in your heart and he is always beautiful to me. I love his look here and he mention there may be some "dark" element in his next album.
Eva, it's not a question of his age. It's a question to be real, to be himself. I love his voice. I love his character. They are real. Realness is his mission now. Remember what he tweeted:
"My new mission is to keep it as real as possible at all times. No more pageant-style p.c. smile and wave, smoke blowin, fake BS. #Realness"
Adam looks sleek. Maybe he should cut his hair just a little bit, but otherwise I'm used to this look now. Max looks a bit scruffy, but I'm not complaining about that either.
In the Twitter Party part 2 Adam says it does not bother him if fans or media criticise his look,
he just doesn't consider it newsworthy (I presume that was meant for the media).
Adam - I love you for being the wonderful person that you are !!! You are a grown man - it's your face, your hair, your body !!! People should take their negative energy and turn it into positve energy by working on their own self-esteem. When one feels good about oneself, then the need to criticize dissolves. Sending you LOL.
Adam did this to start a conversation. I think he was very successful. personally I wouldn't want the upkeep of a beard, no matter how good it looks. :)
7:48am that's what he said. I hope he didn't wave or smile at anyone on the red carpet, no fake BS or smoke blowin for him anymore.
Oh, come on,9:49. Adam has never said he won't be friendly with his fans. There is nothing fake about smiling and waving to fans when it's sincere, and I think Adam is generally sincere. He never meant that he's not going to greet fans and be appreciative of their support. He never said he's not going to be happy to see fans. He's a social guy. Good grief. He's got a lot of waving and smiling ahead of him and I think he'll enjoy a lot of it!
Adam is real to himself when he´s dressing up and changing hairstyle. He has always loved dressing up. He said he looks twelve with ginger hair and it´s not rock´n roll. The tweet "To keep it real" had nothing to do with hair colour and beard. I think you know that.
Hmm, Another Adam facial hair similairity, one of the Three Musketeers or a character out of a Van Dyke painting. OK, just pushing buttons in jest! Better than Chia Pet comparison! lol funbunn40
@7:28 AM
I understand what you are saying: Underneath, Adam is still the same fresh-faced ginger-haired sweet guy he was at 18, just with much more life experience and a few tweeks to his outward appearance. Deep down, he's still there. Beautiful man, no matter what is on the exterior.
@7:22 AM I think all of us here are true fans,we just have our personal preferences..and just like we are all different, so are the opinions about his appearance, etc. I get what you are saying tho. Adam inspires passion in his fandom, that's for sure!
I saw this earlier this AM, and its a humorous "take" on Adam's current look, which is getting a LOT of attention today..Personally, I like the #2"True Blood" Mayor explanation!! LOL!! Hope everyone can see the humor..I'm sure Adam would. : )
A few days ago Sauli and Katri said they were finished with their NYC work. I hope they came back to LA with Adam. Also hope that Sauli was with Adam last night. Need someone to keep Kesha's claws off Adam. She's always after him. Adam accomplished what he set out to do. Got the media to pay more attention to his "look" than to the ASCAP Awards. Good job, Adam.
Right Eva, he IS keepin' it real - that IS real for Adam. He loves dressing up when the moment's right, over the top fashion, style, hair, jewlery, make up. I think that when he dresses down, he is usually just runnin' around doing daily stuff, or, like when he sang Aftermath on AI, he wanted the message of the song to be the main emphasis. Let's face it, scruffy or sleek, we love every inch of him. And the people who don't like him, aren't going to like anything he wears or grows. So.....I hope he always dresses in the manner that pleases him, like I think he did tonight. There's a subject for a song - keepin' it REAL and nobody defines that but you, yourself!!
Adam changes his appearance to entertain and amuse his fans as much as for himself - chchchchanges!!! He cites Bowie as one of his inspirations and knows that to maintain interest in the business not getting boring is a key factor. Such a clever dude!
he acted like he wanted to devour Kesha. she is a big tease.
Seems like all my comments were removed by admin. So sad, because nobody knows that Adam lost 35,000 twitter fans because his stupid facial hair
However, as soon as Adam tweet that he shaved he got some stupid twitter follows back! this is amazing! Beav lost a lot of his fans when he had haircut. Adam lost almost 35,000 fans because hes facial hair.
Hate these twitter and facebook follows.
I cannot understand what bloody difference it makes it Adam has facial hair or not! Hells, bells, if you love and support Adam Lambert and the off the planet talent he has what difference does it make? Love the man you should love the look.
Adam should have a face wig if he wants one! what's up with the obsessive fandom?
I would've put electrical tape over the mouth of Kesha just to shut her up.
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