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Adam Lambert on GMTV!

Filed Under (,, ) by Admin on Monday, April 26, 2010

Posted at : Monday, April 26, 2010

American Idol finalist Adam Lambert joins us on the GMTV sofa, performs his new single and answers your questions!
American Idol finalist, touted as the male Lady Gaga, Adam Lambert joined us for a chat and his first UK performance of his new single, For Your Entertainment, this morning and hung out with GM.TV to answer your questions.
GM.TV: How did your performance go this morning?
Adam: I had a great time but it’s strange not having an audience in front of me! I prefer that. I’m performing at Heaven in London tonight and I can’t wait!
Alicia: Would you launch your own fashion label – I love your style!
Adam: Yeah, I’d love that!
GM.TV: There should be more sparkle in men’s clothes!
Adam: I totally agree! I call it tacky chic! It’s like Vegas threw up on me and I like it! There needs to be more glam in men’s fashion!
Monique: Is there a certain ritual you do for good luck before you go on stage?
Adam: Not at all! I’m not superstitious about performing. I’ve done it for so long and it’s part of who I am so I trust it.
Michelle: You seem very grounded with a great sense of humour – is it difficult to keep this in the midst of all the madness of being a rising star?
Adam: Sometimes! I have my moments where I get a little stressed out or overwhelmed but then I try to remind myself how fortunate I am to be where I am and how amazing these opportunities are and that’s the pep talk I give myself if I start losing it. That always brings me right back down.
Morgan: Besides your musical success, what is your ambition in life?
Adam: Just to keep doing it and to keep entertaining. One of the reasons I waited so long to really, really go for my dream was that I was trying to find out who I was and I was learning about life and about myself so by the time I turned 27 I had this realisation that I wanted to take it to the next level. I knew I wanted to have more money (laughs) and to entertain on a larger scale. The practical and artistic aspirations kicked into overdrive.
GM.TV: You must be so, so happy right now!
Adam: It’s so great and the fact that it’s all happening overseas now is a dream come true!
GM.TV: How are you finding London?
Adam: I adore it! I can see myself living here. I love the culture, the history and that dry wit that I really get a kick out of. I think it’s just more my style in many ways. I love the United States and I’ve lived in LA for eight years and I have a blast there but if I was going to make a change I’d love to live abroad.
Tom: What was the last single or album you bought?
Adam: I’m constantly buying music but I think the Taoi Cruz song was the last one, ‘Break Your Heart’, which I love!
Katy: Is it true that your natural hair colour is strawberry blonde?
Adam: It IS true! I have no problem with it but it tends to make me look 12 years old! I like how dramatic my black hair is. But I have to wear a lot of bronzer!
Praise: Who is the person you turn to in times of trouble?
Adam: I have a great group of friends and family – I actually consider my friends to be my family. It’s a very tight-knit circle of people that I depend on and I trust their judgement. If ever I need support I can pick up the phone and I have people that I can talk to that put it into perspective for me.
GM.TV: Having the right support must be so, so important?
Adam: Especially doing this – it can get pretty insane.
GM.TV: How do you cope with being away from your friends?
Adam: My i-Phone is like my best friend! I love it! It’s so great when you’re travelling – I can keep in touch with people, watch movies, listen to music!
Suzie: You are so amazing vocally but how critical are you about yourself after performances?
Adam: I am SO hard on myself. If you were on the outside looking into my head you would probably be shocked. I’m a perfectionist and I get so frustrated with myself when it’s not perfect.
GM.TV: We hope you’re not too hard on yourself!
Adam: Sometimes I am. But I think it’s a good thing. My expectations for myself are so high that when I go on stage I have to try to live up to these expectations and that probably creates a stronger performance. If were lazy and didn’t care as much it’d probably be mediocre stuff I was doing.
GM.TV: Do you praise yourself too?
Adam: Sometimes. Just now, I was happy with performance here at GMTV!
GM.TV: We thought you were fabulous so you should be celebrating in London tonight after your Heaven gig!
Adam: I actually think I’m gonna do just that!



Anonymous said...

Great interview and it was one of his best performances of FYE. So excited for Adam.

Anonymous said...

hey adam, how do you make people talking about you? like nigel l. commented, you were the best thing happened from idol, people can't stop talking about you and you incredible talent.

Anonymous said...

I watched GMTV Live this morning,what a feeling to be able to see Adam on our TV Live,
Adam looked Stunningly Beautiful,Hot and Sexy,
Excellent Performance of FYE ,
Adam is soooooooo Cool,
you could see lorraine kelly falling under Adam's spell during the Interview,IT made my Day seeing Adam in our country,Thanks for that Adam,
Glambrit from Isle of Wight xxxxxxxx

MiMi said...

Great performance and there wasn't even a gigantic audience and Adam gives 110%. Love this man and his incredible talent!!!!

Anonymous said...

After seeing the Delicious Adam LIVE on my TV this Morning,I have spent the day walking on cloud 9,
What a Brilliant Performance of "For your Entertainment",
Adam you so spoil us,
You looked so Dapper in your Clothes,and loving you Dancing with the dancers,it really worked,
Adam THANKYOU for making our Lives so exciting and for coming to the UK,
Love you so much xxxxxxxxxxx
UK Lambrit

Anonymous said...

Adam says, "Good by USA"--I'm moving where they like me and understand me.

Anonymous said...

He looked great here-like he was having fun!! TV lady was very cute and quite smitten I think.

Anonymous said...

Great performance.

Anonymous said...

Adam thanks for a Stunning Live Performance,
You are A GLAM SEX GOD !!!!!!
Adam you will always be Welcome to Visit or even Live in our Open Minded Country,
we dont have issues with gayness,glittery Pants etc that you seem to have in the USA....
WE are also pleased you Love our Dry Wit sense of humour,Love you so much it hurts,xxxxxxxxxxx
Glambrits and Lambrits from the UK

Anonymous said...

Me too anon 10.39, floating is the word, fabulous Mr Lambert, best performance of FYE yet.. we are so lucky to have him here in UK, and he loves it here, keep praying he moves here where he is appreciated.

Anonymous said...

Excellant performance

Anonymous said...

We will lend Adam to you but you can't have him. We love him so much.

Anonymous said...

OMFG..Beautiful....THUD !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

anony..11.21....I am Praying!!! that Adam comes to Live or Visits the UK more Often,
Fantastic live Performance by the Glam Sex God that is Adam Lambert

Anonymous said...

Adam was amazing!! Cool dance steps he had..
And the interviewer was really nice!

Anonymous said...

Lorraine Kelly was the interviewer shes really sweet and you could see quite clearly,shes fallen under Adams Spell,like we all have,Adam has stolen our hearts and we thank him for that,our lives will never be the same just much more fun and full of love for the most Fantastic Person to Ever Walk this PLANET,
Thankyou Adam for coming to the UK to ENTERTAIN US ADAM xxx
have a great gig at Heaven tonight

Anonymous said...

Hooray and not a mention about Adam being Gay,so refreshing and how it should be!
its just all about Adams Beautiful TALENT
HOT HOT and Sexy

Anonymous said...

The lady was totally smitten with Adam:) That was so cute! In my opinion this was Adam's best performance of FYE. The vocals were insanely perfect and Adam's little dance moves were adorable. It actually worked having the dancers around this time. usually they annoy me but this time it was cool. that chick with the long hair is slowly catching my attention...;)
Poland Loves Adam

Anonymous said...

GMTV's Lorraine Kelly was so smitten w/ Lambert, I laughed out loud... we here in the U.S. are used to seeing Lambert's Interviewers totally falling under his spell, it's literally palpable! Loved the dancers. LOVED the vocal!! It was an absolutely excellent performance - I'm so happy for A.L. I've been on cloud 9 myself - and geez, I frickin' have things to do, I better get to them!

Anonymous said...

oh, and I forgot - I saw this on the internet - about hitting the GMTV official site:

"...Here is the direct GMTV link if you liked his interview and performance give the Site Hits to show it. ..."

I don't think this website would mind if it helps Lambert's promo in UK

Anonymous said...

GREAT INTERVIEW!!! Adam is so damn personable!!!

mwlissa toronto said...

Best performance of FYE yet. This is the first time I like the dancers. Wonderful interview, Lorraine Kelly is mesmerize by his presence LOL. Adam looks stunning! Its funny that everybody wants to own Adam, we all just have to learn to share haha. Maybe someone should clone him.

Anonymous said...

I love our Adam in the US but I have to agree he would probably be happier in the UK!!!
Sometimes I dont think we the US deserve a talent like him!!!

Anonymous said...

anon 3.53
what a great idea! yes yes yes
i know theres is only one Adam,but if Adam was cloned we could all have one what a wonderful world that would be, oh god i am still dreaming about it,
Adam Glam Sex God you ROCK!!
UK Lambrit

Anonymous said...

what a lovely lady. and Adam, wow,wow,wow. He is stunning. he is just the most beutiful creature to grace the universe. such a treat to the eyes and the ears.and as usual,stunning performance.
thanks the lord for giving us Adam!

Anonymous said...

anon 4.29
from a UK Glambrit point of view, your counrty the USA does seem to give Adam such a hard time???
he really does deserve so much better from the country that he was born in
its a good job Adam has "diehard fans" in America always working overtime on anything Adam
so pleased Adam loves the UK and our Dry sense of Humour,its so important in our everyday life just like the wonderful Adam, UK loves Adam

Anonymous said...

What a great performance!!! If USA don`t recognize the real talent i'm completaly sure that Europeans, asiatics, latinamericans will do,.Adam just keep doing it well being yourself and the whole world will be on your feet, falling in love.

Anonymous said...

Great Performance -- he, his make-up and his dance moves looked so youthful, CLASSY and stylish

Anonymous said...

Wow, he is Amazing! Who else can sing or look that good in the morning? He answers all the same old questions like he just heard them for the lst time. Brilliant.

Anonymous said...

True Perfection!

Anonymous said...

The best performance of FYE ON TV, but I like the performance in Sukiri Japan too.

I`ll never tired to say what a GORGEOUS and HOT our BB iS!!!