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Adam Lambert outside MTV Studio

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Monday, April 26, 2010

Posted at : Monday, April 26, 2010

Credit: _MaiaJ, Dorado_Strange

UPDATE: More pictures at HEAVEN


Anonymous said...

i don't like the last photo.

Anonymous said...

Adam is a Non stop Work Horse Promting Himself and his Fantastic Music with his Stunning Looks,Beautiful Voice and Charming Charisma,
Adam you shall be Rewarded with Massive International Stardom,you have the World in the palm of your Hands,you so deserve this,
p.s thanks for entertaining us in every possible way,we cannot live without you, our lives would be sad, dull and boring,Keep doing what youre doing,
because we LOVE IT

Anonymous said...

anony 6.27
OMG is that all you can say!!!
What sort of rude ungrateful person are you,Adam gives us EVERYTHING but you don.t like the last picture...get a life

Anonymous said...

thats 3 very lucky bitches,sorry i mean ladies,if only we could all have a bit of Adam,sigh

Anonymous said...

anon 6:27....
and I Love it! HE looks stunning on every picture. and the tongue action?...errrr...sexyyyyyyy LOL

Anonymous said...

anon 6.27
PLEASE use your imagination!!!!!! when judging the picture you don't like!!!! get real!!!!

Anonymous said...

c'mon, c'mon let's not fight on this site. Everyone has a nose and everyone has an opinion.
Just leave it at that.
love and light

Anonymous said...

Yes, anon 6:27, didn't you know that you are not allowed to be an Adam fan and have any opinion that differs in any way from a fanbot? Apparently you didn't get the memo. For what it's worth, I too think the last photo is kind of unflattering, and I am sure with that, I will be lambasted too for not falling in line with groupthink. I just thought you needed some company here. And she told YOU to get a life? LOLOLOLOLOL.

Anonymous said...

In pics 5 and 6 it looks like Adam has borrowed and is wearing my black UGG's. I want them back when you're through with them, BB.

Anonymous said...

Great photos. I hope to see the vedios soon. I saw a little on This Bani is quick. I check her site often too.
I love coming here cuz it's all positive about Adam. Plz, let's keep it that way. When we argue it turns ppl away from this site.
Now, you don't want that to happen!!!

Anonymous said...

@Anon 7:08 there are plenty of other sites where YOU can bash Adam. This site is for fans of Adam. If there is something YOU don't like, well keep it to yourself. Your remarks are ugly and rude as I am sure YOU are. Why don't you go crawl back into that black hole you live in and let the rest of us admire our Adam as WE see fit. Moron!


Anonymous said...

instead of picking at each other, why don't all of you start voting today at the 2010 Time 100 poll and help the true and faithful Adam fans bring up his numbers, the top 5 have soooo many more votes than Adam...the voting ends this week, put your typing to better use and help out!!!!

Anonymous said...

love adam lambert all the way-in person hes sexy-hot;; al his photo are good.its adma lambert.

Anonymous said...

Aussie uggs are keeping ADAM warm in the U.K.
... Oh Yeah!

Anonymous said...

susan boyle may bump adam into the 7th spot and her at 6th........seems like her fans are voting......what happened to Adams fans????? the voting stops this thursday.........wake up people!!!!! vote 2010 Time 100 poll.......his faithful fans are trying real hard...but they need your!!! help!!!

Anonymous said...

Iris, apparently you can't read, among other things. I wasn't bashing Adam. I was standing up for another person who got bashed simply for having an opinion about a photo. If any remarks are ugly, it's yours. I am allowed to be a fan of Adam AND have an opinion on certain things at the same time. You, on the other hand, seem to think no one has a right to that, except you. What are you...12 years old?

Anonymous said...

thanks for all the really shows how much you care about Adam....NOT!!!!!!! stop all the pissing and moaning and go vote,,,2010 Time 100 poll

Anonymous said...

Darling Adam - you arouse such passion, as most fierce, fabulous things do!!