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Adam Lambert performing IF I HAD YOU at G-A-Y

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Sunday, April 25, 2010

Posted at : Sunday, April 25, 2010


Anonymous said...

WOW, that was a vocal work out! Adam - you look awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

Adam did a very good job with this.

Anonymous said...

as usual adam the showman! glad tommy is with them in the uk.

Anonymous said...

Why wasn't the guy with the whistle removed from the club?

Anyways, Adam sounded great.

Anonymous said...

Adam looks awesome here ! Also there we a lot of tweets from fan*boys* at the show --YAY for Adam!

Anonymous said...

Yes - a lot of tweets from fanboys and yes again to the YAY for Adam...that's got to be fun for him. The live vocal was awesome as usual, he spoils us.

Anonymous said...

The UK Loves Adam!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What a star! Adam's energy is electric!

Anonymous said...

Another great performance! Adam never disappoints. So glad this will be his next single. Can't wait to see the video and the story it will tell. It should be spectacular.

Anonymous said...

someone should have shoved that whistle down that person's throat....what a flipping idiot..

Anonymous said...

please vote for this beautiful man at the 2010 Time 100 poll...i know it's boring but there are a few days the faithful fans, please help bring up his voting #'s, he'll stay at #6 but could end with a much bigger # like
400,000...right now he has about 364,000 the top 5 numbers are huge........please help!!

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone, i think you are confused with the whistles,
its a compliment to blow whistles at gigs clubs etc!!!!
i can't beleive you didnt know that!!!
it not offensive,you SCREAM at Concerts,Europe Blows Whistles!!!!,its a good thing it means you having a mighty fine time enjoying the sounds