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Adam Lambert performs MUSIC AGAIN at GLAAD!

Filed Under (, ) by Admin on Friday, April 23, 2010

Posted at : Friday, April 23, 2010


Anonymous said...

I love adam and I love this Video...but why do you let the Progressive Insurance Ad pop up and cover almost half of the video picture - this is absolutely ridiculous....not only do I get sick of seeing it on TV but now it's covering Adam and after 2 or 3 clicks to remove it...then it will not go away and it's covering his face - this has to stop!!!

Anonymous said...

please help keep Adam at #6 on the 2010 Time poll..please help us with the voting......the top 5 are getting votes like crazy all day long, not Adam.....please pass it on!!!! the voting is over next week!!

Anonymous said...

I love Adam so much. He makes my days lighter, easier, more and more beautiful. What's up with this man??? What makes him so, so lovable? God, I love him. Probably what I love is that he soooooo talentend and giving, and nice, and loving. That's all he has worked for. Enjoy it honey. You deserve it.

Anonymous said...

anon 9:40 YOU NEED a good pop-up blocker. No one else seems to have your problem. Love and light -

Anonymous said...

spectacular performance adam! the glam strikes again.

the time poll is now finishing 29th april, please help to keep adam on no. 6. we know we cannot catch up with asian contenders they are voting like crazy but please continue voting to keep adam on no. 6.

oh by the way, i downloaded monte pittman's DARKEST DEEP acoustic cd, it's great go and get it.

Anonymous said...


That's the million dollar question. So many people love Adam so much. I have never had a celebrity crush until Adam. It's all good. He is so so lovable. He just brightens my day everyday.

Anonymous said...

Adam is my therapy at the end of a long day. And he certainly feeds fantasies too;)


Anonymous said...

yeah, i have a fantasy that I meet Adam on a plane in first class cuz I fly quite often. but we never get anywhere cuz we start talking and talking and then I fall asleep...;)