Adam Lambert Quote of the Day!
Filed Under (If I Had You,what ya want from me ) by Admin on Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Posted at : Wednesday, April 07, 2010

"Don't worry America: I will be beyond family friendly. Relax and enjoy. For Your Entertainment."
Do you guys have any suggestion as to what song Adam should perform? Since Whataya Want From Me is still the single being promoted, maybe he'll sing the acoustic version? Or will he introduce If I Have You to America?
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I think Adam may well sing If I Had You as it would be a Great way to promote his next single
I would just love him to do FYE just to get at the sad narrowminded bigots of America
what ever Adam sings will be a Dream
"beyond family friendly" can be open to interpretation
lol go Adam
I agree. Whatever he sings, it'll be great.
Although, I would love to see him perform an up-tempo song so we can see him controlling the stage (like he did with Born to be Wild). But since Whataya want from me is doing so well, it would be a great way to promote it even more.
Every article I've read states he'll be singing"WWFM", plus he mentioned it somewhere along the way. So, I'm guessing that's what we'll get - which is a GOOD thing!
I thought it's already been announced that he'll do WWFM. I'm looking forward to his mentoring comments. AI was sooooooo boring last night. I feel sorry for the kids with the judges bickering so much among themselves. Simon seems way off base this year.
He needs to sing IF I HAVE YOU. I'm a bit tired of WWFM already. Besides, isn't he supposed to promote IIHY next? People in America already knows and downlaoded WWFM. It's time for IIHY to shine.
Since WWFM is his current single and is still rising in the charts, he needs to sing WWFM. He needs this song to get as high as possible. In the music business, this is VERY important to his career.
He said he is singing WWFM as the last plug for it. That may move it into the top 10. It would be great if he could also do Strut since he and Kara wrote the song or if not, if he could also do IIHY. I do wish he would sing something that he could smile during the song.
I also like IIHY. It's an "idol" sounding song, and its time to promote the next single...We who love him will be pleased with anything...I just hope the MEDIA will jump on board and start writing about him, and the DJ's will start play-ing his music! It's time they give him more interviews and airtime!!
Adam should just take over the show and sing ALL the songs on his album ......hee hee
I hope it is his new single "If I had you"
Great way to start it out.
"Adam should just take over the show and sing ALL the songs on his album ......hee hee"
That's a great suggestion!
A up-tempo remixed medly might be nice of WWFM , FYE and IIHY-- showing off all the good music on the album...
I red somewhere he was going to sing WWFM.. I wish it were if i had you
another idea,Adam could dress up for each song Glam and glitter,hair up,hair down,suit and tie,leather and spikes,casual,hot and sexy!!!
well it wont be long until Adam is a HUGE MEGA STAR.....then maybe he will have his on cool would that be.......think of the millions of fans that would watch that!!!
yeah i would !!!!!! (*-*)
Hey this is just a thought. You see I completely agree with all your comments, whatever he sings it would be great he just has to show his unique stage presence.
But... actually I think this might be one of those surprises idol has in its pocket for the result show. As in the result show there were always various artists performing to fill the show's time and they were all anounced the week before, right? Usher, Didi, Cyrus, Jonas, Levato... So how come there's only Adam anounced and who's gonna perform also? I mean will there only be one performance for the night? Or... IS HE GOING TO SING MORE THAN ONE SONG?!?!
Cause the last time I checked the news every single one just said: "He's going to perfrom his single, WWFM". They didn't say "He's (only) gonna perform WWFM...
Sounds stupid, right? I know... but that was just a thought and a fan can always dream. can't?
I cant wait for next week!!!!!! Whatever he sings will be amazing!!!! like always!!! he can sing wwfm a million times and i will never get bored of him or the song!!!Your gonna rock the idol stage ADAM!!!
Help!!!!!!i live in the UK does anyone know what day or if it will be screened in the UK??!!
"Help!!!!!!i live in the UK does anyone know what day or if it will be screened in the UK??!!"
You can watch it LIVE online. There's going to be links, I'm sure. I dont' have a TV on campus and I'll be watching it live on the internet. American Idol is a HIT show. People will put it live.
@ anon 12:26 PM
I'm dreaming along with you for 2 songs. Besides if there were another artist, no one would care.
thanks so much anon 12.41
what a lovely family of Glambrits and Lambrits we all are xxxxx
in the UK its on ITV2 a day later than the US and at 8pm. So it'll be on wed at 8pm and then the results on thurs at 8pm. i'm just watching this weeks Idol now!
I think he should do Strut since Kara helped him with that song, plus its got good sound
don't worry adam, they will watch you curiosity will prevail.
support adam by voting for him on time magazine 2010 most influential people.
How 'bout singing Strut since he put that together with Kara and that would be fun for her. Also, Sure Fire Winners would be inspiring for the kids who are hoping to go on in the competition!!
It's REALLY difficult to choose from so many GREAT songs....I'd love Adam to do a medley of some of my favorites: Fever, Sleepwalker, Soaked, and Strut....And maybe even his Idol performance of Mad World. I'll finally be excited to watch Idol again!
I heard he was doing WYWFM - I really think that single has another month or two left in it and might even break the top 10 so he should do it.
Adam... u can sing any songs from ur Album... i love them all!!
Hope u sing more than ONE song coz afterall its FOR OUR (fans) ENTERTAINMENT!!!
i think its gonna be like the Adam Lambert show i'm watching next week and not AI!!! haha...
I hope he sings IIHY because it is very catchy and fun i'd like to see him dancing and perform in a disco stage, something to introduce him in media like a performer reliable that nobody should fear, just admire and its time to promote his next single.
What's this ADAM no Mardi Gras performance?????
Oh well we can but dream! But until the next time (and to please America)we expect something
more toned and yet still beautiful! The world are playing the album and single(s) like time to win the hearts of those who
need to experience the musical magic and POWER
of ADAM!
Adore anything this man sings.
I hope he does a remix and surprise us all! You know you can do it, Adam// show us that this is how I'M DOING!
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