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Adam Lambert Touches Down at Tegel

Filed Under ( ) by Admin on Thursday, April 29, 2010

Posted at : Thursday, April 29, 2010

Pushing forth with a strenuous overseas travel schedule, Adam Lambert was spotted arriving at Tegel Airport in Berlin, Germany on Thursday (April 29).

The "Strut" singer slowly exited the terminal, making time for fans along the way as he readied to promote his debut album, "For Your Entertainment".

Tweeting to his many fans upon arrival, Adam excitedly wrote, "Back in Berlin!!! Woohoo!!"

The previous night, the "American Idol" alum made a big announcement, saying, "Great news ladies and g's: Whataya Want From Me has gone Platinum in the USA! Thank you so much for supporting me! I feel so fuckin lucky!"



Anonymous said...

Adam you are a sweetheart,looks like you are having such fun on your travels,love yer

Anonymous said...

hi everyone, the time poll for 2010 most influential people is out but there was no mentioned of adam in the list. i thought he came no. 6 or did i read it wrong? i hate to think all my efforts voting for him went down the drain.

Anonymous said...

If you go to the Time 100 MIP you will see that he is 6th.

Adam you make me smile. Look who is so un-diva-like that he is pushing the cart. Gotta love that man.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous 6:44 is right. The list that will be published in the magazine does not have Adam listed. What does someone choose whomever they want??? Lea Michele had 4321 with an 81% share and she is on the list. Adam even beat Oprah and she is on the list, but not him. What a waste of our time to vote if they are not going to use name the people with the highest vote and average. What is the point. Well, Adam is a winner in my book.

Anonymous said...

The Time poll was a joke/sham! Adam was 6th but never even mentioned his name in their article; but, they mentioned Conan, Subo, etc! That's a great gimmick to win clicks on their boring site!

By Rosita said...


Anonymous said...

The Time thing is really just...wrong.

Anonymous said...

there was an article saying "adam lambert, beautiful but not influential. i think we should email Time about this.

Anonymous said...

I just read where the winners of the Time poll were chosen by "senior management" and editors of Time. The online poll was separate and obviously was not considered when the winners were selected. You will also notice that many of the winners have a decidedly conservative leaning. The online poll definitely showed that Adam received over 300,000 votes as #6 and if Time doesn't think that is influential, then they are on another planet (and it's not Planet Fierce!) What a sham. I always knew that polls could be manipulated, but this takes the cake.

Anonymous said...

Adam fans. Unfortunately, the name "Adam Lambert" brings lots of traffic to sites that would not otherwise get that. So, these popularity vote-thingies are shams even if one if run by "Time"! Don't subscribe or buy the magazine and email "Time" and tell them that they lied about the poll.

Many sites don't even like Adam but using his name to manipulate people is why they are doing this. Polls are just so they can get clicks or worse, avoid them.

The real Vote--is how well his CD, singles,and concerts sell and since WWFM just went platinum and his concerts have been sell-outs, he's is a winner where it really counts.

Anonymous said...

thanks anon 4:52 i appreciate your input. i was one of those who voted like crazy for adam, i learned my lesson, never again i will get involve with the time poll. i will rather use my energy on something else like vh1 countdown which would help adam genuinely.

Anonymous said...

I will still vote for Adam in the polls that his name appears,but Time Magazine YOU do not get my vote. If they wanted to sell magazines they should have included him in his rightful place! I voted and I WILL e-mail them,but totally agree with 4:52 - the concerts and the cd's that is where it counts the most. His beauty and talent win over everyone! My opinion...

Anonymous said...

Ryan Seacrest's "American Top 5" is a good "vote" place to support Adam I think... Lambert's in the options right now, and it involves radio play which is HUGELY important. Go Check it out, don't have link and I'm rushing, but It's on Ryan's website, and again, has a bearing on radio play!!! And can always support Adam by purchasing another CD if you have the extra money - for car, friend, gift etc.

Anonymous said...

It REALLY pisses me off that they didn't include him in the poll results.
If he came in at #6 how on earth could they totally omit him???
I am canceling my subscription to Time.......idiots.

Anonymous said...

ok, conservatives always have pull in america. it has influenced so much for so long. adam will survive regardless. adam fans rock!

Anonymous said...

Awful. I plan to let the commercial advertisers on the Time site know my feelings --I'm not going to buy their products!

Anonymous said...

please let time magazine editors know how we feel about this, email or write them a letter. i felt misled by this poll.

Anonymous said...

I will certainly let Time know what I think about their manipulations. Do they think Adam fans are idiots? So, from now on I wont read The NY Times, or Time magazine. They've proven to be dishonest. They should have thought how many more copies they would have sold.
((Was it the NY Times that some guy made up an article? Now we know why))
Did they not see how ABC had to back-track and have Adam on the view, oprah, and all those shows, trying to win people back to ABC?

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